NLWF Presents:
The Federation that promises to blow your mind as we lead the golden age of Pro Wrestling into the future! The No Limit Wrestling Federation is like no other, where you will be given limitless opportunities to excel fast as you compete in the Land of No Limits, fighting in the best Blood Sport on Earth!

NLWF accepts anyone brave enough to take the Walk of Fame, the first steps on the path to Immortality, but warns: Enter at Your Own Risk!

No restrictions, no boundaries, no limits, just the sport the way it should be!

Welcome and allow me to introduce you to four letters that will change your life, NLWF!


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NLWF Presents:
The Federation that promises to blow your mind as we lead the golden age of Pro Wrestling into the future! The No Limit Wrestling Federation is like no other, where you will be given limitless opportunities to excel fast as you compete in the Land of No Limits, fighting in the best Blood Sport on Earth!

NLWF accepts anyone brave enough to take the Walk of Fame, the first steps on the path to Immortality, but warns: Enter at Your Own Risk!

No restrictions, no boundaries, no limits, just the sport the way it should be!

Welcome and allow me to introduce you to four letters that will change your life, NLWF!

NLWF Presents:
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-■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Love Triangle■- -■Resurrection of Respect■- -■RP 1■-

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-■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Love Triangle■- -■Resurrection of Respect■- -■RP 1■- Empty -■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Love Triangle■- -■Resurrection of Respect■- -■RP 1■-

Post by Brenton Cyrus July 20th 2009, 4:59 pm

-■□Love Triangle□■-

Sunday July 19th 2009

My limo pulled out of the Arena parking lot, and I went to Megan’s parents house. On the way there so many thoughts filled my head, this was one of the worst and longest days this month. I had hoped Orlando Ortiz would be able to handle Legacy, but I was dead wrong, it was chaotic. We arrived at the house and I ordered the limo driver to stay put. I walked to the front door and knocked. Bobby O’Day answered the door.

Bobby O’Day
What do you want Butthead!

This guy was the biggest douche I’ve ever met in my life, but every time I was around him Megan’s words echoed in my head, “Please be nice to Bobby, either he‘s retarded or he was dropped as a baby.”

Brenton Cyrus■■
Bobby, I don’t have time to bullshit around with you. I need to talk to Megan, NOW.

That psychotic, “I‘m going to punt kick you” look was on my face, I didn’t want to deal with this big asshole. Bobby O’Day pushed open the screen door and walked towards me, he had the look of a guy who wanted to fight. I shook my head at him.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Bobby, you really don’t want to fuck with me right now, I’ll fucking annihilate you.

Bobby screamed and ran towards be, I braced myself, then shifted my weight to judo throw him to the ground. I punched Bobby to the mouth knocking out one of his perfect pearly whites. I got off of him and stood up. The SYCO had taken over, I was on auto drive. Bobby started to get up, I watched and set up for a punt kick. I ran at Bobby ready to kick him when…

Megan O’Day

I hit the brakes almost falling over Bobby. My head cleared in an instant, it was Megan O’Day that made me a good person, without her I’m the psychotic Lord who crucifies his enemies. I ran my hand through my hair and looked around the neighborhood, everyone was outside. I looked at the O’Day family, the girls crying and her father looked enraged. I began walking towards my limo when everything went black. I awoke quickly after a fist to my eye, I could feel my eye socket break from the force of the punch. Bobby pulled his arm back and delivered a forearm to my mouth, my tooth piercing through my lip. The final shot Bobby drove his elbow into my eyebrow, he attempted a fourth shot but I grabbed his arm and locked him in a triangle choke. I could see Bobby gasping for air so I tightened the hold as tight as I could. I grabed Bobby’s hair with my left hand and started punching him with my right, shot after shot, I kept hitting him until I felt my hand break against his head. I jumped back in pain and shook my hand, I rushed to the limo, this neighborhood was too rich, I knew someone called the cops on me. I opened my door and jumped into the back, I saw Megan’s Father walking towards the limo with a baseball bat.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■

Megan’s Dad swung the at the window, he connected shattering glass into my face, and damaged eye.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■

I was bleeding from everywhere, My mouth, around my eye, the back of my head, I even had blood from my mouth coming out of my nose. I started coughing, blood splattered all over the back of the limo.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Just take me home…

I tried my best to wipe the blood out of my left eye, but it was swollen shut anyway. I was so pissed off, then my hand started throbbing, my face hurt so bad that I forgot that I had broken it.




Alison Williams
Brenton I’m in jail, I need your help! Come and get me out of here.

She had one phone call and she called me, it warmed my heart, I had to go and get her.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
I’ll be there. Driver we have a new destination.

I told the driver what happened and made his dumb ass turn the limo around and take me to Alison’s rescue. We arrived and I posted her bail, Ali looked so happy to see me, I didn’t get to see Legacy and had no idea what happened. We went to my place and she cleaned my cuts with alcohol, then she forced me to go to the hospital for my hand. Two dislocated knuckles and a few hairline fractures, was the verdict after x-rays, they put a cast on my hand, not to mention the stitches in my lip, eyebrow, and the back of my head. we went to a park together, and spent hours talking about everything. I fell in love with Alison Williams all over again, but I was loyal and nothing would ever change that, I loved Megan O’Day far more but there has been so much pressure on the relationship that it’s not fun anymore, Alison was fun. We held hands while leaving the park, it was the perfect date, there was no pressure.

Alison Williams
I love you Brenton.

We stopped walking and I looked at her.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
I love you too Ali.

She bit her bottom lip as she looked into my eyes, then we both moved in, slowly getting closer, our lips about to touch.


We both jumped, frightened by the man. We both looked at him as he took our picture. I thought, why the fuck would I want a picture? I’m beat up, and this was not a day and night I want to remember. But then I thought about how much fun I had with Alison, and I realized, this is a night I want to remember. I gave the bum a hundred dollars for the picture, it was all I had.

Brenton Cyrus■■
Wow, is that what I look like?

Alison Williams
What exactly happened?

We continued walking to Ali’s favorite bar.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
I don’t really remember, But I think Bobby hit me with a rock or a brick to the back of the head.

Alison Williams
Are you ok?

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
I’m fine, It doesn’t really hurt anymore.

We walked into the bar

It’s the last thing I remember

Monday July 20th 2009

I woke up in a panic the next day, I obviously had a concussion because the night before was a blur. I looked next to me and saw Megan naked next to me, I was so happy I got her back. I leaned over and kissed her on her cheek and wrapped an arm around her grabbing one of her breasts.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■

I whispered into her ear. She turned to look at me and that’s when I realized it wasn’t Megan I was naked in bed with, it was Alison. Alison smiled at me who’s eyes were wide open, she rubbed her eyes then reached under the covers and grabbed my dick.

Alison Williams


Her eyes widened.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
Ali please let go of my dick.

She smiled at me and let go.

Alison Williams


■■Brenton Cyrus■■
What happened?

Alison Williams
I had to much to drink at the bar.

■■Brenton Cyrus■■
And I have a concussion.

We put clothes on and laid back down. We talked about what we remembered, both of us remembering up to the point where we entered the bar. We had to puzzle together what exactly happened in the bar. Apparently some guy was hitting on Alison when I went to the bathroom. The guy and his friend grabbed Alison and that’s when I lost my fucking mind. “Come on you little whore.” I ran towards him and as hard as I could I hit him with my cast., I could feel it shatter. His friend grabbed me so I head butted him with the back of my head, reopening my stitches. With both guys down I told Ali to leave, I didn’t want her to see what I was going to do. I went back to the asshole who called her a whore, NO ONE called Alison a whore around me and lived to speak about it, I picked him up and bashed him to the nose one more time. I grabbed some rum and put it in my mouth, it was disgusting, it made me want to vomit, but I wanted to punish this man. I pulled out my lighter and spit a fireball burning his face badly. He screamed in pain as I coughed from the disgusting alcohol. I went to the second guy and stomped on both of his hands. The first got fought to his feet and tried to run, I grabbed a dart off the dart board and hit him right to the face freaking him out and making him trip and fall over a chair. I picked him up and I launched him threw the bars window. I wrote the bar a check for twenty thousand dollars, the bar tender didn’t see a thing. Alison had to leave immediately, she didn’t tell me why, she just left. I grabbed my pants from the night before and a picture fell out, I picked it up and looked at.

-■Brenton Cyrus Presents: Love Triangle■- -■Resurrection of Respect■- -■RP 1■- BCAW-2

-■□Love Triangle□■-

Brenton Cyrus

Birthday : 1989-10-10
Age : 34
Zodiac : Libra
Chinese Zodiac : Snake
Location Location : Des Moines, Iowa
Number of posts : 1722

No Limit Wrestling Federation Info
NLWF Record: 63-16-2
No Limit Wrestling Federation Net Worth: $11,520,000
No Limit Wrestling Federation Popularity:
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