NLWF Presents:
The Federation that promises to blow your mind as we lead the golden age of Pro Wrestling into the future! The No Limit Wrestling Federation is like no other, where you will be given limitless opportunities to excel fast as you compete in the Land of No Limits, fighting in the best Blood Sport on Earth!

NLWF accepts anyone brave enough to take the Walk of Fame, the first steps on the path to Immortality, but warns: Enter at Your Own Risk!

No restrictions, no boundaries, no limits, just the sport the way it should be!

Welcome and allow me to introduce you to four letters that will change your life, NLWF!


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NLWF Presents:
The Federation that promises to blow your mind as we lead the golden age of Pro Wrestling into the future! The No Limit Wrestling Federation is like no other, where you will be given limitless opportunities to excel fast as you compete in the Land of No Limits, fighting in the best Blood Sport on Earth!

NLWF accepts anyone brave enough to take the Walk of Fame, the first steps on the path to Immortality, but warns: Enter at Your Own Risk!

No restrictions, no boundaries, no limits, just the sport the way it should be!

Welcome and allow me to introduce you to four letters that will change your life, NLWF!

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-■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs■- -RP 2-

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-■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs■- -RP 2- Empty -■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs■- -RP 2-

-■†Tables, Ladders, and Chairs†■-

-■†Undisputed Tag Team Titles†■-

“Brenton Cyrus was being booked against the best, while Chuck Matthews was the king of midcard…”

“…watching them fight Jake Stunner and Joe Santiago was really them showing they were the best tag team…”

“…This was the night Brenton Cyrus showed the world that he could be World Champion.”

-■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs■- -RP 2- BrentonCyrusPresents
-■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs■- -RP 2- NewKidsHurtingEachother

Going into a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match this week, for the Undisputed Tag Team Titles, reminded me of the first time I was in a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match. It was Direct Hit IX, and Salvation was dominating in ways never before seen In wrestling. Fresh of my War Games victory against Johnny Styles, followed by a King of the Throne qualifying win against Tapido Delevega, I had all the momentum I needed. I knew winning a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match would make me the favorite to win at the King of the Throne Ladder Cage Match, so I knew I had to really beat down Joe Santiago and Jake Stunner. This is April 12th, before I was the World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion, before I won the Global Annihilation Tournament, this is the night Salvation officially became Tag Team Champions.

April 12th 2009


I woke up and looked at Ali who was knocked out next to me, we had been dating a little over a month, and I was completely in love with her, but we weren’t officially boyfriend and girlfriend yet, Alison said she didn’t like the way it sounded. She had a problem with committing to any one person she told me, and I told her I was ok with that, even though I wasn’t. I shut off my alarm five minutes before it went off, I hated waking Ali up, especially after a night of sex, I wanted her to be well rested.

I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom to get ready, I had a flight to Ohio at 7:00am and because I had spent so much time with Alison Friday night, I wasn’t packed at all or ready at all.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Ali… Baby… I need to leaves soon, I need to fly to New York for Direct Hit today.

■■Alison Williams■■
Why did you wake me up?

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
I just wanted to talk to you once more before I left… Hey, I have a crazy idea, why don’t you come to New York with me?

Alison sat up in bed, her eyes were suddenly wide open, and she didn’t seem to sleepy anymore.

■■Alison Williams■■
Are you out of your mind?

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Probably but it doesn’t change anything, I still want you to come with me.

Alison cracked a half smile, she hated when I made her laugh, she would fight back laughter on a daily bases.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■

■■Alison Williams■■
Brenton… I can’t go to Ohio with you on 5 minutes notice, plus we’re not even together! You’re just a friend who I go out with, have a good time with, then have amazing sex with! Maybe if I was your girlfriend I would go…

I interrupted her without even thinking, the words just flew out of my mouth

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Be my girlfriend then…

■■Alison Williams■■
We already went over this Brenton! I don’t have boyfriends, I don’t do “relationships”

Ali used her fingers, like bunny ears, when saying the word relationship. I didn’t understand, I was one of the most famous people in the entire world, and I was quickly becoming one of the greatest wrestlers in the entire world.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Ali, I like you a lot…

I felt it was far too soon to tell her I was in love with her, especially since I fell in love at first sight.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
I think we could be together for a long time, and I promise, I’m not going to hurt you. I want you to be my girlfriend Alison Williams…

Ali tried to talk but I interrupted.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
And I don’t take no very well.

I smiled at her, she bit down on her lip and stared up at me, then she motioned for me to come to the bed. I walked over and sat down.

■■Alison Williams■■
Fine… I’ll be your girlfriend, but Brenton, I need to tell you something…

I kissed Ali passionately, it was one of the best kisses of my life, even though Ali had morning breath, it wasn't bad.

■■Alison Williams■■
Do you have time for a quickie before you leave?

I smiled at Alison, she still wasn’t going to go to Ohio with me, not that I blamed her, but at least she was my girlfriend. We had sex and I left for the airport. The airport wasn’t as bad as I had planned for, I was able to make it to my gate with nothing but time to spare.

[Dirty little secret]
[Dirty little lies]
[Say your prayers and call me rare]
[Save your soul tonight]

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my cell phone, I looked at the

[From: Alison Williams]
[To: Brenton Cyrus]
[Im gonna stay at your house for the weekend]

I replied back quickly as they announced that my flight had arrived

[From: Brenton Cyrus]
[To: Alison Williams]
[Do whatever you want, I‘ll call you later]

The let first class enter the plane first, I put my bag in the overhead storage and got comfortable in my seat.

[6 Hours 21 minutes later]

I had finally made it to Canton, Ohio the host city of Direct Hit IX. I looked at my phone, the time was already adjusted automatically, it was 4:21pm, and the dark matches and let in time was at 6:00, with Direct Hit starting at 7:00pm, I had plenty of time to drive to my hotel then the arena. I walked as fast as I could through the airport, I liked to get to baggage claim before anyone else did, I was a famous enough heel wrestler that people might not like me. I grabbed my bag and walked outside, I hated Ohio, it was like hell, I think I would have rather been back in Iowa, but I put on a smile and got my rent-a-car.

I arrived at my Hotel, nothing special, especially considering what I was used to. I threw my stuff on the bed and pulled out my phone, I had to call Ali, I missed her a lot. She didn’t answer, I hung up and put my phone in my pocket, I hated leaving messages. I decided I should leave for Direct Hit, I left the hotel and drove to the arena for the show.




It was like music to my ears, I loved it. I exited my car, I could hear the crowd get even louder.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
You wont be saying that once Salvation takes over the show tonight!




■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Believe me, this is as close to a World Champion as any one in this Cyrus Forsaken place will EVER get, and I’m not even champion yet, so just wait till April 25th, wait till King of the Throne, because all of you people who scream, “Fuck You Cyrus” will one day be worshiping at the feet of God!



I screamed at all the people, who didn’t seem to care, they must have known I was right. I laughed at all of them, I didn’t care what they were saying, all I cared about is that they were screaming my name. I walked into the arena dragging my wrestling luggage behind me. It was 6 on the dot as I entered the Salvation Locker room, there was no sign of Chuck or Alex, so I just started getting ready, it was a pretty huge show. Legacy was starting to kick our ass in the ratings every week because people were sick and tired of guys like Joe Santiago, Cyber Punk, and Johnny Stylez. Then to replace those guys Carmine was building up wrestlers who hadn’t proven themselves to NLWF.

I stood up and jumped around a bit, getting warmed up before the show. I dropped down and did 25 pushups, then moved on the a few minutes of jumping jacks. I left the locker room and grabbed a water from a vending machine.

■■Chuck Matthews■■
Hey Bro, you ready for action tonight?

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
When are we not?

We laughed as I reached down and grabbed my water, opening it on the way back up, and taking a sip.

■■Chuck Matthews■■
So how’s everything with you man? I haven’t talked to you in a few days, you been busy?

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Yeah, I’ve been hanging out with this girl I met.

I didn’t want to tell Chuck it was the girl who’s phone number he gave me after New Era.

■■Chuck Matthews■■
Awesome, I was fucking that bitch Sara Elizabeth, then I kicked her to the curb.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
That’s sounds about right coming from you.

We laughed

■■Chuck Matthews■■
You know me, my dick is the pencil and I’m always looking to get it sharpened.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
And you know me, I… Well I kick ass as a wrestler and after tonight I’ll be one half of the Tag Team champions finally.

We shook our heads, I knew we were both thinking about the same thing, DX Affliction and how they robbed the Tag Team Titles from us a month before.

■■Chuck Matthews■■
Don’t worry about it, we’ve got them this time, We’re walking out of TLC as champs bro.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Good things happen to those who follow Salvation.

We started walking down the hall, towards the entrance to the ring, The fans were loud already, just for the dark matches. I could hear the ring bell of the final dark match, Direct Hit was just around the corner.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
You nervous?

■■Chuck Matthews■■
Nah, not with you on my team.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
You took the words right out of my mouth.

I peered behind the curtain to take a look at the arena, Chuck leaned over me and looked over my shoulder. The lights in the arena shut off sending everyone into an uproar, they were ready for the show.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
It’s Showtime man.

Chuck smacked his hand against my shoulder and nodded my head as the show started. We walked back and looked at the monitor, watching the opening video of the show. Never Enough began playing through the arena’s PA system. The lights in the arena shot back on, and the camera was getting shots of the crowd, Chuck started laughing.

■■Chuck Matthews■■
Cyrus check it out.

He pointed at the monitor revealing a fans sign to me that said “BRENTON CYRUS ISN‘T THE SAVIOR BUT THE DEVIL!” I started laughing, shaking my head at that poor naïve little fool with his sign.

Brenton Cyrus

Birthday : 1989-10-10
Age : 34
Zodiac : Libra
Chinese Zodiac : Snake
Location Location : Des Moines, Iowa
Number of posts : 1722

No Limit Wrestling Federation Info
NLWF Record: 63-16-2
No Limit Wrestling Federation Net Worth: $11,520,000
No Limit Wrestling Federation Popularity:
-■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs■- -RP 2- I_vote_lcap100/100-■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs■- -RP 2- Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

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-■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs■- -RP 2- :: Comments


Post September 9th 2009, 6:42 pm by Brenton Cyrus

Joey: Welcome everyone to DIRECT-

Dirty little secret
Dirty little lies.
Say your prayers and comb your hair
Save your soul tonight.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Looks like I’m starting the show.

Chuck shook his head and I was ready to head down to the ring.

Drift among the faithful
Bury your desires.
Aberrations fill your head
You need a place to hide
And I am...

Do you remember me?
And the kid I used to be?
Do you remember me?

I emerged from the backstage area, head pointed down , as I slowly walked down the ramp.

When your world’s come crashing down
I want to relive.
(Your god ain't looking down on me!)

I’m not Jesus,
Jesus wasn’t there!

You confess it all away
But it’s only shit to me
(Your god ain't looking down on me!)

I’m not Jesus,
I will not forgive!

I entered the ring and climbed to the top rope. I did my Jesus Christ pose as fireworks went off behind me, shaped like a crucifix

No I won’t
No I won’t.

I thought you were a good man
I thought you talked to god.
You hippocratic, messianic, and child abusing-turned-satanic.

Do you remember me?
Do you remember me?
And the kid I used to be?
Do you remember?

Do you remember?

I grabbed a microphone, because NLWF is unscripted I had to think of something to say. At that point in my life, however, I was already being getting told that I did the greatest shoot promo’s ever. I lifted the microphone to my lips, looked around the arena, and began to speak.

-■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs■- -RP 2- BrentonInRingSegment

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
I would love for each and one of you lost souls to take a look right there. Because Salvation is the theme for tonight, Forget about ‘New Kids Hurting themselves.’ The spotlight is on the most dominating force to ever don a professional wrestling ring. And to further this statement, I would like to ask are faithful Direct Hit leader, Carmine Vestieri to bring his Guido ass out here!

Carmine’s music began playing over the PA system as Carmine made his way to the stage of Direct Hit. He stood there looking down at me, probably wondering “What the hell has Brenton done!”. Carmine lifted his microphone up to his mouth, prepared to say something, I lifted my microphone before he could get a word out.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
I said the ring, so why don’t you show me a little respect and finish the walk down here

Carmine rubbed his head, then began walking to the ring, I couldn’t tell if the look on his face was real anger, or stage anger, but either way I knew this show was going to be one of the greatest in NLWF history. Carmine entered the ring and walked towards me. Carmine pressed his forehead against my forehead and we stood face to face. I breathed heavy really setting up an intense moment in the ring, as we stared eye to eye. I brought the microphone back to my mouth, not breaking away from the stare down with Carmine.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
You know with this being Easter and all, Don’t think for a second I wouldn’t punt kick you to your own crucifixion!

I got a great reaction from the crowd, the arena became filled with boo’s and you suck chants, Carmine lifted his microphone up, still not breaking the power struggle in the center of the ring. The tension in the arena was amazing.

Carmine Vestieri
I’m standing here, just like you asked, so instead of insulting everyone’s faith here, why don’t you just tell me what’s on your mind…

We separated, I laughed and lifted my microphone, I got a great idea in my head, stemming from what I said to the fans before the show, “You wont be saying that once Salvation takes over the show tonight!”

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
What’s on my mind? What’s on my mind? There’s a ton of shit on my mind. For example why the hell is Johnny Styles cleared to wrestle in the West? He signed a contract saying he was done wrestling with his lose at War Games!

Carmine Vestieri
Simple Really--

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Rhetorical question Dumbass, But here is a question for you why does that screen up there still say Direct Hit!?

Carmine had no idea where I was going with this, I hoped he would just follow along.

Carmine Vestieri
Because that’s the show’s name

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Wrong Carmine, because tonight it isn’t all about Direct Hit, tonight its all about Salvation. EVERY FREAKING NIGHT IS about Salvation. So What I want you to do is get on that there mic in your hands and tell the world, what tonight’s show is called…

Carmine looked conflicted, almost hesitant, he didn’t want to do it. I smiled at him waiting for him to say it.

Carmine Vestieri
Welcome everyone to….to….

My smile turned into a frown, I was starting to get impatient waiting for him.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■

Carmine Vestieri
Welcome everyone to…to…

I leaned towards Carmine and whispered into his ear, at the time the storyline was that Salvation had Jessica Vestieri hostage and if Carmine didnt do whatever we wanted, we would kill her, if I became World Champion we would let her go.

Carmine Vestieri

Carmine dropped his mic and rolled out of the ring, as I stood in the center of the ring smirking. I watche as the Projection screen changed images from Direct Hit to Salvation.

-■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs■- -RP 2- SalvationintoHit

I dropped my microphone and exited the ring walking down the ring steps. I made my way up the stage, staring at the Salvation logo on the display screen. I pushed past the curtain backstage and was greeted by Carmine.

Carmine Vestieri
Great work out their man, I wasn’t sure how to answer you on the show thing but the takeover angle was brilliant.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
I figure Salvation should get a night, considering we’re carrying the brand.

Carmine and I laughed, we couldn’t believe that Legacy was actually beating us in the ratings.

Carmine Vestieri
I’ll talk to you later.

Carmine quickly walked away, I grabbed my water from next to the monitor and I walked to the locker room. I took a drink of my water when Alex walked up to me.

■■Alex Mark■■
I’m so fucking nervous man!

■■Brenton Cyrus■■

■■Alex Mark■■
Fuck yeah man, this is my first match tonight, don’t you realize that everyone will forever compare me to SBK, they are gonna call me mini styles and say things like “His dad did it better” It’s going to haunt me the rest of my life.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
How bout this, I’ll go to ringside with you, I’ll stand in your corner and watch you debut, it’ll be cool, I guarantee it.

■■Alex Mark■■
Should we tell Carmine?

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Yeah, but lets do it on TV. It’ll add to the show, go tell Carmine about it, and come get me, I shouldn’t be that hard to find.

■■Alex Mark■■
I owe you so much, it’s like…

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Listen, I brought you into Salvation for a reason, the real Salvation. Not the wresting stable on TV, but the actual religion of Salvation for a reason. I have faith in you, and I know both Chuck and yourself will be great champions, but in order to pave the way for the future, there are things I need to do first. Just be patient, and I guarantee you’ll be champion. Patience.

■■Alex Mark■■
Thanks a lot God, I’m gonna go find Carmine, I’l ltalk to you soon.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Alright Lex.

I watched as Alex waled away, I looked around like I had something to hide, then pulled out my cell phone. I had to hear her voice, this had already felt like the longest day of my life, and Direct Hit had only just begun. I called her up, hoping for an answer. Nothing.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Where the hell are you Ali?

I walked back over to the monitors and continued watching Direct Hit, waiting for Alex to come and get me so we could do the segment with Carmine.

“Has anyone seen Joe Santiago!?”

I shook my head in disgust, that asshole had been late to both Direct Hit’s since he won the World Title, “What the kind of Champion shows up late?” I thought to myself. It was like a slap to the face of everyone, it was a blatant lack of respect towards the No Limit Wrestling Federation workers and fans, and it pissed me off.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
I know where Joe is…

I had a gay joke ready but Alex placed his hand on my shoulder.

■■Alex Mark■■
We’re going to go to his office, like we are barging in, then go from their.

“Where is he Brenton?”

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Never mind, I thought I saw him. Lets go Lex.

We walked to Carmine’s office.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Alright Alex, when we go in their you start it off, then if I need to say anything I’ve got it covered.

■■Alex Mark■■
Alright sounds good.

We walked into the office of Carmine.

■■Alex Mark■■
Carmine, just the man I was looking for

Carmine Vestieri
Really, how hard have you been looking? Did yea miss the sign on the office door that reads ‘CARMINE’ On it?

■■Alex Mark■■
Ha, you really should stick with being a GM and leave the comedy to the comedians on the West

Carmine Vestieri
Alright, so I take it you two have some reason for being here, besides giving me a headache

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
You owe us Carmine, Owe us for leaving the people at home locked on Direct Hit and not on Legacy.

Carmine Vestieri
I though it was the Quentin Tarantino rip off doing that?

■■Alex Mark■■
Again, with the jokes

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Listen Carmine, enough with the tough guy act, you know you need Salvation more then we need you. So instead of acting like you’re not cool, why don’t you listen to why where here, and why I brought Alex with me

Carmine Vestieri
Figured you two were joint at the hip

■■Alex Mark■■
Enough Carmine, I want my match to be a falls count anywhere

Carmine Vestieri
You’re out of your mind Alex, after the attack you three dished out last week, why would I sentence my Jr. Heavyweight champion to that same outcome?

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Do you need to go over why you must? Really Carmine do we?

Carmine looked at me before dropping his head down onto his desk.

Carmine Vestieri
Fine. Fall Count Anywhere. But Brenton, let him fight this. I don’t need you and Chuck there.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Maybe if I owed you a favor, then maybe I would grant you that. But I don’t owe you jack. So Lets just say Ill think about it!

We walked out of Carmine’s office slamming to door behind us.

■■Alex Mark■■
How was that?

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
It was perfect, now lets go beat the shit out of Tapido Delevega.

We walked towards the entrance for Alex’s match, his first ever match as a professional wrestler. We listened to Marissa Johnson announce Alex.

[To Be Continued]

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