NLWF Presents:
The Federation that promises to blow your mind as we lead the golden age of Pro Wrestling into the future! The No Limit Wrestling Federation is like no other, where you will be given limitless opportunities to excel fast as you compete in the Land of No Limits, fighting in the best Blood Sport on Earth!

NLWF accepts anyone brave enough to take the Walk of Fame, the first steps on the path to Immortality, but warns: Enter at Your Own Risk!

No restrictions, no boundaries, no limits, just the sport the way it should be!

Welcome and allow me to introduce you to four letters that will change your life, NLWF!


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NLWF Presents:
The Federation that promises to blow your mind as we lead the golden age of Pro Wrestling into the future! The No Limit Wrestling Federation is like no other, where you will be given limitless opportunities to excel fast as you compete in the Land of No Limits, fighting in the best Blood Sport on Earth!

NLWF accepts anyone brave enough to take the Walk of Fame, the first steps on the path to Immortality, but warns: Enter at Your Own Risk!

No restrictions, no boundaries, no limits, just the sport the way it should be!

Welcome and allow me to introduce you to four letters that will change your life, NLWF!

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-■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Final Days■- -■Fusion 1■-

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-■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Final Days■- -■Fusion 1■- Empty -■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Final Days■- -■Fusion 1■-

Post by Brenton Cyrus July 15th 2009, 6:28 pm

-■†Final Days†■-

-■†The Final Days of Brenton Cyrus†■-

“My main concern was, what will happen to Megan and my unborn child now that I‘m gone…”

“…what will happen to NLWF…”

“…how the hell did this happen to me?”

July 12th 2009
After Legacy

I don’t remember anything, I have no clue where I am right now, I can’t see anything. What the hell happened? What did I do in that Match…

"Samantha Praxton - and his opponent, weighing in at 420 pounds, from Pa"

"Uh-wa-ah-ah-ah...Pyro hits as Down with the Sickness plays."


My head hurt so bad, it had to have been the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life. I tried my best to remember what happened.

“Holy Shit”
“Holy Shit”
“Holy Shit”

“Andrew - Death Angel has destroyed Brenton Cyrus!”

“Tommy - You saved our lives Andrew!”

I remember Death Angel throwing me from the top of that cage, then everything just went black. I remember moving, then grabbing a ladder, then I climbed back up and fought Death Angel… Then…

“Brenton Can you hear me?”

“Brenton please wake up!”

My eyes opened, I was in a bright room surrounded by all kinds of people. The were all excited to see that I was conscious again. People told me what happened and showed me the video of the match. The Fire Marshall scolded me while they stitched my head up again, luckily Megan didn’t watch the match, she left the arena after I told her she couldn’t wrestle. I was so happy she didn’t see that match, watching me take such a beating made me a bit disturbed, especially watching me free fall from the top of a cell through the announce table. It took me awhile to remember getting up from that fall, that’s all I could remember happening in the match, the rest was a vicious blur.

“We still haven‘t found Death Angel in the wreckage, We think he‘s gone.”

I knew Death Angel was hurt, possibly on the verge of death from what I did to him. I was close to breaking The Curse, I was close to killing Death Angel.




I grabbed my phone and opened up my text messages. 6 from The Mexican Samurai.

[From: The Mexican Samurai]
[To: Brenton Cyrus]
[Brenton I‘m Sorry…]

[From: The Mexican Samurai]
[To: Brenton Cyrus]
[…I hope you understand]

[From: The Mexican Samurai]
[To: Brenton Cyrus]

[From: The Mexican Samurai]
[To: Brenton Cyrus]
[I‘m so Sorry Brenton…]

[From: The Mexican Samurai]
[To: Brenton Cyrus]

[From: The Mexican Samurai]
[To: Brenton Cyrus]
[Please understand]

I didn’t understand, It confused the fuck out of me, not to mention the fact that I had a pretty bad concussion. My head thumped, I had the worst headache ever, and was starting to get dizzy.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
I’m gonna go take a shower, and get some clothes on, I’ll see everyone in a few.

I stumbled out of the small room and down the hall towards my locker room. I was in so much pain, I entered my locker room and there she was, Alison Williams.

Alison Williams
Hello Brenton.

I hadn’t talked to Alison in awhile, she was my ex girlfriend, before Megan and after Sara. She walked towards me, I didn’t know what to do. She took off her shirt in front of me and looked at me, as she stared at me she removed her bra. I turned around, I knew I couldn’t let her seduce me, She was the best at it, I started to relax, I became so comfortable out of nowhere it felt so nice, Alison was the best at rubbing shoulders. I cleared my head and left the locker room in a panic. I walked through the halls of the arena in my wrestling gear still from the night. I was looking for anyone with answers. I went to the site of “The End Game Accident” it seems the impact sent us through the center of the ring, then the ring collapsed in on itself, since the ring was on fire we were trapped. I listened in on a few conversations around the site, people were talking about the fan reaction, the TV station reaction, and then, “I have no idea what happened to Death Angel.”

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
What the hell do you mean you don’t know where he is?

I had to kill Death Angel, that was the only way to remove the curse, but the fact that I can’t pin him in a match is driving me crazy. I could never beat Rob Langdon, no matter how hard I tried, but he never beat me either. It made me sick to think that Death Angel is what Rob became, because of me. Now he’s gone, but I can still feel the curse, I have to kill Death Angel just like Samurai has to kill Delirium, my biggest question now was, Where the hell is Mexican Samurai?

-■†The Final Days of Brenton Cyrus†■-

-■†Final Days†■-

Aaron O’Shea, look what happened to little old you. You start dressing like a complete jackass and you think you can take on the world right? Well let me tell you what I’m going to do, since this week has been a bad one for me so far, I’m going to kill you to help me relax a little bit.

I know what you’re thinking, “He‘s not really going to kill me” But the fact is look at what I did over this past weekend! I took Havoc and brought him over to my turf, I brought him to Direct Hit where I’m known for torturing people who I just don’t like! You’ll never see me fighting Shadow Demon, or Chuck Matthews, or The Mexican Samurai on Direct Hit, with the exception of this week.

The only difference is I’m going to help The Mexican Samurai break his Curse, by killing Delirium on Direct Hit. I’m going to take that Delirium worm son of a bitch and I’m going to put him up on the cross! FUCK THE RAZORS EDGE CHAMPIONSHIP!

This week I’m going for blood, I’m going for complete dominance! I’m going to build up my momentum so tremendously that I’ll break my curse! Final Days doesn’t mean a fucking thing, Brenton Cyrus is ETERNAL!

Please excuse me for losing my mind, but this job isn’t for the weak at heart, and I sadly don’t have a heart anymore.

Aaron O’Shea, What the fuck happened to you? I considered you a friend of mine, I offered you opportunities that you never could have dreamed of, and what do you do? Remember where you were when I was traded to Legacy? I do! I think about that night every single day, it’s always on my mind. I remember the faces of the people who were there.

I remember screaming at my, “Boss” “I DARE YOU”

I remember all of it, especially a Proving Grounds Champion who had my back, even though head just signed his Direct Hit Contract. I remember Aaron O’Shea having the balls to step up and say “No, Fuck You” to Kristofer Kaos who should have kept his mouth shut.

I dream about that night, because it was that night I sat down and talked to The Mexican Samurai, and we discussed the NLWF at a serious level. We put our difference side, we settled whatever beef we had, and we talked about a Revival.

The night means a lot to me, I put my trust in the people who were there that night, and formed all my new alliances and Aaron, guess what? I considered you a friend of mine. I told myself that as the Leader of the Revival, I would watch the back of everyone who was there that night.

Did you forget all of this O’Shea?

You slapped me across the face this week Aaron, I hope you know that, I hope you understand how conflicted I am right now, because I don’t want to destroy you, believe me, I’m still your friend even though you’ve pissed me off.

BUT Aaron O’Shea there is something I need you to do.

I need an apology from you, But, as God there is only one way to apologize. You need to pray.

You need to get down on your knees, fold your hands together, and apologize for the things you’ve said. I heard every last word, and Aaron O’Shea you’re luck I don’t just rip your throat out.

Lets start this little story, shall we? Because after this one, things are going to get peacefully resolved between Brenton Cyrus and Aaron O’Shea, or things are going to get really really ugly, and I’ll make sure there is nothing left of Aaron O’Shea by the end of the week.

Lets start this little story, shall we?

After the night I was traded, I devised my plan to take over the NLWF. Legacy featured the most dramatic punt kick in NLWF history when I took out Ramirez Silva and began my takeover of the NLWF. Aaron O’Shea, remember that night? That’s the night I turned you into who you are today! I took that stupid Proving Grounds Championship and gave you the Rated [R] Championship that you hold and cherish.

Aaron I think about all the nice things you’ve said to me, I’m trying my best to stay in a peaceful mindset. I considered you one of my NLWF Brothers, you were my little brother, you piece of shit!

I’m going to beat the hell out of you this Friday on Fusion, it just depends how badly I beat you.

Lets finish the story

This new guy to NLWF Aaron O’Shea became like a side kick to me, he didn’t give a shit about what anyone said, because he knew I had his back. I taught Aaron O’Shea most of his high risk moves, well not me cause I can’t do that shit, but I had a lot of people come in and train him.

Remember that Aaron?

That was me you fucking traitor!

I changed you into the star you are right now, and how do you return the favor? I was always there to give you advice, to help you win matches! Hell I believed in you over Chuck Matthews until I heard what you said about me.

You think my past is something to make fun of you little son of a bitch!

My parents are fucking dead! My grandparents are fucking dead! I grew up in group homes and foster care! You little piece of shit I’m going to teach you a lesson that you will never EVER FORGET!

Listen Aaron, I don’t want to Crucify You! I refuse to do it! You would be the first one of my friends, that I crucify! So I suggest you think about everything you said, go back and check out your promo’s, listen to every word you said. Then you’ll realize why I want you dead!

Aaron O’Shea I gave you a big time Rivalry and Storyline like you always wanted! You had gone you entire career without a real storyline and I gave you one with Shadow Demon. The rivalry ended when you retained the Rated [R] Championship in a ladder match.

Then we let you take a vacation, a break to heal, and you missed two weeks, but we kept you on TV I even hyped your return even though your popularity is under the limit.

I took care of you, I watched your back, I helped you out, and you turn your back on me? If I wanted you to be Chuck Matthews I would have picked out the knife that you stabbed me in the back with.

I tried my best to always be a friend to you Aaron O’Shea!

Did you know I dated Alison Williams? I started dating her a short time after Sara Elizabeth and I still love Alison Williams very much. I got her phone number from Chuck Matthews since I gave him Sara Elizatbeth’s.

So this week we got into some bullshit on Direct Hit and Legacy, but you never attacked me, you never took a shot, so that tells me you know you made a mistake. I remember you coming to talk to me, you asked me if I could let you keep the Rated [R] championship, and I agreed, I thought you were sorry for disrespecting.

I was wrong, dead wrong. What I saw was the most disrespectful filth you’ve ever displayed. Now I’m going to have to punt kick you back into reality, because your ego has let it slip out of fucking control!

Who booked you in the Universal Championship tournament on Direct Hit, even though you’re a Legacy wrestler?

Even though you hadn’t wrestled in two weeks!

Aaron O’Shea you owe me way more then an apology, I don’t even have the words to describe what I want to do to you.

Chuck Matthews and myself have come to terms, we faced off man to man and that was it, we settled it, and I refuse to fight Chuck Matthews because I’m afraid of what I might do.

Aaron O’Shea, please forgive me, please understand why I beat the holy high hell out of you this week and become the Rated [R] Champion!

Remember the first time you disrespected me you little punk? I told you I was going to beat the shit out of you and take your stupid little PG Title to teach you a lesson! Now look what happened, you thought it was funny to make jokes about me, and now I’m going to take your Rated [R] Championship, and guess what?

I’m giving it to The Notorious K.I.D!

I don’t even want your championship, I’m just going to go into this match, and defend the World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship.

You don’t deserver that Rated [R] Championship anymore O’Shea, you’ve lost a lot of my respect, and lot of my friendship.

Lets see how you react

Brenton Cyrus

Birthday : 1989-10-10
Age : 34
Zodiac : Libra
Chinese Zodiac : Snake
Location Location : Des Moines, Iowa
Number of posts : 1722

No Limit Wrestling Federation Info
NLWF Record: 63-16-2
No Limit Wrestling Federation Net Worth: $11,520,000
No Limit Wrestling Federation Popularity:
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