NLWF Presents:
The Federation that promises to blow your mind as we lead the golden age of Pro Wrestling into the future! The No Limit Wrestling Federation is like no other, where you will be given limitless opportunities to excel fast as you compete in the Land of No Limits, fighting in the best Blood Sport on Earth!

NLWF accepts anyone brave enough to take the Walk of Fame, the first steps on the path to Immortality, but warns: Enter at Your Own Risk!

No restrictions, no boundaries, no limits, just the sport the way it should be!

Welcome and allow me to introduce you to four letters that will change your life, NLWF!


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NLWF Presents:
The Federation that promises to blow your mind as we lead the golden age of Pro Wrestling into the future! The No Limit Wrestling Federation is like no other, where you will be given limitless opportunities to excel fast as you compete in the Land of No Limits, fighting in the best Blood Sport on Earth!

NLWF accepts anyone brave enough to take the Walk of Fame, the first steps on the path to Immortality, but warns: Enter at Your Own Risk!

No restrictions, no boundaries, no limits, just the sport the way it should be!

Welcome and allow me to introduce you to four letters that will change your life, NLWF!

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-■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs■- -RP 4-

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-■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs■- -RP 4- Empty -■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs■- -RP 4-

Brenton Cyrus Presents: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs: Exclusive
Salvation [vs] Joe Santiago and Jake Stunner

Marissa Johnson: It is time for are Main event of the night!

The crowed pops with the upcoming match

Marissa Johnson: And it is for the Universal Tag-Team Championships…Introducing first the challengers, representing Salvation…Chuck Matthews and Brenton Cyrus!!!

Dirty little secret
Dirty little lies.
Say your prayers and comb your hair
Save your soul tonight.

Drift among the faithful
Bury your desires.
Aberrations fill your head
You need a place to hide
And I am...

Do you remember me?
And the kid I used to be?
Do you remember me?

Brenton Cyrus and Chuck Matthews emerge from the backstage area head pointed down as they slowly walks down the ramp

-■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs■- -RP 4- SalvationOWNEntrance

When your world’s come crashing down
I want to relive.
(Your god ain't looking down on me!)

I’m not Jesus
Jesus wasn’t there!

You confess it all away
But it’s only shit to me
(Your god ain't looking down on me!)

I’m not Jesus
I will not forgive!

Cyrus enters the ring and climbs to the top rope He does his Jesus Christ pose as fireworks go of behind him, shaped like a crucifix

No I won’t!
No I won’t.

I thought you were a good man
I thought you talked to god.
You hippocratic, messianic, and child abusing-turned-satanic.

Do you remember me?
Do you remember me?
And the kid I used to be?
Do you remember?

Do you remember?

Marissa Johnson: Introducing next, he is one half of the NLWF Universal Tag Team champions…GIVE IT UP FOR JAKE STUNNER!!!

"Wherein Lies Continue" begins to pump over the Public Address system. The lights begin to flicker along to the drum pattern of the song, then the entire building goes dark. When "Thou Shalt Not" is growled, all the lights come back on and a bright white explosion of pyro shoots off from the titantron and Jake Stunner walks out from behind the curtain and stands in the middle of the stage. He basks in the reaction of the fans, whether good or bad, and closes his eyes and takes a deep, relaxing breath. He then he begins to walk towards the ring, stopping intermittently to slap hands with the crowd on either side of the walkway. He jogs up the ring stairs and climbs onto the top turnbuckle and faces the center of the ring and stands up with his arms outstretched, soaking in the crowd's excitement and emotion. He jumps from the turnbuckle and tosses his beanie into the crowd. He hands his glasses to the announcer and takes off his dog tag and clutches it in both hands and kisses it and then hands it to the announcer. He then goes to one of the corners and squats down against it and awaits his opponent/stares down his opponent.

-■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs■- -RP 4- StunnerNewEntrance

Marissa Johnson: And introducing next, he is One Half of the Universal Tag Team champions, and also the current World Heavyweight Champion…He is the Darkest Burning Star…JOE SANTIAGO!!!

Pyros explode in such force of gold and white as the smoke arises from the entrance ramp. The image behind the smoke screen is the representation of Puerto Rico on a flag, that's wrapped equally around the body of Joe Santiago. The jolt of electricity from the verse of track sends Joe into a shadow boxing mode before spreading his arms out like a cross quickly before yanking them down as he jumps up and down in excitement.

The bandana around his forehead that he sports, he tosses it into the crowd before rushing to the ring and sliding in with a few rolls. Popping up, he celebrates in the corner, standing up on the second ropes, pointing his index finger up in the air. Dropping back down, he moves around the ring, loosening up before his opponent makes their way out.

-■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs■- -RP 4- ThrillerEntrance

The tag belts are lifted up as the ref stands between the two teams, watching the belt up. As soon as its in the right spot, the ref calls for the bell, and backs away. The two teams charge at each other, Joe going for Cyrus, and Jake going for Chuck. Joe tackles down Cyrus, and begins brawling with him, as Jake and Chuck begin exchanging punches. Chuck dodges a right and kicks Jake between the legs. He then bounces off of the closest ropes, and nails him with a bulldog. On the other side of the ring, Joe has gotten the upper hand, and is now sitting on Cyrus, raining down the punches. Cyrus manages to dodge a punch, and hits Joe with a headbutt. Chuck then comes up behind Joe with a chair in hand, and slams him in the head with it! Joe falls off Cyrus, as Chuck begins stomping him. A cut appears on Joe's head, were Chuck had hit him with the chair, and blood begins pouring out of it.

Joey: My oh my, Joe Santiago appears to be busted open only minutes into this TLC match!

Cyrus gets up and brushes himself off, before telling Chuck to get a ladder from outside. Chuck accepts, and hands Cyrus the chair. Jake slowly begins to get to his feet, and Cyrus sees. Cyrus rushes at Jake, the chair raised, but Jake kicks him in the midsection, knocking the air out of him. Cyrus backs away, holding his stomach in pain. Jake takes advantage of this, and grabs the chair from him. Jake hits Cyrus in the side with the chair, and then guillotines him on it! Cyrus falls back, clutching his throat just as Chuck slides in the ring, holding a ladder folded up in his hands. As Chuck charges at him, Jake throws away the chair, and ducks under the ladder. He grabs Chuck's leg, and flapjack's him onto the top rope! The ladder falls to the outside, as both men fall to the ground. Joe is back up, and so is Jake. Joe nods at Jake, and they both slide out the ring. They both grab table's positioned on the outside, fold them up, and bring them into the ring. Joe and Jake set up their respective tables, as they glance at the grounded Salvation.

Joey: Jake and Santiago are looking to finish off Salvation now!

Brian: I don’t get it, why wouldn’t they just climb the ladder?

Joey: Because they are going to make sure Salvation cant stop them getting the titles unhooked, Brian.

Brian: No shit.

Joe and Jake place each member of Salvation on a table, and climb the closest turnbuckle to each of the table's. Joe aims for Cyrus, and Jake aims for Chuck. But Cyrus suddenly rolls off of his table, and grabs Joe's leg, causing him to straddle the turnbuckle! Jake leaps the turnbuckle in a moonsault, but Chuck is already up, and nails him with a dropkick in mid air! Jake falls just inches away from the table, as Cyrus lifts Joe up to his feet on the top turnbuckle! Cyrus stands behind Joe, and lifts him up into a back suplex, but at the last second, he turns it into a downward clothesline, driving him and Joe through a pair of double stacked table's on the opposite side of the ring! Re-Awakening!

Joey: OH MY GOD! Cyrus nailed Joe with the Re-Awakening thought two tables!

Brian: He looked like he enjoyed doing it too!

Joey: Can we just leave Brenton's sexuality out of this?

Chuck walks over to the turnbuckle Cyrus leaped off and looks down in amazement at the broken bodies of Brenton Cyrus and Joe Santiago. Jake slowly gets to his feet, and as sneakily as he can, slides to the outside and grabs a ladder. He folds it up and slides it halfway inside the ring, but as he does, Chuck turns around, runs up to the ladder, and jumps on it! Causing the ladder to flip up in a sea-saw motions, and hit Jake hard in the jaw! Jake staggers to the crowd barrier, clutching his chin, as Chuck pulls the ladder inside the ring. He quickly positions it in the centre of the ring. He begins climbing it urgently, as soon as he is at the top, Jake rolls into the ring. Jake walks up to Chuck, and clubs him in the back. Chuck lets go of the titles, as Jake crawls up the ladder with him. They begin trading punches, and Jake grabs Chuck's head and slams it into the ladder rung. Chuck sways unsteadily, and Jake grabs him, and nails him with a Russian leg sweep off of the ladder!

Joey: Jake Stunner just manages to keep Chuck from winning the match for Salvation there, but how long can he keep it up?

On the outside, Cyrus slowly begins to move, grabbing onto the ring apron. He slowly pulls himself up to his feet. He glances down at the body of Joe Santiago, and grins. Joe slowly begins to crawl to his knees, as Cyrus backs away, preparing to punt him in the head! The crowd boo, almost in horror, as Joe gets to his knees. But suddenly, out of nowere, Jake Stunned flies over the ropes, and collects Brenton Cyrus with a crossbody, to cheers from the crowd! Jake slowly gets up, and helps Joe to his feet. Jake grabs a nearby ladder, folds it, and slides in the ring with it. Joe manages to slide in too, and Jake sets up the ladder next to the one Chuck set up. Jake begins to climb it, and Joe climbs the other ladder. Both men climb slowly, Joe a little bit slowler than Jake. Jake gets to the top of his ladder, just as Chuck gets to his feet! Chuck pushes on the ladder, and sends Jake flying to the outside, crashing through a table!

Joey: And Stunner takes a fall!

Brian: Now I bet Chuck enjoyed THAT!

The ladder comes to rest of the far ropes, as Joe Santiago reaches the top of his ladder! Chuck grabs the bent over ladder, and straightens it up. He begins climbing it, as Joe reaches for the belt! Chuck nails Joe with a hard right to the stomach, causing him to let go of the belts. Chuck then hits him with a left, and Joe fires back with a right! Both the men begin trading punches, as unknown to them, Brenton Cyrus sneaks in the ring. As he does, Joe gains the advantage, and nails Chuck right in the face with a right! Chuck staggers, and holds onto his nose, as Joe lays both hands on the belts, he is about to pull them down when Cyrus pushes over his ladder! But Joe holds onto the belts! Cyrus stares on in amazment, as Joe hangs from the tag team belts. Cyrus is about to grab him, but Chuck shakes his head. Chuck prepares himself, and leaps off his ladder, and nails Joe with the Mattews Spear in mid air!! Chuck and Joe crash down in a heap, as Cyrus stares in amazement again and the crowd erupts in chants of: HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT!


Brian: Do you need to be so squeamish all the time?


Brian: And?

Cyrus snaps out of it, and sets up the ladder Joe used to be on. He begins to climb it slowly, feeling the effects of the match. Cyrus slowly, slowly gets to the top, as the crowd erupt in boo's. Cyrus leans over the ladder and grins, before reaching up and grabbing onto the tag titles. He begins to tug on them, as Jake Stunner climbs in the ring! Jake has a chair in hand, and climbs up the ladder as quickly as he can. Cyrus almost has unhooked the belts, when Jake nails him in the head with the chair! Jake climbs up, and reaches for the belts as Cyrus sways dangerously on the side of the ladder. Jake has half of the titles in one hand, and the chair in the other, as Cyrus sways back onto the ladder, and nails him with a right, and then a left. Jake now sways off the side of the ladder, and Cyrus takes advantage. Cyrus grabs the chair out of Jake's hand and hits him right between the eyes with it! Jake begins bleeding as Cyrus throws the chair away. Cyrus grabs Jake by the arm, and swings him, arm drag style, off of the ladder! Jake flips in mid air and crashes through the table he had set up earlier!

Joey: Come on, someone stop Cyrus...Anyone!

Cyrus then grins again, and reaches up to the titles. Chuck joins him on the ladder, and they both pull down a title each! The crowd erupts in boo's, as Salvation hold up their titles on the ladder.

Joey: Goddamn it!

Brian: Calm down man, they won it fair and square, Carmine didn‘t even have to screw anyone this time around

Joey: For the first time this year.

Just then recent pick up Jeff Angel rushes down the ramp looking to get him some of Salvation but gets dropped from behind by Alex Mark. Brenton Cyrus rolls out the ring to join on the attack of Jeff Angel. Alex gets Jeff up and tosses him to Brenton who drops Brenton with the Re-Awakening on to the steel ramp! Chuck is looking to get him some, but before he gets out of the ring we watch as another new kid Chad Vargas jumps over the guard railing and slides into the ring Chuck turns around to see why the crowed is cheering and Chad levels the No Limit Champion with a deadly Guitar shot!

Joey: That’s Chad Vargas! He just laid out the No Limit Champion!

Chad holds up the No Limit championship in the center of the ring, before dropping it and rolling out of harms way as Salvation slides into the ring.


Brain: I guess the new kids are hurting each other, aye Joe

Joey: I guess so…Were out of time folks, well see you next week as Direct Hit TEN airs live on HBO!

Brian: Good night everyone!

-■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs■- -RP 4- DHendnew
Brenton Cyrus

Birthday : 1989-10-10
Age : 34
Zodiac : Libra
Chinese Zodiac : Snake
Location Location : Des Moines, Iowa
Number of posts : 1722

No Limit Wrestling Federation Info
NLWF Record: 63-16-2
No Limit Wrestling Federation Net Worth: $11,520,000
No Limit Wrestling Federation Popularity:
-■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs■- -RP 4- I_vote_lcap100/100-■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs■- -RP 4- Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

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-■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs■- -RP 4- :: Comments


Post September 12th 2009, 12:57 pm by Brenton Cyrus

I charged the ring and slid in, Chad Vargas rolled out and ran jumping back over the guardrail, I locked eyes with him.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■

Alex grabbed a steel chair and rushed after him, he was fast as lighting, Chad Vargas ran for his life. I hurried over to Chuck and kneeled down next to him. His eyes opened, glazed over, he blinked several times trying to shake the cobwebs from that brutal TLC match, and the guitar shot that followed.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
You alright buddy?

Chuck looked at me and smiled a bit.

■■Chuck Matthews■■
Who the fuck was that! Who hits someone with a guitar?

I laughed and shrugged my shoulders.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Apparently that guy does, honestly, I think it was Larry the Cable guy.

I reached down my hand and Chuck reached up his, I lifted him up and we smiled shaking our heads.

■■Chuck Matthews■■
Seriously, how many times am I going to get hit by guitars? Why couldn’t he have hit Alex?

I laughed again and began looking at the damage around ringside. Broken Tables, damaged ladders, dented chairs, and the bodies of Joe Santiago and Jake Stunner.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
That Matthews spear to Santiago, the one where he was hanging onto the belts, that was amazing bro, you stole the show tonight bro.

■■Chuck Matthews■■
They still call it the Matthews Spear? Fuck, I was hoping that would stay in RWF.

I shook hands with Chuck, and we hugged,. Referee Edwin Dale entered the ring and handed us our newly won Tag Team Titles. We turned and raised them above our heads, as fans began to leave the arena. I looked at Chuck who was staring at Jake Stunner on the floor, bleeding, laying on broken table pieces.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
What’s up man?

■■Chuck Matthews■■
I hate these assholes.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
That’s why we’re terminating them…

I looked at Joe Santiago, then at Jake Stunner.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Let’s whoop their ass some more.

Chuck smiled at me, I dropped down and rolled out of the ring, then charged Jake Stunner and punt kicked him to the skull, knocking him out. I pointed up to the rafters and waved my hand, they lowered down two large crosses. I dragged an unconscious Jake Stunner off of the broken table pieces, then rolled him into the ring. Chuck stomped Jake Stunner to the face a few times as I climbed to the top rope to look for Alex.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Get Santiago, we’re crucifying his ass too!

Chuck got excited and went to get Joe, while I continued searching for Vargas and Mark. I heard the smash of a steel chair, then looked at Chuck who blasted Santiago. I looked around the arena, at the few hundred people who did leave and smiled. Chuck Matthews slid Joe Santiago into the ring. I jumped down and grabbed Jake Stunner, and began positioning him on the cross while Chuck Matthews did the same thing to Joe Santiago. Once we had them positioned on the crosses, I motioned for them to lift them back up.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Here comes Vargas!

I could see him charging down the aisle way out of the corner of my eye, I side stepped to the center of the ring while Chuck dropped down into the corner. I stood tall with a smiled on my face, Chad Vargas leaped over the guardrail, Alex following close behind. Chad slid into the ring, I waved at him, then watched Chuck Spear him, whip lashing his entire body, from the unexpected impact.

■■Chuck Matthews■■
Let’s see you swing a guitar now you piece of shit!

Alex entered the ring, breathing hard.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
You alright?

■■Alex Mark■■
That dude is fast!

Alex got on top of Vargas and put him in a camel clutch, Chuck pointed at me. I dropped back into the corner, then looked up at Stunner and Santiago. I charged and punt kicked Chad Vargas out of the submission hold, separating him from his senses. We grabbed our tag team titles and left the ring, walking up the stage side by side. We stopped at the top of the stage and held our titles up one last time, while Alex motioned for some future gold around his waste as Direct Hit ended.

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