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The Federation that promises to blow your mind as we lead the golden age of Pro Wrestling into the future! The No Limit Wrestling Federation is like no other, where you will be given limitless opportunities to excel fast as you compete in the Land of No Limits, fighting in the best Blood Sport on Earth!

NLWF accepts anyone brave enough to take the Walk of Fame, the first steps on the path to Immortality, but warns: Enter at Your Own Risk!

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NLWF Presents:
The Federation that promises to blow your mind as we lead the golden age of Pro Wrestling into the future! The No Limit Wrestling Federation is like no other, where you will be given limitless opportunities to excel fast as you compete in the Land of No Limits, fighting in the best Blood Sport on Earth!

NLWF accepts anyone brave enough to take the Walk of Fame, the first steps on the path to Immortality, but warns: Enter at Your Own Risk!

No restrictions, no boundaries, no limits, just the sport the way it should be!

Welcome and allow me to introduce you to four letters that will change your life, NLWF!

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The Brenton Cyrus 23rd Birthday Bash! [Part 1]

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The Brenton Cyrus 23rd Birthday Bash! [Part 1] Empty The Brenton Cyrus 23rd Birthday Bash! [Part 1]

Post by Brenton Cyrus October 13th 2012, 7:29 pm

Brenton Cyrus 23rd Birthday Bash
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
October 10th 2012
□Part 1□

“Happy Birthday, you two…”

The shot fades in on Brenton Cyrus, then zooms out to reveal he’s holding his daughter Claire in his arms, Alison Williams behind him, her hand on his left shoulder as she leads the group of party goers in song.

“Happy Birthday, you two…”

Brenton Cyrus smiles as he looks at his smiling two year old baby daughter. He then looks out at everyone else at the party.

“Happy Birthday, Claire and Brenton!”

Brenton Cyrus holds up his daughter, dressed as a princess, then he hands her off to Alison Williams and gives her a kiss.


Brenton Cyrus does the God Pose, then places his arms down at his side. He smiles nodding his head as everyone begins clapping.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Thank you. Thank you all very much. Not just for coming to my birthday bash, but for being here on what is sure to be a night no one will ever forget! The main focus, however, is not on myself. The main focus, is on the City of Evil Main Event, between Nick Ridicule and James Shark.

Brenton Cyrus looks around, then he looks at Alison Williams who holds her baby daughter and shrugs.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Are either of our main event fighters here yet?

Brenton Cyrus looks around once more, this time all the party goers join him in looking around. Nick Ridicule and James Shark are nowhere to be found.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
I see the cool kids are showing up fashionably late. It figures, but rest assured, they will be here, they will sign a contract agreeing to fight one more time, and they will provide the world a City of Evil match that takes NLWF past the plateau it once stood tall and proud on. I promise that City of Evil will be a show that…

Brenton Cyrus is interrupted by his front door being kicked open. Everyone is the living room/party area looks toward the front door at Carver Ocean.

Carver Ocean

Carver Ocean wipes his feet and enters the mansion, walking through the crowd that parts as he enters.

Carver Ocean
Nick Ridicule? James Shark? The main focus of this night? I think not! I think the main focus should be on the man who single handedly OUTSHINED the entire NLWF roster this week! The man who stepped up to the plate when it looked as though James Shark would have to do, what his daddy should have done, PULL OUT!

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
I’ve had just about enough of you Carver Ocean!

Carver Ocean
Just about enough?

Carver Ocean smirks a sinister smile.

Carver Ocean
That means I can still make my challenge to you before you have had enough!

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
What challenge?

Carver Ocean
A challenge to a game! A classy game. The game of drink!

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Carver, perhaps while your head was lodged in your ass all other moments leading to this one, you missed when I’ve told the world that I’m straightedge!

Carver Ocean

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
That’s right, no drugs, no alcohol, and before befriending Chuck Matthews, I wouldn’t even have sex unless I was in a relationship!

Carver Ocean
Too much info.. Not enough answering. I made a challenge, you either need to accept it or decline in front of everyone! Decline and announce that I OUTSHINE!

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
I haven’t accepted or declined, I’m just stating a fact.

Carver Ocean
I didn’t ask for facts! You’ll do something you’ve never done tonight! You’ll consume Alcohol, a dangerous amount of alcohol or you’ll do something much worse, decline a challenge!

Carver Ocean chuckles to himself.

Carver Ocean
Decline a challenge from Carver Ocean non the less…

Brenton Cyrus looks down, considering his options as Carver Ocean comes face to face with him.

Carver Ocean
Listen, I’m not here to embarrass or to even outshine you on your Birthday, with your daughter and her slutty mother watching… I am asking you the most important question of life. Your joy or your sorrow for all eternity depends upon your answer.

Brenton Cyrus stares into the eyes of Carver Ocean in disbelief as he’s mocked to his face.

Carver Ocean
Accept or decline!

Carver Ocean flashes another smile, then backs away as it’s easy to see Brenton Cyrus has now become angry.

Carver Ocean
I’ll give you some time to think about it, you know, enjoy your party as I mingle.

He continues backing away, then he turns around and walks into the other room. Brenton Cyrus looks at the ground, then at Alison Williams who rolls her eyes and smiles at him. She gets Brenton Cyrus to smile and he looks at everyone else.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
I have some thinking I need to do.. Everyone, enjoy yourself. Here are your hosts of the Brenton Cyrus Birthday Bash… “Rough Justice” Tommy Cornell and “The Eighth Deadly Sin” John Greed!

The shot cuts to the outside of the mansion. A red carpet is laid up the walkway, leading all the way to the front door. People are still trying to get into the party, as the line stretches down the red carpet and around the corner. Music can be heard coming from inside, the bass shaking and vibrating things. The shot zooms out to show Tommy Cornell and John Greed standing on the outdoor patio deck, overlooking the entering party goers.

Tommy Cornell
Hey! HEY!! Yeah you! Blondie! SHOW TOMMY YOUR TITTIES!

John Greed notices the camera is rolling on them. He tries to nudge Tommy Cornell, but he’s not having any of it and he brushes him away.

Tommy Cornell

John Greed
Tommy we’re…

Tommy Cornell brings John Greed in close, then he covers his mouth before he can finish.

Tommy Cornell
Wait for it Greedy! WAIT… FOR… IT……

The blond girl below lifts her shirt up revealing her breasts for Tommy Cornell and John Greed to enjoy. Tommy Cornell drops his hand from the mouth of John Greed.

Tommy Cornell
You were saying?

John Greed’s mouth hangs agape. The cameraman turns and gets a good shot of the tits before the shirt goes down. She looks up and winks at John Greed, who points to himself. The blond nods, then does a cocksucker motion with her hand and mouth, pointing at him.

John Greed

John Greed pushes past Tommy Cornell and runs into the house frantically. Tommy Cornell laughs and now notices the camera.

Tommy Cornell
HOW UNPROFESSIONAL OF YOU GREED! Hello Everyone! I’m Tommy Cornell, hosting the Brenton Cyrus 23rd Birthday Bash! I’m supposed to be here with John Greed, but he would rather look and chase after boobs than do what he’s supposed to do!

Tommy Cornell smiles devilishly. A commotion is heard downstairs and the shot zooms out. Tommy Cornell rushes inside and the shot shows the front door where John Greed emerges. He Greed Kicks a man to his chest, sending him knocking down a large portion of the line.

John Greed
Come to Greed!

The blond hurries to John Greed who turns around as Tommy Cornell makes it to the front door.

Tommy Cornell

John Greed
Tommy, this is Stardust!

John Greed introduces the blond to Tommy Cornell who rolls his eyes and slaps Stardust on the ass.

Tommy Cornell
I know that! She’s a personal friend of mine and all of my dollar bills!

John Greed

Tommy Cornell
Her and all of her friends!

Stardust pats John Greed on his head, then she enters the house followed by several of her stripper friends.

John Greed
You realize this is a birthday party for your boss and his baby daughter, RIGHT?

Tommy Cornell
Strippers are well behaved civilized people Greed!

John Greed
She showed me her tits!

Tommy Cornell
Which was perfectly acceptable when you got to enjoy them! Don’t be a hypocrite Greed! You can’t love breasts and be against them at the same time! Well, actually you can. It’s called motor boating.

John Greed stands almost speechless as black limousine arrives in front of the Cyrus Mansion. James Shark steps out of the limousine. He poses as people snap pictures of him. He walks the red carpet, followed by his army of SWAG.

John Greed
Strippers or not, James Shark, half the City of Evil main event has arrived!

Tommy Cornell
Now it’s a party!

Tommy Cornell and John Greed go to greet James Shark, but they are pushed to the side by Spitta Andretti. He passes the two men and approaches James Shark, who is signing an autograph. John Greed steps to go after Spitta Andretti, but is stopped by Tommy Cornell placing a hand to his chest.

John Greed
Lemme kick him to the chest Tommy! I know I can make him shit himself!

Tommy Cornell
He’ll get what he deserves at some point, for now, we watch!

Spitta Andretti grabs the arm of James Shark as he’s handing off the autograph. James Shark turns and looks at Spitta Andretti, a confident smile on his face.

Spitta Andretti
I’m not sure if we’ve met. They call me “King” around these parts!

James Shark contains himself from laughing.

James Shark
That’s funny, cause I thought the only royalty here, was Trash Talk Royalty!

The smile vanishes from the face of James Shark as he steps face to face with Spitta Andretti.

Spitta Andretti
Maybe I’ll allow Trash Talk Royalty into my kingdom.

James Shark once again has to contain himself from laughing in the face of Spitta Andretti, who stares at him serious.

James Shark
If that’s the case, maybe Trash Talk Royalty wont have to whoop yo ass!

With the two men face to face and everyone watching them intently, including Tommy Cornell and John Greed, Spitta Andretti begins to laugh.

Tommy Cornell
You can cut this awkward negro tension with a knife.

Tommy Cornell begins pretending to cut the tension with an imaginary knife. Spitta Andretti lifts his arm, seemingly to take a shot at James Shark, but his arm is hooked by V.I.P.

How’s everyone doing this evening?

V.I.P waits with his arm up locked with Spitta Andretti, waiting for him to drop it. James Shark has his arm up ready to block the punch had it been thrown, but he looks at V.I.P, then at then back at his Swag posse. Spitta Andretti slowly lowers his arm, looking eye to eye with V.I.P, then at James Shark.

Alright everyone, lets calm down.

A wheelchair emerges from the onlookers, wheeled by a heavily tattooed gentlemen with his hair slicked back.

John Greed
Thefuck is that?

John Greed leans into Tommy Cornell and whispers. Tommy Cornell finally stops cutting the tension with his imaginary knife and looks at what is going on.

Tommy Cornell
That’s The Supreme One Ashten Cross! I’ve extremely excited about his debut in the No Limit Wrestling Federation! Very reminiscent of Brenton Cyrus when he first entered the NLWF with his eye on being the best, being the World Heavyweight Champion!

All of the onlookers are now looking at Tommy Cornell, who was practically screaming everything he just said. John Greed stops trying to quiet him down as not only are the onlookers watching, but now James Shark, Spitta Andretti, V.I.P and Ashten Cross who is smiling.

Ashten Cross
Thanks for the praise.

Ashten Cross winks and everyone goes back to looking at the wrestlers.

Ashten Cross
As Tommy Cornell mentioned, I am “The Supreme One” Ashten Cross, but what he failed to mention…

Ashten Cross crouches down near the blond in the wheelchair, her leg in a large cast.

Ashten Cross
She is a two time champion in her division and if it wasn’t for her knee injury she would be the Woman’s World Champion in the NLWF! She is Kaylee Hunter! This is Supremacy, the solution to all of the NLWF’s problems!

As the words finish leaving the mouth of Ashten Cross, a stretch ford ranger limousine arrives. Kaylee Hunter claps her hands for Ashten Cross as the driver gets out and runs around the large vehicle. The driver opens the door and Nick Ridicule steps out, followed by Robbie Hart.

Robbie Hart
Clapping for us already, cuz!

Nick Ridicule
I would have been more impressed if she gave me a standing ovation.

Johnny Stylez and Frank Hart exit the limousine following their sons. A mixed reaction of cheers and boos comes from the mansion, inside and out, as all eyes are now on them.

Johnny Stylez

The party goers can’t help but pop at the legendary catchphrase of Johnny Stylez, turning boos into cheers.

Frank Hart
Stop cheering, none of you had a damn thing to do with it!

Nick Ridicule looks inside the limousine.

Nick Ridicule
You coming?

He waits, then shrugs his shoulders.

Nick Ridicule
This shouldn’t take long.

He shuts the door and walks up the red carpet to join the others. He gets face to face with Spitta Andretti, walking right past James Shark. Nick Ridicule stares angrily at Spitta Andretti, who looks back confused.

Nick Ridicule
So.. Here we are.. Face to face again! You’re lucky I don’t bury you right now Shark!

Spitta Andretti shakes his head.

Spitta Andretti
Man, you trippin! Shutup with that! BangBang!

Nick Ridicule
No, you shutup! I’ve waited a long time to ring your scrawny little neck and I don’t think I can wait for City of Evil!

Robbie Hart rushes up to Nick Ridicule, grabbing his shoulder.

Robbie Hart

Yo mang! That’s not Shark! Shark is behind you!

Nick Ridicule looks at Robbie Hart, then he looks ahead at Spitta Andretti again. He squints his eyes, then looks at Robbie Hart again.

Nick Ridicule
You sure?

Robbie Hart
Shark and I were tag team champs, this isn’t him!

Nick Ridicule scratches his head, then turns around slowly. He steps up to V.I.P and grabs him by his shirt.

Nick Ridicule
Alright Shark, I’ve had enough of your mirror like games! Stop fooling around and lets sign this contract already before you try to get out of it again!

V.I.P looks at Nick Ridicule in total disbelief.

Have you lost your damn mind?

Nick Ridicule
You’re damn right I’ve lost my damn mind!

V.I.P tries to push a very uncomfortably close Nick Ridicule away from him. Nick Ridicule holds onto the vest of V.I.P, who has to use his arms to force him to let go.

I’m not James Shark you jackass!

Nick Ridicule turns to Robbie Hart who is shaking his head.

Nick Ridicule
Is he fucking with me? He’s fucking around right?

Robbie Hart continues to shake his head. Nick Ridicule looks at Ashten Cross.

Nick Ridicule

Well I know you’re not James Shark!

James Shark has enough and grabs Nick Ridicule turning him around to go face to face. James Shark does everything in his power to keep himself from hitting Nick Ridicule, but his arm shakes violently at his side.

Nick Ridicule
That’s the Shark I was looking for!

The two men stare at each other psychotically having the best stare down between the two up to this point. Tommy Cornell pretends to pull out a samurai sword to cut through the tension in the background.

James Shark
I can’t WAIT, to knock yo ass out!

Nick Ridicule
Keep dreaming princess.

James Shark

Nick Ridicule
This time I wont let you!

James Shark shoves Nick Ridicule who is caught by Robbie Hart and Ashten Cross. Nick Ridicule laughs hysterically as he backs up past the two men.

James Shark
That’s bullshit and you know it!

James Shark goes to rush Nick Ridicule, but his crew steps in to stop and calm him down.

Nick Ridicule
That must drive you crazy!

James Shark pushes people off of him, not wanting anyone to touch him.

James Shark
Get off me, I’m sick of his lies! Liar!

Nick Ridicule shouts over the commotion.

Nick Ridicule
Knowing the biggest win of your career was a fluke!

Nick Ridicule continues to laugh out loud in a obnoxious manner.

Nick Ridicule
The only liar is you, lying to yourself if you believe I didn’t let you win!

James Shark goes to rush Nick Ridicule again, getting close this time. He reaches his arm out but Nick Ridicule leans back avoiding him as he’s pulled away.

James Shark
Keep making excuses, you wont have any after City of Evil!

Nick Ridicule
I wont need any, I’ll be showing everyone that you can’t beat me!

Robbie Hart, Johnny Stylez, and Frank Hart follow Nick Ridicule into the house, walking past James Shark who is visibly upset.

John Greed
Tommy, stop cutting with imagination!

Tommy Cornell
It’s just so… INTENSE!

Tommy Cornell delivers one last slice of the tension, then performs a hara-kiri with the imaginary sword.

Tommy Cornell
Alright, I’m all good.

John Greed
I remember calling that second match between Ridicule and Shark, it was as uncomfortable a scene as the one we just witnessed!

Tommy Cornell
I knew Nick had a plan the entire time, I never thought it involved throwing a match.

James Shark

Tommy Cornell
But he didn’t fight back. I could kick your ass if you didn’t fight back.

John Greed
Regardless of how it happened, the only fact is that they’ve each won a match against each other. It’s one to one and they have an enormous task of lifting NLWF back to its podium at City of Evil!

James Shark
Yah, yah dog, you right. I beat Nick Ridicule, Imma beat Nick Ridicule again.

James Shark stares up into the mansion nodding his head. V.I.P nods his head along.

James Shark
I got this.

James Shark walks up the red carpet and enters the mansion followed by his Swag posse and V.I.P. They go to the right, avoiding Nick Ridicule and crew in the left party. The commotion completely dies down as Ashten Cross and Spitta Andretti lift the wheelchair up the steps and enter the mansion.

Ashten Cross
The next even the Supremacy attends, had better be wheelchair accessible!

Tommy Cornell bursts into laughter.

Tommy Cornell
Wheelchair accessible he says! That guys a future World Champion!

John Greed
I don’t see it.

Tommy Cornell
You’re kidding! I know talent when I see it and Ashten Cross is SUPREMELY talented!

The Match
What match?

The No Limit Wrestling Federation has been back for about half a month. I have made countless challenges to those who I felt were worthy of challenging for the World Heavyweight Championship. Not a single challenge has been accepted, instead people want to fill in the blank with excuses.

I own the World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. It is the only belt in the No Limit Wrestling Federation to not be owned by the company. I purchased the championship belt from the company in order to remove names from its history, that didn't belong.

I then held the World Heavyweight Title a record amount of time, with a record amount of title defenses. I became so unstoppable as the World Champion, that I was trying to lose the belt toward the end of my run, yet still couldn't be beat!

I had to forfeit the World Championship I loved so much, just so that the world could go on without me. The problem is, the world wasn't ready to move on without me. I thought if I hand picked the guy to replace me in this industry, that things would go on smoothly.

I was wrong. I was wrong to forfeit the World Championship, I was wrong with who I picked to put over, I was wrong and I have to live with that and all the consequences due to that.

It's all my fault and though I was unable to take responsibility following passing the torch, the truth has weighed on me and my mind for years now.

My decisions, ruined this company. Sure, it took a year for my choices to kill the federation, but it was still my choices none the less. I'm the reason Corey Casey is who he is. I'm the reason for Nick Ridicule. I'm the man who drove Chuck Matthews into the psychotic paranoia that is now his life.

I feel though, that I have paid the price for my decisions. Like I can just let go of all of that now.

I can start fresh.

All of the pain that I had to go through. It can just go away. The knife wounds in my back from those who were able to get close enough to cut me, they have healed and vanished.

I feel the way that I felt at the end of 2008, at the start of 2009. When I was Brenton Cyrus "Hollywood Hot Shot"

When I was the fastest rising star in this company. When I didn't take shit from anyone and I buried those who stood against me. When I OWNed the world and allowed everyone else to take part in it.

What happened to me?

They were able to penetrate my, what did Carmine once call it? An impenetrable fortress! They got to me and broke me down from the inside, out. But I have spent years getting myself back, regaining the man, the myth, the legend.

That's who will be showing up at City of Evil this year. Not a guy who plans on losing matches, forfeits World Titles, or any other bullshit! I am here to put foot to face, to punt kick skulls!

I have challenged everyone I could, but only one challenge is one that I want to see come to be. I want Brenton Cyrus versus Corey Casey at City of Evil for the World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship!

Where it all began between the two of us, it should all come to an end!

Now is your chance to cement any legacy you think you have!

I'll be waiting for your answer!

Brenton Cyrus

Birthday : 1989-10-10
Age : 34
Zodiac : Libra
Chinese Zodiac : Snake
Location Location : Des Moines, Iowa
Number of posts : 1722

No Limit Wrestling Federation Info
NLWF Record: 63-16-2
No Limit Wrestling Federation Net Worth: $11,520,000
No Limit Wrestling Federation Popularity:
The Brenton Cyrus 23rd Birthday Bash! [Part 1] I_vote_lcap100/100The Brenton Cyrus 23rd Birthday Bash! [Part 1] Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

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