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NLWF accepts anyone brave enough to take the Walk of Fame, the first steps on the path to Immortality, but warns: Enter at Your Own Risk!

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NLWF Presents:
The Federation that promises to blow your mind as we lead the golden age of Pro Wrestling into the future! The No Limit Wrestling Federation is like no other, where you will be given limitless opportunities to excel fast as you compete in the Land of No Limits, fighting in the best Blood Sport on Earth!

NLWF accepts anyone brave enough to take the Walk of Fame, the first steps on the path to Immortality, but warns: Enter at Your Own Risk!

No restrictions, no boundaries, no limits, just the sport the way it should be!

Welcome and allow me to introduce you to four letters that will change your life, NLWF!

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The Brenton Cyrus 23rd Birthday Bash! [Part 4]

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The Brenton Cyrus 23rd Birthday Bash! [Part 4] Empty The Brenton Cyrus 23rd Birthday Bash! [Part 4]

Post by Brenton Cyrus October 13th 2012, 8:29 pm

Brenton Cyrus 23rd Birthday Bash
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
October 10th 2012
□Part 4□

Tommy Cornell
Hey John, you think I have a chance at her?

John Greed
Who Alison? I think you’ve pushed your limit with Alison Williams and Brenton Cyrus.

Tommy Cornell
No, no. The chick she was fighting. You think I can mack that?

John Greed
Uhh.. She’s on the ground bleeding.

Tommy Cornell
OH! I see what you’re saying, go for it.

John Greed
Yes, that’s exactly what I meant.

Tommy Cornell walks over to the woman and lays down next to her.

Tommy Cornell
Hey baby, come here often?

The shot cuts back to the dining room where Carver Ocean is beginning to move. Carver Ocean tries to figure out where he is, attempting to gain his bearings. He looks to his left at the almost empty bottle of GreyGoose that he couldn’t finish. The memory of the drinking contest comes back to him. He slowly begin to look to his right where a passed out woman lays next to him.

Carver Ocean
Who- Who are you?

The woman begins to awake from her drunken slumber. She looks to her left at the empty bottle of GreyGoose left by Brenton Cyrus, then to her right at Carver Ocean.

Sheyanne Successful

I am Succesfuuual-

Sheyanne Successful then projectile vomits in the face of Carver Ocean. Both of them stare at each other in their seated positions.

Sheyanne Successful

I feel much better now.

Carver Ocean
I don’t.

Sheyanne Successful stands up and leaves to join the party, dancing it off. Carver Ocean sits, his face painted in vomit.

Carver Ocean
Right, don’t even apologize, just get up and go dance. Probably vomit on somebody else… Bitch.

Carver Ocean struggles to his feet, still in a drunken daze. Before he can get to his feet, the bottom of a mop hits him in the face and pins him to the ground. Carver Ocean struggles as the mop cleans his face off.

Carver Ocean

Carver Ocean tries to get any words out, but the mopping does not cease. Finally, face now cleaned the mop is pulled away revealing the janitor standing over Carver Ocean.

Carver Ocean
Why is there a janitor at a house party?

Before he can question anything else, the janitor drops a card and walks away whistling. Carver Ocean picks up the card and reads.


Carver Ocean smirks and slips the card into his pocket. The thought of losing his RV is shown on the face of Carver Ocean who continues attempting to stand to his feet. He finally stands and staggers out of the dining room.

Tommy Cornell
Greedy my boy! We sure can host the shit out of a party!

John Greed
Even when we leave!

Tommy Cornell
Are you ready to interview both Nick Ridicule and James Shark? In a way that NO ONE has dared to interview them before!?

John Greed

Tommy Cornell
Now we just have to get these two in the same room..

John Greed
Or, you do the interview in party A and I’ll do the interview in party B.

Tommy Cornell
That would work! Which one is party A and which is party B?

John Greed
Well whichever one you go to is A, and whichever one I go to is party B.

Tommy Cornell
Brilliant! See you later!

Tommy Cornell passes the staircase and front door on his way to party A where James Shark and SWAG have got things popping. John Greed heads in the opposite direction to party B where Nick Ridicule and clan are partying.

John Greed
Mr. Ridicule! How are you enjoying the party so far?

Nick Ridicule
You can call me Nick. I must say that I’m enjoying it so far. You saw how pissed off I was able to make Shark. Imagine in entire month leading in to City of Evil, where I get him even more pissed off and show him that he can’t do anything about it.

The shot cuts back to Tommy Cornell and James Shark partying together, then cuts back to John Greed and Nick Ridicule.

John Greed
You seem to have this fight locked and others agree, how do you think James Shark sees it?

Nick Ridicule

Well he should see it as the greatest opportunity of his entire life time. This should be it for him and nothing else should matter. Because if he does not see it that way, he’ll miss.

Camera shoots back to Tommy Cornell rocking glow sticks and James Shark with a whistle, blows along with the song as he dances as well.

Tommy Cornell

Tommy Cornell makes sure to scream over the loud music.

James Shark
Dawg! Was dat a question?!

Tommy Cornell nods his head as he continues to dance.

James Shark

Tommy Cornell

The shot cuts back to John Greed and Nick Ridicule.

John Greed
At the last City of Evil I walked away from the match where Bad Company was delivering a savage beat down on you, have you recovered from said beat down?

Nick Ridicule

Now, yes. But following that match I was more broken down than I have ever been before. I thought for sure I would be able to pass my torch off to Brandon MacDonald, but he let me down worse than anyone. So when I had to pick up the slack he left behind, I was unable to carry the weight of the world on my shoulders once again.

John Greed
Is there without a doubt in your mind that you will defeat James Shark?

Nick Ridicule

I already have.

Carver Ocean stumbles through interview. The people point and stare, some laughing others shaking their heads in disgust.

Carver Ocean
The games not over!

Carver Ocean pushes past people as he struggles to find Brenton Cyrus.

John Greed
C’mon, lets follow him to see if he makes a fool out of himself again.

Carver Ocean stumbles past the front door and stairs into the other party. Looking around he searches for Brenton Cyrus.

Tommy Cornell

Carver Ocean

Tommy Cornell finally stops dancing and drops his glow sticks. He walks over to Carver Ocean.

Tommy Cornell
F-O-O-L! You know, that thing you are!

Carver Ocean
I don’t have time for you to talk about yourself. Where is Brenton Cyrus?

Tommy Cornell points out of the room. Carver Ocean looks to see Brenton Cyrus talking to Alison Williams. As he does, Tommy Cornell slips a beer into the pocket of Carver Ocean. Tommy Cornell laughs.

Tommy Cornell
Well there he is right there. Why don’t you go outshine him?!

John Greed
They say third times the charm!

As Carver Ocean leaves, everyone laughing at him, the shot cuts outside to Brenton Cyrus talking to Alison Williams.

Alison Williams
Happy birthday again Boo Bear.

Alison William smiles but then looks to the ground disappointed.

Brenton Cyrus■■

What’s wrong Ali?

Alison Williams
I’m still waiting for the D.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
You have to wait patiently for the D, we have all night.

Alison Williams gives Brenton Cyrus the baby monitor.

Alison Williams
In case I get into another fight.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Ali, I’ve had something I’ve wanted to tell you for a long time now…

Carver Ocean interrupts, stepping out of the mansion, drunken.

Carver Ocean
Where did you run off to?! The game isn’t over yet!

Alison Williams
You lost! Get over it! Now what were you going to say, Brenton?

Carver Ocean walks down the steps, falling down to the red carpet. He hurries to his feet but everyone has already seen him fall and is laughing.

Carver Ocean
I didn’t lose!

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Dude, it’s my birthday, Fuck Off!

Tommy Cornell and John Greed exit the mansion, trying to get Carver Ocean away from Brenton Cyrus and Alison Williams.

Tommy Cornell
Yeah dude, it’s his birthday.

John Greed
Fuck off!

Carver Ocean doesn’t allow Tommy Cornell or John Greed to grab a hold of him.

Carver Ocean

Alison Williams
That’s because Brenton Cyrus is straightedge, he doesn’t drink!

Brenton Cyrus smiles bashfully.

Carver Ocean

Alison Williams
You saw him drink water. I drank that bottle of GreyGoose and filled it myself!

Tommy Cornell
You fool!

John Greed
Has anyone else noticed Carver Ocean pissed himself?

Everyone erupts into laughter. Carver Ocean stands bewildered. His face a bright embarrassed red. Slowly he begins to look down, where a stain is forming on the crotch of his jeans.

Alison Williams
Gross Brenton! He peed himself! Take me inside.

Still laughing at Carver Ocean the guests, along with Brenton Cyrus and Alison Williams head back up the steps into the house. Carver Ocean reaches into his pocket, removing the beer bottle.

Carver Ocean
I didn’t pee myself! It was this beer bottle!

Everyone has already gone back inside and therefore nobody is listening.
The Match
It doesn't even matter who I fight at City of Evil at this point. You all know that God has returned to professional wrestling and he's brought back that old school fire that you all love!

Despite it not mattering who I face, the want to face Corey Casey seems to be weighing on my mind. It would just be the most fitting match of the show. I can't think of a better way to show the world God has returned, than to do it against the Anti-God of this industry.

The false prophet known as Corey Casey. A guy who waited for Nick Ridicule to disappear for a month before he had the balls to lead everyone elsewhere. The thing that makes me laugh is that no one would have followed him had Nick decided to keep NLWF going.

I remember everyone in wait as the decision of the future of NLWF was being made. Everyone waited on the edge of their seat, expecting NLWF to keep them. That wasn't to be though and they were released to join Corey Casey, in hell.

In a fed where killing unborn children among the millions of other disastrous ideas, was accepted. Where smut such as that has become the standard of production. Where stars are treated like shit, then dropped without any sort of honor.

Two years and that company hasn't made any stars. Something is very wrong about that. What a fitting punishment though for those who would contribute to the death of the NLWF. To be banished to a fed that's dead, yet doesn't realize it has no life in it.

Forced to suffer for all eternity, an eternity of mediocrity and failure once reserved transitional NLWF Champions. Who better to be in charge of such a hell?

You accept this fight and get a final match in the fed that made you and I win.


You decline, NLWF moves on without you, and you're still stuck in a shithole!

I win.

Will you go out with a roar or a whimper, Corey Casey?

Brenton Cyrus

Birthday : 1989-10-10
Age : 34
Zodiac : Libra
Chinese Zodiac : Snake
Location Location : Des Moines, Iowa
Number of posts : 1722

No Limit Wrestling Federation Info
NLWF Record: 63-16-2
No Limit Wrestling Federation Net Worth: $11,520,000
No Limit Wrestling Federation Popularity:
The Brenton Cyrus 23rd Birthday Bash! [Part 4] I_vote_lcap100/100The Brenton Cyrus 23rd Birthday Bash! [Part 4] Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

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