NLWF Presents:
The Federation that promises to blow your mind as we lead the golden age of Pro Wrestling into the future! The No Limit Wrestling Federation is like no other, where you will be given limitless opportunities to excel fast as you compete in the Land of No Limits, fighting in the best Blood Sport on Earth!

NLWF accepts anyone brave enough to take the Walk of Fame, the first steps on the path to Immortality, but warns: Enter at Your Own Risk!

No restrictions, no boundaries, no limits, just the sport the way it should be!

Welcome and allow me to introduce you to four letters that will change your life, NLWF!


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NLWF Presents:
The Federation that promises to blow your mind as we lead the golden age of Pro Wrestling into the future! The No Limit Wrestling Federation is like no other, where you will be given limitless opportunities to excel fast as you compete in the Land of No Limits, fighting in the best Blood Sport on Earth!

NLWF accepts anyone brave enough to take the Walk of Fame, the first steps on the path to Immortality, but warns: Enter at Your Own Risk!

No restrictions, no boundaries, no limits, just the sport the way it should be!

Welcome and allow me to introduce you to four letters that will change your life, NLWF!

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-■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs■- -RP 3-

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-■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs■- -RP 3- Empty -■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs■- -RP 3-

Brenton Cyrus Presents: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs: Exclusive
Tapido Delevega [vs] Alex Mark w/Brenton Cyrus

Joey: An amazing episode of Direct Hit continues with current Jr Heavyweight champion Tapido Delevega, going up against Alex Mark in what is now a Falls Count Anywhere match. I wish Carmine could be the back bone that Silva was. Salvation wouldn’t get away with any of this is he was still here.

Brian: Thank Havoc for that one

No More Sorrow hits as the lights flash red and yellow and Tapido comes down to the ring. He slaps some of the fans hands with the free hand and then he slides into the ring.

-■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs■- -RP 3- TapidoDHentrance

Marissa Johnson: Are next match is a Falls Count Anywhere match, introducing first healing from Seville, Spain…He is the Current Jr. Heavyweight Champion…TAPIDO DELEVEGA!

The lights go out, enveloping the arena in darkness. "JR" flashes repeatedly for two seconds before fading.


The opening to "Down With the Sickness" begins before being chopped in to 50 Cent's "Many Men", blasts throughout the arenas p.a. system. Fireworks blast on the stage as Alex Mark step out from behind the curtain, wearing his ring attire underneath a shiny, red hooded vest. His patented AM logo is on the back as he turns to face the tron, spreading his arms out, palms to the ceiling. he then spins real fast, his face somewhat hidden beneath the hood.

He soaks in the cheers and boos as he points to the sides of the ramp talking shit, and flashing that patented shit eating grin. He then struts to the ring, sliding in as he reaches the mat. He then walks to the turnbuckle, raising his right arm, his hand in a fist, The Rock-esque. He then jumps down and does a spin in the middle of the ring, again with his arms stretched straight out, plams up, as if soaking in the reaction. He then flips the hood from his head, and takes off the vest, handing the object to the ring announcer before leaning against the turnbuckle.

-■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs■- -RP 3- LexandCyrus

Marissa Johnson: And his challenge for tonight, he hails from Miami Florida, Making his DEBUT here in NLWF…GIVE IT UP FOR ALEX MARK!!!

The two superstars stand on opposite sides of the ring as the referee signals for the bell. Alex Mark has his eyes intensely focused on Tapido. Delevega is locking eyes with Alex, but he also has to worry about Brenton Cyrus who is at ringside.

The bell sounds and Tapido walks to the center of the ring. Alex seems to have lost interest in the match as he leans back against the turnbuckle, ignoring Delevega. Tapido shouts at Alex and motions for him to meet him in the center of the ring. Alex pretends not to hear and this irritates Tapido. Suddenly, Alex rolls out of the ring and starts to walk off. Tapido slides out of the ring and attempts to cut Alex off, but Alex Mark is expecting this and levels Tapido with a clothesline on his way out of the ring.

Alex begins to drop boots onto Tapido as the member of Salvation smiles. Alex picks Delevega up and throws him into the side apron of the ring. Delevega holds his back in pain. Alex brings TAPIDO to his feet again and throws him over the guardrail and into the crowd. The fans cheer as the action is brought to them. Alex climbs on top of the guardrail and balances before jumping off and missing a flying elbow.

Both competitors are lying on the concrete in the crowd as Tapido slowly gets to his feet. Alex gets to a knee before Tapido brings him to his feet and body slams him back onto the concrete. Tapido is screaming ‘Where is Jazmine’ over and over as he starts to drop boots of his own onto Alex Mark. Tapido brings Lex to his feet and drags him further into the crowd, as an excited Brenton Cyrus and the referee are following the action.

Tapido pushes Alex to the ground and grabs a cup from a fan. Delevega waits as Alex slowly gets to his feet before throwing the drink into his face. Just as Alex is clearing the drink out of his eyes, Tapio blindsides him with a devastating super kick. Alex Mark hits the ground hard. Tapido continues the assault onto Alex by mounting him and dropping fists to his forehead. Opening a small cut under his right eye.

Tapido brings Alex to his feet and pushes him through a door into the backstage area. Lex seems to be trying to walk away from the match, but Tapido follows him and grabs him by the head. Tapido puts Alex into a position for the Spanish Calling card, but Alex pushes away and nails T with an Enzuiguri! Tapido lands face first on the cement. Alex crawls over to The Champion and attempts a pin.


Alex gets to his feet and wipes some of the blood away from under his eye. The look in Lex’s eye changes as the quickly jumps onto Tapido and locks in a Cobra Clutch! Delevega screams in pain as Lex continues to apply pressure. The referee checks Tapido and asks if he wants to quit, but Delevega refuses. Brenton walks in a circle he finally had enough and backs up Punt kicking Tapido as Alex releases the submission.

Alex smirks then doss the cross figure in the air to Brenton, before he looks around the area and eventually grabs a metal pipe. Alex waits for Tapido to get to his feet and attempts to hit him with the pipe, but T ducks. Tapido throws a right hand at Lex, but Alex is quick to nail him in the gut with the pipe. Tapido backs away, holding his stomach in pain, as Alex raises the pipe above his head and brings it down hard onto the back of Tapido Delevega. Alex drops the weapon and once again goes for the cover.


Alex seems frustrated as Brenton begins ordering Alex what to do, Lex picks Tapiod up and puts him over his shoulder. Brenton points to the large garage door and Alex runs Tapido into it as the Tapido hits the door and falls the ground.

Alex grabs the handle at the bottom of the garage door and lifts the door open to reveal a ledge leading down the loading dock. Where at the end of the dock is a Wooden cross standing tall out side the Canton Arena! Alex and Brenton brings Tapido to his feet and looks down at the nearly fifteen-foot drop onto the cement. Alex puts Tapido into position for a powerbomb, but Delevega quickly locks is legs around Alex’s neck and applies a triangle choke. Alex is trying to throw Tapido down with the powerbomb, but Delevega has Alex’s neck trapped in this choke. Alex starts to fade as Brenton grabs the head of Tapido and delivers a neck breaker, Alex brings up the limp Delevega and does the unthinkable as he sends Tapido flying off the fifteen-foot drop via powerbomb!

The referee looks down, as Tapido is lying motionless on the cement. The referee leaves the scene and looks for medical help but they can’t attends to Tapido, because Alex and Brenton Cyrus are standing over the broken body of the Jr Heavyweight champion. Brenton demands Alex to drag the body of Tapido Delevega to the wooden cross, Alex without hesitation drags the champion and even hangs him on the corss, but this time they wrap Barbwire around the wrist and feet of Tapdio, Brenton slaps a sign on to the chest of Tapido Delevega…


-■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs■- -RP 3- Taboohung

Joey: OH MY…Salvation has no respect. On Easter, one of the few holiest days on the regions calendar…I am lost at words

Brian: I’m not sure what to say about Salvation anymore, I mean for them to do something like this…It’s just despicable.

Joey: I would like to send a public apology to the people watching at home, we tried are best to blur the horded image as best as we could

Brian: What are we going to do next week, when we make are debut on HBO. They censor nothing Joey!

Brenton Cyrus

Birthday : 1989-10-10
Age : 34
Zodiac : Libra
Chinese Zodiac : Snake
Location Location : Des Moines, Iowa
Number of posts : 1722

No Limit Wrestling Federation Info
NLWF Record: 63-16-2
No Limit Wrestling Federation Net Worth: $11,520,000
No Limit Wrestling Federation Popularity:
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-■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs■- -RP 3- :: Comments


Post September 11th 2009, 6:00 pm by Brenton Cyrus

Alex and I found Chuck after Alex’s match with Tapido.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
What’s up man, where have you been?

Chuck looked at Alex then winked at me, I assumed he was off fucking Jessica again so I dropped it.

■■Chuck Matthews■■
Just getting ready for the TLC match later on, good match Alex.

■■Alex Mark■■

We could hear the crowd booing and screaming, we didn’t know what was going on so the three of us walked over to the monitors to check it out. Joe Santiago was cutting a in ring promo, I smiled at the site of the broken down former wrestling legend, turned sellout. He dragged the World Championship like it meant nothing to him, I was starting to get angry, then he started talking about Salvation, and I was pissed.

Joe Santiago
Salvation is nothing more then a bad joke. Brenton, Why the fuck do you deserve to face me in London? Because you defeated Johnny Styles? News flash I did that before it was the cool thing to do. I If you can't give me a good, solid reason for why your revolution should take off, then you pack your bags, get the fuck out of my company, and why don't you go looking for someone who gives a damn.

My eyes opened wide, I could feel hate flowing through my veins. I bit down as hard as I could, trying to stay cool. I picked up a monitor and slammed it into the wall, then threw it against the ground.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
This is our show right?

■■Chuck Matthews■■
Fuck yeah!

Alex Mark■■
Damn right!

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
We are saving the No Limit Wrestling Federation from assholes like that, guys who’s time was up a very long time ago! It’s time for Salvation to show that washed up has been piece of shit, that he can’t hang with us, you guys stay here and don’t let them cut my microphone if things get out of hand, go to the production truck.

■■Chuck Matthews■■
No problem bro, they aren’t going to do shit! Let’s go Lex.

I watched Chuck shove Alex then run off, I turned around and grabbed a microphone thinking about what I was going to say.

Joe Santiago
You won't kill No Limit Wrestling. If NLWF can survive the near death injury of its founder, if it can survive all the upheaval in GMs it went through these past month, and if it can survive the championship reign of a little bitch like Havoc -- it’s gonna survive your little 'salvation revolution.' I didn't climb to the top of this company to see some little pissant like you try to tear it down.

Before he can go on with his incoherent rant, I pointed to Tony who hit my music. I walked out onto the stage, the crowd booed me relentlessly, I smiled then looked at Joe Santiago who I could see mouthing the words “What the fuck are you doing?” I lifted the microphone to my mouth.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
I’m sorry, but I couldn’t help but hear my name being dropped from your crusty mouth!

-■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs■- -RP 3- CyrusCutOffSegment

Joe Santiago
Well, will wonders never cease? Ladies and gents, please welcome my next victim Brenton Cyrus!

The Crowd gave the dumb son of a bitch his cheap pop as the “Fuck You Cyrus” chants started in the crowd, then filled the arena, I could feel the roar of the crowd, But It was the reaction I wanted and fed off of.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Huh, you got some sort of Ego there champ, I would be full of shit if I said I wasn’t going to be thrilled being the one to pop it.

I wasn’t wrong either, “I can‘t beat him Carmine!” the words that came out of Joe Santiago’s mouth right before he walked out on the World Championship match at King of the Throne, a match I would later win. I looked at Joe Santiago in the ring, I could tell he was pissed off that I interrupted him, but I didn’t care, I knew the NLWF wasn’t going to fire me.

Joe Santiago
A lot have tried, but none have succeeded. And I can promise you that you well fall on that list of failed attempts.

I laughed out loud like the NLWF World Heavyweight Champion was nothing special

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Hold that thought for a second, because the only promise that is going to be made here tonight, is the one where I promise to leave King of the Throne as NLWF Champion. Scratch that, I guarantee I will leave King of the Throne as the NLWF Heavyweight champion!

Joe Santiago looked pissed, like a blood vessel could explode at any moment.

Joe Santiago
You may have Carmine as your prison bitch that even he can’t help you win King of the Throne

I was quick to answer.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
I don’t need Carmine to beat you and the other three men in the ring. I am a fucking God if you haven’t notice. And it’s not just a tag-name. I fully have the power to end your career if I feel the need to. I have more power then you have ever had Joe. More then you once had in JWF. There isn’t anything that can deny me my birth right to be the leader of this brand. Definitely not a escape of the Miami Retirement home!

The crowd erupted in an enormous “Ohhhhhh!” I laughed then crossed my arms and stared at Joe Santiago with a smile on my face.

Joe Santiago
The sad thing about that there statement is, that I bet you sat in the back for about three hours looking for a good joke, a good pun and came up with a old man joke. Weak just like you. Brenton your only career high other then Wizney movies is defeating Johnny Styles. And the fucking sad part to that is you didn’t even defeat him. Alex did. So Im standing here looking at you, trying to figure out what makes you a threat to my championship, and other then the taboo tattoos you done there really is nothing.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Have you ever seen Johnny Styles as broke as I made him at War Games?

Joe Santiago
Sure, when I was banging Jada in JWF.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
All I’m trying to say Joe, is that you really should be careful about who you push. Because everyone has a weak spot. Everyone has something they would die to protect, even you Joe.

I smiled once more and dropped my microphone, Joe Santiago was seething with fury. I pushed past the curtains and started laughing. I walked down the hall when I head Joe Santiago scream from behind me.

Joe Santiago
Who the fuck do you think you are?

He grabbed my shoulder and spun me around and we were face to face. Chuck and Alex walked up behind me, I smiled as Chuck placed is hand on my shoulder.

■■Chuck Matthews■■
What seems to be the problem here Thriller?

■■Alex Mark■■
Yeah… Thriller!

I let out a small laugh, then turned my back on Joe Santiago and walked away.

Joe Santiago
You son of bitch, don’t fucking turn your back on me!

Joe Santiago placed his hand on my shoulder again, which removed the smile from my face.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Get your fucking hand off me!

I spun around, using my arm to push his hand away. He threw a punch at me and hit Alex right to the eye.

■■Alex Mark■■

Chuck rammed his shoulder into Joe’s stomach and slammed him into the wall, I threw a punch and caught Joe Santiago right on the jaw, I felt someone grab my shoulder again, then I got punched to the back of the head.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■

I staggered forward, and looked who it was while falling. Jake Stunner sucker punched me right to the back of the head. I fell to the ground, Alex jumped on Stunner’s back locking in a sleeper hold. I got to my feet and charged Mexican Samurai who was gunning for Alex. I jumped and superman punched Mexican Samurai who dropped to the floor. Security ran up and joined in, Chuck punched a few of the security guards in the face, while I took a few extra shots at Mexican Samurai on the ground until security pulled me off.

Carmine Vestieri
What the fuck is going on here!?!?

Alex punched Jake Stunner and everyone stomped. We all looked at Carmine who had the weirdest look on his face, I looked around, to my left was Chuck, to my right was Alex, in fact the only people standing other then Salvation was one security guy who came to late, and Carmine who was shocked. Joe Santiago jumped to his feet, Chuck moved to walk towards him but I put my arm out to stop him.

Joe Santiago
I want these three assholes FIRED! Right now Carmine!

Joe Santiago walked towards Carmine, I stood patiently with my troops by my side.

Carmine Vestieri
I can’t do that Joe.

Joe Santiago
So that’s how it’s going to be? You realize I can terminate my contract and walk right now? Leave the NLWF as the World Heavyweight Champion!

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Maybe then everyone will see what a huge piece of shit you are!

Joe Santiago
I’ll be talking to Ramirez Silva about this!

Joe Santiago stormed off, the other members of 4East walked away too.

■■Chuck Matthews■■
Bye, Bye boys, we’ll see you in the ring for Round 2!

I laughed, but Carmine didn’t think it was very funny, he just shook his head at me and walked away.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Alright Chuck, main event time, lets show them how to hurt.

■■Chuck Matthews■■
We've got this, we're Salvation, they are...

We stopped to think for a second, then shrugged it off. We pounded fists and walked towards the entrance ramp, ready for war, in Tables, Ladders, and Chairs.

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