NLWF Presents:
The Federation that promises to blow your mind as we lead the golden age of Pro Wrestling into the future! The No Limit Wrestling Federation is like no other, where you will be given limitless opportunities to excel fast as you compete in the Land of No Limits, fighting in the best Blood Sport on Earth!

NLWF accepts anyone brave enough to take the Walk of Fame, the first steps on the path to Immortality, but warns: Enter at Your Own Risk!

No restrictions, no boundaries, no limits, just the sport the way it should be!

Welcome and allow me to introduce you to four letters that will change your life, NLWF!


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NLWF Presents:
The Federation that promises to blow your mind as we lead the golden age of Pro Wrestling into the future! The No Limit Wrestling Federation is like no other, where you will be given limitless opportunities to excel fast as you compete in the Land of No Limits, fighting in the best Blood Sport on Earth!

NLWF accepts anyone brave enough to take the Walk of Fame, the first steps on the path to Immortality, but warns: Enter at Your Own Risk!

No restrictions, no boundaries, no limits, just the sport the way it should be!

Welcome and allow me to introduce you to four letters that will change your life, NLWF!

NLWF Presents:
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-■HBO Uncensored Presents: Brenton Cyrus Uncensored 3■- -■Part 1 of 5■-

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-■HBO Uncensored Presents: Brenton Cyrus Uncensored 3■- -■Part 1 of 5■- Empty -■HBO Uncensored Presents: Brenton Cyrus Uncensored 3■- -■Part 1 of 5■-

Post by Brenton Cyrus July 21st 2009, 3:20 pm



-■HBO Uncensored Presents: Brenton Cyrus Uncensored 3■- -■Part 1 of 5■- Uncensored

I want to start off by thanking HBO for signing me to another Series, This one being the first of 5 HBO Uncensored shows, going through the week. I’ve done so many documentary’s to build hype for Legacy and Direct Hit, we all love doing our segments, we try our best to entertain. So I hope you enjoy, Brenton Cyrus Uncensored on HBO, Part one of five.

Shadow Demon is my friend, actually he’s one of my closest friends. I told everyone the story about when Shadow Demon lost his match at War Games, I told you about how when he beat Havoc he said he wished Havoc would have tried harder, and so on. Stuff like that is why I have so much respect for Shadow Demon.

And the respect is mutual, he shows me more respect that anyone, even my failed partners.

Shadow Demon also has a love for the business that is unreal, Not many people love this like I love this, but I can tell Shadow Demon wanted to give me a run for my money. During Shows Shadow Demon watches every single match, carefully, he stands by the monitor and does commentary for matches.


Shadow Demon watching The Notorious K.I.D's Match from Legacy

-Shadow Demon-
Let’s go K.I.D, this is the big one.

[The Notorious K.I.D Springboard Moonsault DDT's Delirium onto the mat! The Notorious K.I.D gets up. They lockup. The Notorious K.I.D sends Delirium to the corner of the ring. ]

Shadow Demon-
Nicely done K.I.D, that’s how you do it.

[The Notorious K.I.D Japanese Armdrags Delirium. ]

-Shadow Demon-
Sloppy Japanese Armdrag, I think that was Delirium’s fault.

[Delirium gets up. The Notorious K.I.D executes a Springboard Back Elbow, slamming his elbow into Delirium's head. Delirium climbs to his feet. The Notorious K.I.D dropkicks Delirium to the knee. The Notorious K.I.D moves back to his feet. Delirium gives The Notorious K.I.D the cobra clutch suplex but
The Notorious K.I.D lands on his feet.]

-Shadow Demon-
Very nice landing K.I.D!

[The Notorious K.I.D executes a Springboard Reverse Hurricanrana, slamming Delirium's head onto the mat. Now The Notorious K.I.D standing. Delirium gets hit with a Praying Moonsault from The Notorious K.I.D. Edwin Dale counts the pin. ...1 …2 Delirium kicks out. ]

Shadow Demon-
That’s should have been it, K.I.D should have won it right there.

[Now Delirium standing. The Notorious K.I.D sends Delirium to the corner of the ring. The Notorious K.I.D Japanese Armdrags Delirium. The Notorious K.I.D punches Delirium repeatedly. ]

-Shadow Demon-
Much better arm drag, way to get it done right…

[The Notorious K.I.D Japanese Armdrags Delirium. Delirium is back on his feet. Delirium throws The Notorious K.I.D off the ropes and hits him with a cross-body block. The Notorious K.I.D climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Delirium. The Notorious K.I.D stands up. The Notorious K.I.D hooks the head of Delirium then walks up the turnbuckles before leaping off with a cutter. The Notorious K.I.D pins Delirium. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

-Shadow Demon-
Big win, great match.

Shadow Demon waits for K.I.D to come through the curtains.

-Shadow Demon-
Great job K.I.D, that was a great performance keep it up.

-■□The Notorious K.I.D□■-
Thanks SD.

Shadow Demon pats The Notorious K.I.D on the back and continues watching the show on the monitor.


“Shadow Demon, is the Dark Hero of NLWF… You can‘t help but cheer him on.”

Shadow Demon is the kind of guy that new wrestlers should look up too. The guys who want to make it in the No Limit Wrestling Federation should watch certain guys. You watch Brenton Cyrus, You watch Shadow Demon, You watch old school Chuck Matthews because this “Sex Icon” hasn’t shown the same dedication as the Last Full Measure.

This is respect, Shadow Demon represents the word Respect better then anyone I have ever seen in my life. The guy doesn’t care about insulting his opponents, he doesn’t care unless his opponent disrespects him, and that’s the same mentality I have.

If you show me respect, I show you respect, if you try to stab me in the back, I fucking murder you just because I have the talent too.

So while these little bitches like James Shark who’s balls haven’t even dropped yet in the NLWF, guys like us are headlining the show for the most prestigious championship there is. Not for the money like James Shark who was a pussy and held out on his NLWF contract just to make a little bit more money, but guys like us Shadow Demon who are here to ENTERTAIN, we’re here because we love it, and because it’s the most fulfilling thing we do.

Who the fuck is James Shark? No one, just a guy who weaseled his way into a high profile match.

Fuck you James Shark, you’d be wise to keep my name out of your mouth.

Shadow Demon the time has come, I announced this match while I was still getting ready to defend my title inside the Steel Asylum and nothing has changed I’m still only focused on this match. You put the rumors about my personal life on the back burner, this is about you and I Shadow Demon, this is about what we are willing to lose to leave as the World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion.

I’m ready to die for this title, lets see if you are willing to lose more then me in order to win. Broken right hand, stitched up more then Frankenstein, and my eye socket is broken making it damn near impossible to see out of my left eye. But Shadow Demon that’s only the beginning of the pain I’m ready to go through to retain the World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship.

This is only day one, this is going to be one hell of a week.



Brenton Cyrus

Birthday : 1989-10-10
Age : 34
Zodiac : Libra
Chinese Zodiac : Snake
Location Location : Des Moines, Iowa
Number of posts : 1722

No Limit Wrestling Federation Info
NLWF Record: 63-16-2
No Limit Wrestling Federation Net Worth: $11,520,000
No Limit Wrestling Federation Popularity:
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