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NLWF Presents:
The Federation that promises to blow your mind as we lead the golden age of Pro Wrestling into the future! The No Limit Wrestling Federation is like no other, where you will be given limitless opportunities to excel fast as you compete in the Land of No Limits, fighting in the best Blood Sport on Earth!

NLWF accepts anyone brave enough to take the Walk of Fame, the first steps on the path to Immortality, but warns: Enter at Your Own Risk!

No restrictions, no boundaries, no limits, just the sport the way it should be!

Welcome and allow me to introduce you to four letters that will change your life, NLWF!

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The Brenton Cyrus 23rd Birthday Bash! [Part 3]

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The Brenton Cyrus 23rd Birthday Bash! [Part 3] Empty The Brenton Cyrus 23rd Birthday Bash! [Part 3]

Post by Brenton Cyrus October 13th 2012, 8:10 pm

Brenton Cyrus 23rd Birthday Bash
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
October 10th 2012
□Part 3□

The shot cuts to the party where people are dancing, drinking, and having a fun time. The shot then cuts to outside where Tommy Cornell and John Greed are enjoying the last few moments of their joy ride. They exit the vehicle and meet on the red carpet.

Tommy Cornell
Do you think he heard what I said about Alison?

John Greed
I don’t know Tommy, you have really got to start hanging up the phone when you’re done using it.

Tommy Cornell
You’re right, I’m sure he didn’t hear me!

John Greed
Cause that’s what I said.

The two walk up the red carpet and into the mansion. The shot fades inside, where two party guests summon a janitor to clean up spilt wine. The party goers leave the spot and the janitor drops down to clean the mess with a towel. He looks around, surveying the room then stands up and walks over to a nearby window.

Tommy Cornell
The only problem with a car like that is you could only fit two hookers in there, maybe only just one!

The two Ferrari representatives look at Tommy Cornell in disbelief as they pass them in the doorway to leave the party.

John Greed
I love the red, but I think I’m gonna want mine in black.

Tommy Cornell
So that blood shows when you Greed Kick people and it splatters against the car?

John Greed
Of course!

With everyone distracted by the hosts of the party, the janitor opens the window letting in two members of THE FEDERATION INSIDER team. They hurry in and quickly try to blend in with the crowd. The janitor goes back to pretending to work.

The shot pops back upstairs to Alison Williams desperately trying to wrestle the camera from the cameraman’s hands.

Alison Williams

Brenton Cyrus pulls Alison Williams off of the cameraman who fights to his feet still recording them.

Brenton Cyrus■■

We should get back to the party.

Alison Williams
But Brenton! The D!

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
To D continued…

Alison Williams smiles and calms down.

Alison Williams

Alison Williams grabs the baby monitor and leads the way downstairs to the party, pushing past the cameraman on her way out. Brenton Cyrus and Alison Williams head downstairs. The party goers notice and begin to cheer. Tommy Cornell and John Greed wave at Brenton Cyrus who simply smiles and turns to the crowd.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Everyone gather around, because I have a challenge of my own to make. Before I decided to bring the NLWF back, I looked for a challenger worth of fighting myself for the World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. I challenge Brandon Macdonald, but he didn’t sign on the dotted line. I challenged Death-Angel, even told him the World Title would be up for grabs and it wasn’t enough to get the match. Now City of Evil is on the horizon and I’m left without a challenger for the World Title. This is where my new challenge comes in. Right now, in front of all of you, I’m making a challenge to Corey Casey, to come to City of Evil to fight me for the World Heavyweight Title.

Laughter is heard emanating from an otherwise stunned audience. Carver Ocean makes his way to the front, standing feet away from Brenton Cyrus.

Carver Ocean
Making challenges, while challenges are left unanswered. Maybe if I would have challenged Alison Williams, I would have had an answer by now. I’d also have my pants down, with her down, on her knees.

Brenton Cyrus steps forward, grabbing the throat of Carver Ocean. Brenton Cyrus shoves Carver Ocean until pressed up against a nearby pillar. Carver Ocean struggles for air.

Carver Ocean
…accept… or…. decline….

Brenton Cyrus stares at Carver Ocean, a fire burning in his eyes. He releases Carver Ocean and takes a step back. He looks at Alison Williams, then back at Carver Ocean.

Brenton Cyrus■■

How can I expect anyone to answer my challenge, If I can’t answer your challenge. I accept.

The crowd gasps and Carver Ocean looks on surprised.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
I’ll do something I said I would NEVER do, in order to show the world that I fear nothing.

Carver Ocean
A man has got to step up, when adversity calls! But what happens when the stakes are raised?

Carver Ocean favors his throat, looking at Brenton Cyrus now with a sinister gaze.

Brenton Cyrus■■

What are you talking about?

Carver Ocean
I’m talking about my challenge versus your challenge! You want to defend the world title and I want us to do battle in the game of drink! How about putting that World Title on the line!

Everyone looks at Carver Ocean, then at Brenton Cyrus.

Tommy Cornell

Everyone turns and looks at Tommy Cornell who continues to stare ahead, John Greed snickering behind him. Brenton Cyrus stares at Carver Ocean, then walks away, headed off down the hall.

John Greed
Has the World Title ever been defended outside of the ring?

Tommy Cornell
Not that I am aware of, this could be the first time here tonight!

Carver Ocean shakes his head.

Carver Ocean
I barely got him to accept the game, I highly doubt he’ll put his most prized possession on the line!

Tommy Cornell
He’s putting Alison on the line?

Carver Ocean
No you fool, I said prized! He’ll never put the World Title on the line in an drinking contest.

The shot follows Brenton Cyrus as he goes down the hall and enters a room. He walks over to his championship display case and reaches into his pocket to pull out the key. Brenton Cyrus opens the case and pulls out the World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship.

Brenton Cyrus■■

Chuckthalimule II! Get the drinks!

Brenton Cyrus smiles confidently as he holds the World Title in his hands. He exit’s the room shutting the door, then walks down the hall. He turns and passes everyone as he walks to the dinning room. He is followed by Carver Ocean and everyone else into the room.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
You want to combine challenges? Fine. I’ll the World Title up for grabs, but what will you put on the line?

Carver Ocean looks at the World Title, then at himself. Brenton Cyrus chuckles at him.

Brenton Cyrus■■

You don’t have a single thing of value! Not even yourself. What would you put on the line against me?

Carver Ocean looks at the ground, trying his best to come up with something.

Tommy Cornell
Looks like he called your bluff kiddo, you don’t have anything to call his bet!

John Greed
Yeah, why don’t you just go back to that RV you came here in so we can enjoy ourselves!

Everyone looks at John Greed, then at Carver Ocean who looks up and smiles.

Carver Ocean
That’s it! I’m all in! Everything I have..

Carver Ocean reaches into his pocket and pulls out his RV keys. He tosses them ahead and watches as they land on the table in front of the World Title. Carver Ocean follows his keys and has a seat at the dining room table. As he does, a butler enters with a trey in hand. On the trey two bottles of Grey Goose with two shot glasses covering each. The butler sets the trey on the table and each man takes his bottle and glass.

Carver Ocean
I don’t have to explain the rules, do I?

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
We’re just going to drink, shot for shot, correct?

Carver Ocean
Something like that.

Tommy Cornell and John Greed hurry over to the table.

Tommy Cornell
Dibs on hosting the game of drink!

John Greed
I’ll pour for BC, you pour for Carver.

Brenton Cyrus and Carver Ocean stare across at each other, as Tommy Cornell and John Greed slam the shot glasses down onto the table. They pour a shot for each man, then stand back, watching with everyone else, in pure excitement.

Carver Ocean
Bottoms up!

Carver Ocean takes his shot with a smile and a wink.

Carver Ocean
Awww, goes down like water! Would you agree BC?

Carver Ocean stares ahead with a cocky smile as Brenton Cyrus holds his shot, looking at it in disgust.

Tommy Cornell
This is only shot one, you can’t lose your World Title this way!

John Greed
I think the guy who loses this will be whoever dies first!

Brenton Cyrus looks at Alison Williams, then holds up his glass for her and takes the shot. He smashes the glass back down into the table and looks at John Greed.

Brenton Cyrus■■

Please sir, may I have some more?

Everyone in the party erupts into laughter and cheers as Carver Ocean watches on shocked.

Carver Ocean
Well, I hope I’m worth breaking a lifetime of good choices for?

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
You’re not…

Brenton Cyrus takes his second shot, looking ahead with a smile. Carver Ocean quickly grabs his glass as Tommy Cornell fills it, then he takes another shot, catching up. Brenton Cyrus leans back in his chair and looks at Alison Williams.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
She is!

Brenton Cyrus down his third shot, then a fourth shot as John Greed is quick to refill his glass. As Tommy Cornell pours another shot for Carver Ocean, John Greed beats him to it and Brenton Cyrus takes another shot.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
You had better hurry Carver, you’re being destroyed by an alcohol virgin!

Carver Ocean takes his shot, then he snatches the bottle from the hands of Tommy Cornell. He pours himself a follow up shot, then drinks it down followed by one more which he sips down with a slurp.

Carver Ocean
I’m just getting warmed up!

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Warmed up? I’m completely no selling this!

Brenton Cyrus takes another shot and watches as Carver Ocean does the same. Alison Williams walks over and stands behind Brenton Cyrus.

Alison Williams
You don’t have to do this for me.

Brenton Cyrus takes another a shot.

Carver Ocean
Sure he does, you’ll sleep with anyone and everyone, he has to maintain some sort of value with you.

Carver Ocean takes a shot.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Says the valueless.

Brenton Cyrus takes another shot of his own.

Tommy Cornell
Alright fellas, lets keep the trash talk at a minimum!

John Greed
Let them talk, you know the alcohol will loosen lips anyway.

Carver Ocean takes a shot, then follows it to take the lead.

Carver Ocean
OUT….Shhh… Shhhhhhh.. OUTSHHHHH….

Carver Ocean tries to contain himself.

Brenton Cyrus■■

You feeling alright?

Brenton Cyrus takes a shot to even the score. He sits casually in his chair, not taking his eyes off of Carver Ocean.

Tommy Cornell
It’s either really windy in here or Carver Ocean is starting to stagger and sway.

John Greed
Well it is nine to nine!

Carver Ocean
I’m feeling fine! OUTSHINE!

Carver Ocean throws his arms up.

Carver Ocean
I got it out!

■■Brenton Cyrus■■

Brenton Cyrus takes another shot and stands up. He walks over to the sound system.

Brenton Cyrus■■

I think we need some music to liven things up.

Brenton Cyrus begins playing Outshined by Soundgarden. He starts to dance, then pulls Alison Williams over to dance with him.

Carver Ocean
Good… Good to see… Several of you.. But it’s good to see, you’re handling this so well…

Carver Ocean takes a shot to even the odds again. Carver Ocean stands up and tries to dance, but falls back down into his seat. Carver Ocean begins singing along with the song.

Carver Ocean

Carver Ocean manages to stand up and stay up.

Carver Ocean

Brenton Cyrus stops dancing and having a good time with Alison Williams. He walks over and grabs his bottle.

Brenton Cyrus■■

It’s time to finish this!

Brenton Cyrus lifts the bottle and begins to chug it down, holding it high.

Tommy Cornell and John Greed

Carver Ocean watches shaking his head frantically. He grabs his bottle with both hands and brings it to his mouth, unable to start drinking.

Alison Williams
He looks like he’s going to upchuck! You had better not get any on anything!

Carver Ocean watches as Brenton Cyrus finishes chugging down the last bits of Grey Goose. The party goers continue to shout as Brenton Cyrus finishes.

Carver Ocean

Carver Ocean lifts the bottle and begins to chug it down. He leans back further and further, gulping down more and more, before he falls backwards hitting the ground. The remained of his Grey Goose spills out near him as he lays out cold.

Tommy Cornell
We have ourselves a WINNER!

John Greed

Brenton Cyrus drops his bottle and allows it to roll over to a passed out Carver Ocean. He raises his arms, doing the God pose as the people cheer and shout. People approach Brenton Cyrus to congratulate him, but they are pushed aside by Alison Williams who fights through to hug him.

Alison Williams
Don’t ever do anything like that again!

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
You mean win? Careful what you ask for.

Brenton Cyrus kisses Alison Williams on the forehead as he slaps hands with other party goers.

Tommy Cornell
What should we do with him?

Tommy Cornell points at the passed out Carver Ocean.

John Greed
Want us to dump him outside for you Brenton?

Brenton Cyrus shrugs his shoulders as he leads everyone out of the room, back to the party area.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Just leave him. I’m pretty sure he’ll wake up with a learned lesson and wont be outshining anyone tonight.

Both Tommy Cornell and John Greed nod and follow Brenton Cyrus off to get back to hosting the party.

Tommy Cornell
What a night! What a night!

John Greed
It’s not over!

As the words leave the mouth of John Greed, the attention shifts over to a commotion between Spitta Andretti and Cody Taylor. Spitta Andretti has the shirt of Cody Taylor pulled over his head as he attacks with uppercuts and knees. Cody Taylor tries to push off but is helped by James Shark and V.I.P who manage to shove Spitta Andretti down to his ass.

Cody Taylor


Cody Taylor pulls his shirt down and swings violently, almost hitting James Shark and V.I.P who avoid him. Cody Taylor sees Spitta Andretti on the ground and he goes for him.

Cody Taylor

You son of a bitch!

Before Cody Taylor can grab Spitta Andretti on the ground, he’s blocked off by a wheelchair. He looks a Kaylee Hunter, then at Ashten Cross.

Cody Taylor

Out of my way!

Ashten Cross
Not going to happen, you two have a match at City of Evil where you can handle your business there!

While all eyes are on Ashten Cross, Kaylee Hunter reaches into her cast pulling out a metal pipe, slipping it behind her into his hand. He uses the wheelchair to cover the pipe. Cody Taylor tries to calm down, but V.I.P steps up to Ashten Cross.

You’re right, they have a chance to resolve business, but what about you?

Ashten Cross
What about me? My business is my own!

I’m talking about Ashten Cross versus V.I.P at City of Evil! Why don’t you show people how “Supreme” you are?

Ashten Cross looks at V.I.P, then down at Kaylee Hunter who nods at him, feeding him words of encouragement.

Ashten Cross
I’ve never backed down from a challenge in my life, today doesn’t seem like a good day to start. You’re on!

V.I.P smirks and turns his back on Ashten Cross, getting Cody Taylor and James Shark to back away. Ashten Cross lifts the metal pipe in his hands and takes a step to bash V.I.P to the skull, but he’s interrupted by a woman tackling another woman to the ground nearby.

Tommy Cornell

Ashten Cross quickly hands the metal pipe back to Kaylee Hunter, playing things off cool while everyone looks over to see who is going at it.

John Greed
Is that Alison?

Alison Williams mounts the other woman and starts to pound away at her face.

Alison Williams

Two of the party goers hurry over and grab Alison Williams by her arms. Before they can pull her away, Tommy Cornell tackles them both to the ground. Tommy Cornell stands up.

Tommy Cornell

Alison Williams and the woman roll around on the ground the party goers circling around them. Tommy Cornell as the referee. Someone steps in again to break up the fight, but Tommy Cornell punches the man to his face, brass knuckles wrapped around his fist.

Tommy Cornell

Tommy Cornell looks around at several heads shaking no. Alison Williams and the woman manage to get to their feet. Alison Williams delivers a knee into the stomach of the woman.

John Greed
Does anybody know how this fight got started?

Tommy Cornell continues to make sure nobody stops the ladies from throwing down. The woman attempts to tackle Alison Williams to the ground, but she is monkey flipped instead. Both girls reach up grabbing each others hair on the ground.

John Greed
Do YOU know how this fight started?

John Greed now stands beside Brenton Cyrus who watches on with everyone else.

Brenton Cyrus■■

Yeah.. Slept with FEDERATION INSIDER reporter awhile back and she’s been trying to get back at me ever since. Ali found out and she’s now beating her ass. I’m not even sure how she got into the party.

Alison Williams pulls herself back into the mount position and connects elbows. Brenton Cyrus steps in and Tommy Cornell steps in front of him.

Tommy Cornell
Can’t let you do that BC. I’m stealing Alison from you.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Get out of my face before I kill you.

Tommy Cornell
Alright! I’ll see you around. Happy Birthday.

Tommy Cornell gets one last look at the fight, takes a mental photograph, and gets out of his way. Brenton Cyrus lets Alison Williams connect one more elbow before lifting her off and into his arms.

Brenton Cyrus■■

It’s okay, just calm down. That was so fucking sexy.

Alison Williams looks at Brenton Cyrus, then the two share a kiss.

Alison Williams
Lets go upstairs and check on Claire.

Alison Williams winks at Brenton Cyrus then pulls him by his hand away from the party.

The Match
Sure, I could defend the World Title against anyone in the co-main event of City of Evil and it will live up to expectations, guaranteed. That's not what my challenge is about. My challenge isn't about trying to find a match that would make perfect sense for the City of Evil co-main event, but instead to put on a match that is remembered for years.

A match against Corey Casey will get both of those accomplished. A match between Brenton Cyrus and Corey Casey, I believe, would be even more huge than the match between James Shark and Nick Ridicule.

We have just as much history as the two of them, with even more unfinished business. Not only that, but this would be a match the people remember for the rest of their lifetime. A match between God versus Lord wont easily be forgotten.

Very rarely do opportunities like this one come into reality.

The way I see it is that you have no reason not to accept this match Corey Casey. What reason could you give that wouldn't seem like complete shit? What could you say that would convince anyone that you're not afraid?

Not a thing you can say. I have called you out, with an entire month to go until City of Evil. Over four weeks to prepare for a BC beatdown, seems perfectly fair to me. Four weeks to get into the best shape of your entire life!

Tick Tock

Tick Tock

The time to immortalize yourself and your career is counting down.

Tick Tock

Tick Tock

If you don't take me up on this challenge, the rest of your career you will be recognized as a coward, a chicken, just another victim without the testicular fortitude to accept my challenge.

I'm already tired of waiting.

I want to fight.

Brenton Cyrus

Birthday : 1989-10-10
Age : 34
Zodiac : Libra
Chinese Zodiac : Snake
Location Location : Des Moines, Iowa
Number of posts : 1722

No Limit Wrestling Federation Info
NLWF Record: 63-16-2
No Limit Wrestling Federation Net Worth: $11,520,000
No Limit Wrestling Federation Popularity:
The Brenton Cyrus 23rd Birthday Bash! [Part 3] I_vote_lcap100/100The Brenton Cyrus 23rd Birthday Bash! [Part 3] Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

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