NLWF Presents:
The Federation that promises to blow your mind as we lead the golden age of Pro Wrestling into the future! The No Limit Wrestling Federation is like no other, where you will be given limitless opportunities to excel fast as you compete in the Land of No Limits, fighting in the best Blood Sport on Earth!

NLWF accepts anyone brave enough to take the Walk of Fame, the first steps on the path to Immortality, but warns: Enter at Your Own Risk!

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NLWF Presents:
The Federation that promises to blow your mind as we lead the golden age of Pro Wrestling into the future! The No Limit Wrestling Federation is like no other, where you will be given limitless opportunities to excel fast as you compete in the Land of No Limits, fighting in the best Blood Sport on Earth!

NLWF accepts anyone brave enough to take the Walk of Fame, the first steps on the path to Immortality, but warns: Enter at Your Own Risk!

No restrictions, no boundaries, no limits, just the sport the way it should be!

Welcome and allow me to introduce you to four letters that will change your life, NLWF!

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-■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Final Days■- -■Legacy XII■-

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-■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Final Days■- -■Legacy XII■- Empty -■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Final Days■- -■Legacy XII■-

Post by Brenton Cyrus July 2nd 2009, 10:15 am

-■†Read First†■-

-■†Final Days†■-
-■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Final Days■- -■Legacy XII■- Finaldays
-■†The Final Days of Brenton Cyrus†■-

“I don’t know if it’s the fever, but this week seems like a blur…”

“…It feels like I’m not even alive anymore…”

“…life has slowed down almost to a complete stop, and I’m trapped in the moment.”

Monday June 29th 2009

Brenton Cyrus begins waking up, his body beaten badly from his schedule. Severe pain in his kidney, a deep cut in his forehead still, the usual pain in his left knee, and now even neck pain has been added to the equation. Brenton Cyrus slowly turns over and sees his love Tiffany sleeping next to him. He begins staring at her, a smile crosses his face. Tiffany Starr’s eye shoot open, slightly scaring Brenton. Tiffany Starr begins to panic in the bed trying her best to turn over and look at the clock.

Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven TIFFANY STARR Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven
Oh my God…

■■Brenton Cyrus■■

Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven TIFFANY STARR Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven
BRENTON! Shut up! It’s 8:00am! The buses leave in half an hour. Check to see if anyone is leaving yet!

Brenton Cyrus gets up slowly, grabbing his side in pain and he dragged himself to the window, butt naked cause Brenton likes to sleep in the nude. Brenton opens the blinds and is blinded by the sun light. He looks around and sees James and Lillian Shark, James is so loud he can be heard on the ground, with the window shut, 20 floors down, outside.

■■James Shark■■
I’m the greatest! First Nigguh to the bus! First superstar with confidence to the bus! I should have awards made just for my greatness, and every time I do something, I’d get an award, maybe I could give a speech!

That guys was far to loud and black for Brenton to deal with so he shut the blinds and went back to lay down.

Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven TIFFANY STARR Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven

Her voice was terrible when she got loud, well most of the time she got loud, there were sometimes when she was “loud” that Brenton thought they would have to get his bed room sound proof, just so Winston would be able to sleep at night. Brenton was so tired, it seemed like he hadn’t slept in years.

Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven TIFFANY STARR Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven
Come on! It's time to go!

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Ok Ok I’m Coming!

He could barely move, his body was damn near paralyzed from the pain that shot through it. Brenton looked around the Hotel Room, it was a pretty nice place, but not where he wanted to propose to Tiffany Starr. He wanted it to be perfect, Brenton had the idea in his head that if the marriage proposal was perfect his marriage would be perfect too. Brenton rolls out of bed and begins getting dressed, nice, and slow. Brenton sat down on the bed and pulled his socks on slowly, it was nice to go slow for once, to really take his time and not feel rushed. Brenton grabbed his shoe and began putting it on the same way, nice and slow, he didn’t know Tiffany was watching him.

Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven TIFFANY STARR Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven
Come on Cyrus! We’re late!

Brenton didn’t know what to say to that, he just shot something out.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
I'm coming! I can't be running outside with no shoes on good Lord.

Not what he usually would have said in any situation at all, but it had been a rough night that ended the roughest week in history. Brenton put his shoes on and grabbed his bag, he followed Tiffany to the elevator, she hit the button quickly, as if it would make the elevator come faster. Tiffany hit the button several more times, Brenton could never understand why people did that. Eventually the elevator came and brought them to the first floor. Brenton followed Tiffany slowly, he noticed a coffee table but could tell Tiffany so he continued following. Brenton looked ahead and saw that the buses were just being loaded, so he continued to walk slow. Brenton also knew this entire morning that the bus wouldn’t leave without his authorization, but it must have slipped his mind. Tiffany ran towards the buses while Brenton pulled himself along, they got on the bus and took off. Brenton looked at Samurai a couple of times to see if he had noticed him or not, Brenton begins to vibrate, as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out his cell phone

Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven TIFFANY STARR Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven
We made it!

Brenton opened his phone, not even noticing Tiffany or hearing what she said, Brenton answers quickly.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■

Brenton Cyrus looks at his phone, he has a text message. Brenton opens the message to reveal Prescilla Samurai naked, Brenton looks at the sender, it’s from Samurai. Brenton laughs as Samurai waves at him. Samurai has been sending Brenton that same text since the two of them broke up. It’s still really funny.

Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven TIFFANY STARR Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven
Thank God were going back to California.. Love that place.

Brenton Cyrus■■
Yeah thank him.

Brenton Winks at Tiffany, and she giggles a bit, Brenton always wondered if people really liked that joke or if they were just humoring him.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Hope you heard about our big match on Legacy.

Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven TIFFANY STARR Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven
Of course I did.. Matter fact those two.

Brenton looks as Tiffany points at Shadow Demon and Mexican Samurai.

Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven TIFFANY STARR Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven
are our partners , along with Demetrius. I so can't wait to kick Luna Valentine's ass.

Brenton starts thinking about that stupid bitch Luna, Tiffany Starr is the greatest women’s wrestling in the world today, Luna Valentine is going to get her ass handed to her.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Can't wait to see that.

Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven TIFFANY STARR Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven
No one can. Its going to be a great match. But what the hell is Lillian Shark's problem? Does she think just because she’s married to James Shark that she's the best girl around here? I get the whole ''confidence'' thing. But seriously , she’s not meant to be a wrestler , she’s more meant to do porn but hey you don't see me saying anything.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Tiff , babe be nice.

The females in the NLWF are crazy, Brenton on several occasions has been forced to separate some of the girls from fighting. Legacy even gives the girls there own lockerooms, to prevent any problems.

Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven TIFFANY STARR Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven
I can't be nice if I have all these jealous bitches wanting to fight me because I'm so great and there so ew.

Brenton shrugged his shoulders, he believe she was right so there was no reason to argue. Brenton Cyrus didn’t find anyone else attractive, just Tiffany Starr, she was the only one he wanted.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Guess you have a point. A lot of girls do get jealous of you. But not just you , both of us.

Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven TIFFANY STARR Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven
Well we are just that damn good.

Brenton laughed a bit, he loved when Tiffany used his lines. Brenton and Tiffany begin kissing, every time they kissed nothing else seemed to matter, it was like everything else stopped and only Brenton Cyrus and Tiffany Starr mattered. The buses finally arrived at the airport, Brenton walked up to the counter .

“Tickets Please”

Brenton reached into his pockets, only feeling his phone which was vibrating. Brenton pulled out his phone and opened it, he looked at the screen only to see Prescilla Samurai spread eagle, Brenton laughs and looks around, finally finding Samurai who is holding up a two with his fingers, Samurai is pretty loud and you can hear him say,

“Two in One Day!”

Brenton laughs some more, finally realizing that he’s been so busy he never booked a flight home. Usually he’ll ask Tiffany to get the tickets for them if the week is too busy for him, but this week he forgot.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Uhh babe. I forgot to tell you that I didn't get the tickets..

Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven TIFFANY STARR Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven
Brenton! Seriously?!

The look on her face made Brenton want to laugh, but he fought his best to keep it in.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Yeah.. Sorry babe but looks like were stuck in Iowa for awhile..

Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven TIFFANY STARR Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven
BRENTON! Fix it!

-■†Read First†■-

Tiffany walked away as Brenton turned around to talk to the flight attendant.

Brenton Cyrus■■
Why Can’t you just book us on this flight? You can put it on my card, I don’t care what it costs.

“Sorry Sir”

Brenton hated mornings, he would get so frustrated over the littlest things, not to mention the fact, that the realization began to sink in that he might be stuck back home in Iowa, where a lot of his demons lived. Brenton wasn’t sure if he could handle staying in Iowa, the week had been so busy, and he didn’t get in till Saturday Night, He just realized where he is. Luckily for Brenton he didn’t have to face this in the span of a week, he had to face it all head on, all at once. Brenton snaps out of his trance and turns towards the lady again, this time he begins to raise his voice.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Do you know who I am? DO YOU KNOW MY NAME? I’m Brenton Cyrus, I’m one of the most famous people on earth! Do you know how retarded you sound telling me you can’t book me a flight!? Do you? You sound like a fucking idiot! All I need is one fucking flight from Des Moines, Iowa to Los Angeles California! That’s it! Book me and my love a fucking flight out of here!

Brenton stares at the lady in disbelief, its like the words were going in one ear and out the other. Brenton puts his head on the counter, a headache approaching, Brenton looks up at the lady slowly, her eyes are white, Brenton squints his eyes a bit and stares at the lady. She finally begins talking.

“הגיע הזמן לפגוש את השדים Brenton Cyrus! הגיע הזמן לפגוש את העבר שלך! ”

Brenton Cyrus backs up, finally realizing there is a crowd around him. The lady begins saying

“Sir? Sir?”

Brenton Cyrus backed up, Tiffany Starr grabbed his arm.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Stand back, I don’t want you to get hurt.

Brenton Cyrus and Tiffany Starr grab there bags and leave the airport, Brenton tells the bus driver the get him a limo immediately.

Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven TIFFANY STARR Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven
Brenton you’re acting weird!

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
I have unfinished business in Iowa, I have to face my greatest demon.

Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven TIFFANY STARR Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven
What do you want me to do? Should I go to Los Angeles with everyone else?

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Yeah, I think that would be for the best.

Brenton Cyrus and Tiffany Starr kiss again, this would be the first time they would be separated for more then a day. They begin to part ways, each one of them mouth the words I Love You as Brenton gets into his limo.

Last edited by Brenton Cyrus on July 2nd 2009, 10:38 am; edited 2 times in total

Brenton Cyrus

Birthday : 1989-10-10
Age : 34
Zodiac : Libra
Chinese Zodiac : Snake
Location Location : Des Moines, Iowa
Number of posts : 1722

No Limit Wrestling Federation Info
NLWF Record: 63-16-2
No Limit Wrestling Federation Net Worth: $11,520,000
No Limit Wrestling Federation Popularity:
-■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Final Days■- -■Legacy XII■- I_vote_lcap100/100-■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Final Days■- -■Legacy XII■- Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

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-■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Final Days■- -■Legacy XII■- Empty Re: -■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Final Days■- -■Legacy XII■-

Post by Brenton Cyrus July 2nd 2009, 10:20 am

-■†Read First†■-

Wednesday July 1st 2009

Brenton Cyrus wakes up, still nothing solved, no life problems to deal with. He’s just been resting, he thought maybe he was just stuck there to rest. Brenton Cyrus sits and hears Death Angel

■■Death Angel■■
Yes they Will pay for there sins but most of all Brenton Cyrus has to look on the one day his life changed that one day I saved his Life and Changed his history.

Death Angels eyes never move they dont even blink.

■■Death Angel■■
Brenton Cyrus you know of that Day the Day every thing Changed I have never stopped thinking about that day and what i did for you.

Death Angel eyes keep looking into the camera as the Camera see's a Field behind Death Angel and the Unknown Person.

■■Death Angel■■

Brenton Cyrus do you remember this Place because I do if you have any guts you will meet me here so we can just talk I will not attack you as long as you come alone my apprentice will leave as soon as you show up.

Death Angel stands in the middle of the Field as the Camera fads to black as the last words come from Death Angels mouth.

■■Death Angel■■
בוא אחי מאפשר לדבר על היום הלכתי לבית הכלא בשבילך

Brenton knows exactly what Death Angel is talking about, Brenton finally understands why he’s there. He has to go back to where his life took a drastic turn. Brenton gets to his feet and gets dressed, he knows it’s time to face his past. Brenton leaves the hotel and begins walking to the school. Brenton takes a step onto the field and looks around.

Brenton Cyrus■■
Death Angel I’m here! You can come out from hiding, you can stop sending me messages, and you can stop following me, lets do this man to man, lets talk about all of this. There are things I need to understand, I need to know who you are!

Brenton Cyrus looks around, waiting for an answer from the SYCO Angel.

■■Death Angel■■
Why would I tell you, the things you already know!

Brenton Cyrus turns around and sees Death Angel with his apprentice. Brenton looks at Death Angel, the thoughts in his head seemed delusional. Could Death Angel be Rob Langdon?

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Who are you Death Angel?

■■Death Angel■■
I told you I wont answers things you already know.

Brenton Cyrus looked at Death Angel in shock, he refused to believe that Death Angel was Rob Langdon. Brenton Cyrus felt like he had to say something, so he let out whatever he could.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■

■■Death Angel■■
I escaped prison, I’m glad you finally know who I am!

Brenton was still confused, why wouldn’t Death Angel mention any of this before?

■■Death Angel■■
This entire time you’ve been fighting me, I actually go by the name Andrew Savage now, just to be safe.

Brenton Cyrus couldn’t believe it, all he could do was hug Death Angel, hug his old buddy Rob Langdon.

Brenton Cyrus woke up in his bed, he looked around wondering what happened? And Where am I? Eventually he was able to get up and get a plane home to Los Angeles, the entire time thinking about what had happened in Iowa. Brenton was glad to be back in LA, unfortunately he was staying with Tiffany Starr at her place since Death Angel torched his. Brenton relaxed in Tiffany’s bed thinking about his life and everything he had ever done. Tiffany walks in, she’s wearing some of the hottest, sexiest lingerie Brenton had ever seen, suddenly nothing else mattered, his mind was taken to a whole different place.


Thursday July 2nd 2009

What’s up to all my fans and all the people who care about me, I’m here in a hospital because I have a Kidney Infection. It hurts pretty bad but they are taking good care of me here. I had to call in to NLWF headquarters today to inform them that I will not be able to be on Direct Hit this week. Instead I’ve decided to let Mexican Samurai step in for me and take on Frank Hart.

I will be on Legacy, so Sunday Night fan base don’t worry, I will be there in Los Angeles. This weeks show is going to be historic I promise you that, there are rumors out on what the main event is going to be, but no one knows for sure, plus the road to the main event is going to be the real spotlight of the show.

I just wanted everyone to know that I’m ok, I’ll be fine. Make sure you watch Legacy this Sunday night, There is a lot of things that are going to happen that shape the PPV for July.

Brenton Cyrus

Birthday : 1989-10-10
Age : 34
Zodiac : Libra
Chinese Zodiac : Snake
Location Location : Des Moines, Iowa
Number of posts : 1722

No Limit Wrestling Federation Info
NLWF Record: 63-16-2
No Limit Wrestling Federation Net Worth: $11,520,000
No Limit Wrestling Federation Popularity:
-■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Final Days■- -■Legacy XII■- I_vote_lcap100/100-■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Final Days■- -■Legacy XII■- Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

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