NLWF Presents:
The Federation that promises to blow your mind as we lead the golden age of Pro Wrestling into the future! The No Limit Wrestling Federation is like no other, where you will be given limitless opportunities to excel fast as you compete in the Land of No Limits, fighting in the best Blood Sport on Earth!

NLWF accepts anyone brave enough to take the Walk of Fame, the first steps on the path to Immortality, but warns: Enter at Your Own Risk!

No restrictions, no boundaries, no limits, just the sport the way it should be!

Welcome and allow me to introduce you to four letters that will change your life, NLWF!


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NLWF Presents:
The Federation that promises to blow your mind as we lead the golden age of Pro Wrestling into the future! The No Limit Wrestling Federation is like no other, where you will be given limitless opportunities to excel fast as you compete in the Land of No Limits, fighting in the best Blood Sport on Earth!

NLWF accepts anyone brave enough to take the Walk of Fame, the first steps on the path to Immortality, but warns: Enter at Your Own Risk!

No restrictions, no boundaries, no limits, just the sport the way it should be!

Welcome and allow me to introduce you to four letters that will change your life, NLWF!

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Descent into Darkness Part 1

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Descent into Darkness Part 1 Empty Descent into Darkness Part 1

Post by Crimson Skull February 14th 2013, 5:47 am

3 months

The camera cues in on
Crimson Skull kneeling by a tombstone, he has flowers in his hands. The camera zooms in close to him so that we
can hear what he is saying.

Skull: The last words you spoke to me, was to make
them remember. And here I am still
trying to figure out just exactly how to do that, months after you’ve

It still feels like
just yesterday you were still here with me.
I can still remember the feel of your skin against mine. I always thought that I would pass long
before you, considering how much older I was than you. This is the most difficult thing I’ve ever
been through.

Even the loss of my
child, didn’t hurt this bad.

Skull hangs his head,
trying to center himself and control his emotions.

Skull: But…today, would have been our
anniversary. I know that I’m not the
emotional or sentimental type. But-


Skull is abruptly cut
off and turns around. The camera pans
around as well to see who interrupted him.
Lying on top of a tombstone, propped up by his arm is a face Skull knows
all too well.

Descent into Darkness Part 1 Supern11

Lucifer: Why the surprised look on your face?

Skull: What the hell do you want?

Lucifer: Well, first…I want you to quit bitching and
moaning and to get the hell up.

Skulls fists tighten
as he stands up and charges after Lucifer.
He takes a swing, but Lucifer disappears and reappears a few tombstones

Lucifer: Are we really going to have to go through
this again? You can’t hit me in my
corporeal form. Only when I
manifest. That happens, oh, every once
in a few people that you slaughter for me.

Skull keeps his back
to Lucifer. His shoulders heaving with
short breaths of rage.

Skull: I’m not ready for this, yet.

Lucifer: Well….It’s not really an option for when you
are ready or when you’re not. I’m kinda
calling the shots around here, kid.

Skull: You son of a bitch.

Lucifer: Is that any way to talk to your old

Skull turns to face

Skull: My father died years ago.

Lucifer: WRONG!
Well, your sperm donor died years ago. More appropriately he was KILLED years ago, by
you might I add, but who was it that took you in? Me! If
anyone has raised you, it would be yours truly.
So now, son. Where are we off to

Skull’s head tilts in

Skull: You’re going to force me to be ready to do
your bidding, but you don’t even know where to start?

Lucifer smirks.

Lucifer: You see, kiddo. That’s the thing. You kind of, control the reigns. I’m just along for the ride. Ever heard the expression about having a
devil on your shoulder? Well, hi, that’s
me. I’m just not sitting on your

Skull: I’m not sure I understand.

Lucifer: Boy, you’ve gotten dumber in your old
age. Remember how it used to be back in
the day? You just kind of did everything
on your own, and all I had to do was sit back and watch and be proud of what I
created. That’s kind of what I think you
need to get back to doing, but I understand it being confusing for seeing as
you’ve turn into such a pussy over the years.

Skull clenches his
fists again, but tries to subdue his rage.
Lucifer smirks and chuckles softly, knowing that this is killing Skull
trying not to strike him.

Lucifer: Now, like I told you. There may be a way to undue what He has
done. He may be a father who has cruel
intentions in mind, but I don’t. Well,
I’ll clarify. I don’t have any cruel
intentions on your behalf, but everybody else is fucked. So, please. For His sake, get the hell up and quit moaning
and bitching and crying, be who you know to be.
Be “The Crimson Devil” you used to be.
Go out there and fuck some shit up!

Skull shakes his head
in disgust.

Skull: I denounced you once before, what makes you
so sure that I won’t do it again?

Lucifer disappears
yet again, only this time when he reappears he is directly in Skull’s face.

Lucifer: Because if you don’t….I will personally make
sure that you are haunted every waking second of each day and each night by
your wife’s spirit. And all she will
have to say is how it was you that killed her and it was you that ruined any
chance of ever really seeing her ever again!

Skull’s head drops
before Lucifer. He knows that what
Lucifer is saying is the truth. Lucifer
places a hand upon Skull’s shoulder. All
Skull can feel is an icy chill underneath where Lucifer’s hand is resting.

Lucifer: Hey, don’t be so blue now! We don’t have to play this game the hard way,
pal! We can do this the easy way, it
won’t take long before you remember just how it used to be. You just need to……..cleanse your thoughts

Skull looks up to

Skull: I’m almost afraid to ask what it is that you
had in mind?

Lucifer: Oh, don’t worry my dear boy. You’ll find that out on your own. Like I said, you drive the horse, I’m just
riding passenger here.

The camera pans over
and views a family walking along the cemetery just a few dozen yards away from
Skull. They’ve stopped in their tracks
and are watching him hesitantly. The
camera looks back with the family’s view and it appears that Skull is talking
to himself.

The camera switches
back to Skull and Lucifer.

Skull: If what you say is true, then I am willing to
do anything just to have her back. Maybe
it’s just because you’ve caught me at a moment’s weakness, or maybe it’s
because this is the life I was meant to lead all along.

Anytime that I’ve
tried to do the work of God or the work of light, that is when I’ve had the
most pain in my life. It truly has been
under your guidance that I’ve had the life of decadence and almost happiness.

At this point I am
willing to try anything. But I warn you,
if you try to cross me, you will pay.

Lucifer yawns.

Lucifer: Listen, kid.
Maybe if you were the big bad scary guy you were years ago, I might take
you seriously. And I might be intimidated
by that. But, that’s going to take you
some time adjusting back to that. But,
I’ll keep your threat in mind, just in case you might get back to what you once

Skull blinks and just
like that Lucifer is gone. He turns
around a few times but cannot find him.
He notices that the small family has begun to stare at him with their
mouths agape. Skull turns to them and
begins walking their direction, which sends them scattering back towards their

The camera fades on
Skull standing alone in the cemetery, but upon the ground there appear to be
two shadows as if someone unseen is standing beside of him.

4 years

Debut of Darkness
- Crimson Skull [vs] Tiffany Starr -

Tiffany Starr is waiting in the
ring for Crimson Skull

Samantha Praxton: "And making his way to the

The crowd erupts into cheers,
most coming from older fans who remember Crimson Skull in his glory days.
Crimson Skull appears on the stage and begins walking down the aisle.

Andrew: "The crowd apparently remembers
Crimson Skull!"

[b]Tommy: "Big whoop."

Andrew: "Oh come on, Crimson Skull is one
of the best in the business!"

Andrew: "He WAS the best. Crimson Skull is
the past. Tiffany Starr is the future."
Crimson Skull is halfway down the ramp. Brenton Cyrus and Mexican Samurai
walk out on the stage. Mexican Samurai races down the ramp and cracks a lead
pipe across Crimson Skull's back. Brenton Cyrus looks on as Samurai brings the
pipe crashing down onto Crimson Skull's downed body. Cyrus slowly begins
walking down the ramp. Mexican Samurai backs away as Cyrus waits for Skull to
move. Without warning, Brenton races forward, his boot connecting with
Crimson's head. Crimson Skull falls to the ground and doesn't move.

Andrew: "Cyrus with that boot to Crimson's

[b]Tommy: "Get the fuck out of here."

Mexican Samurai rolls Crimson Skull into the ring as Cyrus yells at the referee
to ring the bell. The bell rings to signal the beginning of the match. Tiffany
smiles at Brenton and goes for the pin. The referee makes the count.


Samantha Praxton: "Here is your winner...TIFFANY

3 Days Ago

The camera fades in upon Crimson
Skull sitting in a dimly lit room. All
we see is from his shoulders up, his head is bowed.

Skull: What have I done?

I’ve been sitting here for hours,
staring into nothing trying to remember where I got that urge. That urge to…..kill.

They didn’t deserve it, but I didn’t
care. It was like I acted upon
impulse. Maybe I’m going insane, maybe
I’m not really seeing Lucifer and he is just a manifestation of my insanity.

Wait, no…he was there…the preacher
knew he was there, he could hear him…he could SEE him…

I might have imagined it, I’ve done it

But that still doesn’t explain this.

Skull holds up his hands. They’re covered up to the elbows with

Skull: I can’t contain it anymore.

Is it happening again?

Have I lost my control over the dark?

Am I slipping into madness yet again?

Lucifer: You probably are.

Skull jumps at the sound of
Lucifer’s voice. He looks all around him
but cannot see where he is.


Lucifer: What good would it do? You think I’m just inside your head


Lucifer: Physically?
Nothing. Except maybe your
limitations are leaving you.
Mentally? You’re going batshit

Yeah, that’s pretty much it.

Skull: How dare you?
How can you take light of my situation and mock me in this frame of

Lucifer: You forget who you’re talking to, kiddo. Consider this all the weakness leaving your
body. You’ve probably got one more life
to take before you feel like your old self again. Sure, it’s going to make your head hurt like
hell, but that’s what were trying to do anyways, right? Get rid of all those little mental road
blocks the big daddy in the sky put in your head, right?

Skull just sits there staring off
into space for a few moments before speaking again.

Skull: Tell me one thing, is it just me that can see
you or can others see you as well?

Lucifer: Well, that depends.

Skull: Stop talking in circles, just answer my

Lucifer manifests and steps from
behind a wall to where Skull can see him.

Lucifer: So bossy!
But if you really want to know….Its up to me who sees me.

Lucifer’s head tilts in

Lucifer: Yeah, I think I said that right. But anyways, if I want you to see me, you
will. If I want the world to see me
while I’m talking to you, they will. But
I can also place myself in your thoughts to where you really think you’re
seeing me but you’re not. Sounds crazy,
but it’s the truth. That’s why most of
my best workers, the serial killers and whatnot, most of them went crazy a long
time ago. It’s really because they tried
to figure out if I was real or in their heads.
But with them, I’d take the form of their parents or whoever they really
wanted to avenge. You know, just really
doing stuff to fuck with their minds.

Skull: Is that what you’re meaning to do with

Lucifer: Oh, not. I’ve got big plans for you, kid. BIG, BIG, Plans. But first, we’ve got to get you back on the
right track. I’m starting to sound like
a skipping record, ain’t I? Come on,
kid. Get up. We’ve got some work to do.

It’s just that easy for him, isn’t it?

But, then again….he’s been doing this
since the beginning of time.

But why me? Am I still the one he’s picked to be his

And if I’m going to go back to what I
used to be, then why was it so hard for me to take the lives that I have

The camera does a rippling effect,
going into a flashback of a few hours before this incident.

Did he even deserve this?

Skull is seen standing in the fog
on a busy sidewalk. People are bustling
by him, some of them do not notice him, those that do try to avert getting too
close to him. He’s holding his hands out
in front of him, turning them over every few seconds.

He told me that I was changing
already, but I don’t feel any differently…maybe it will take more time to tell.

A trash can tumbles over in the
distance as a fat drunk man begins stumbling out of a bar. There is a bouncer helping him out, but
quickly disassociates himself from the drunk man.

Disgusting excuse of a

Why do I feel so angry now?

Man: Get out of my fffffffucking way!

The drunk rambles on to random
people passing him on the street almost as much as he is stumbling into

Lucifer: You know what he’s going to do

Skull: Where are you?

Lucifer: Don’t worry about
me, kid. Just stay focused on Jiggles
the Clown over there. You want to know
what he’s going to do when he gets home tonight?

Skull: Why should I care?

Lucifer: Well, I know you’re still a bit righteous in
your actions, so I figured I’d pick a good one to send out to you. This guy right here, is sick. When he gets home, he’s going to start an
argument with his wife, beat the living shit out of her, then slip into his
step daughter’s bed room and take advantage of her. Need I mention, she’s only 11? Oh, and when he’s finished with all of that,
he’s going to reward himself with a big, sloppy, sandwich. A disgusting shell of a gluttonous fiend if
you ask me.

Skull’s body begins to tremor with

Lucifer: Yeah, I figured that might trigger something
for you. So, what do you plan on
doing? You going to kick his ass? Or are you going rip out his fucking throat
and forcefeed him some pavement?

Skull: No!
Stop! Just let me think!

The drunk is stumbling ever so
closely to Skull, not even noticing that he is even heading that
direction. He veers to the right a bit,
but still clips shoulders with Skull.
Skull being much larger than this man, the drunk man is knocked
aside. Taking this as an aggression from
Skull to him he shoves Skull.

Man: You got a fuckin’ problem pal?

Skull: Leave.

Man: HEY!
You don’t tell me!

The drunk man shoves Skull

Skull: Stop.
I don’t want to hurt you.

Man: Yeah, that’s what I thought, you fucking
pussy piece of shit![/i]

The drunk man throws a punch at
Skull. Skull catches it in his right
hand. It seems as if time stands still
for a moment. A flash of red goes across
Skull’s eyes as he tightens his grip on this man’s hand.

Man: Ah…fuck…ok, pal. I get it, just let go, ok? GOD DAMN IT, that fuckin’ hurts! STOP!

A small smirk comes across Skull’s
face. Skull leans in close to this man’s
face and softly, but gravely whispers to him.

Skull: Isn’t that what your wife and stepdaughter
tell you when you come home drunk? No,
please, stop, you’re hurting me?

The look of horror spreads across
this man’s face.

Man: Who….the fuck…..How in the….WHO ARE

A deep, dark, demonic laugh comes from
deep within Skull.

Skull: All you need to know, is that I…am your
end. You will not enjoy this, but you do
deserve this.

Skull squeezes the man’s hands
until the bones are heard snapping, shattering and popping. The man howls in pain as people begin to move
away from these two. Skull grabs the man
by the throat with his free hand and then grabs ahold of the man’s beltline,
lifting him up over his head. He tosses
the man against the corner of a building.

This makes a sickening crack as the
man doubles back in pain, favoring his back.
He howls in pain again as Skull stalks over him scrambling on the

Lucifer appears just a few feet in
front of Skull, crouching on the lid of a dumpster. He takes in a deep breath through his nose as
if he is smelling the air.

Lucifer: You smell that, kiddo? Fear!
Go ahead, take it in. I know you
haven’t tasted it in a long time, but this feels good doesn’t it? This feels like it’s natural to you. This feels like-

Skull shoots a glance to Lucifer,
cutting him off.

Lucifer: Ok, I’ll shut up. Enjoy your little moment here.

Skull stands over top of the man
who is blubbering pleas of mercy and forgiveness. He apologizes time and time again for what
he’s done to his wife and stepchild.
Skull begins to chuckle as he confesses each and every sin to him.

Skull crouches down to the man’s
level. He takes his hand and places it
around the drunk man’s cheeks, squeezing them together and making the drunk man
silent except for his wheezing and sobs of fear and pain.

Skull: You know, people like you make me sick. The ability to live a normal life, but you
choose to make it something dark and demented on your own. But that doesn’t matter to me, you see I’ve
got a purpose now. I’ve been without one
for years. Sure, I’ve thought there were
things that were supposed to be important to me.

[color:0f8f=red=But they weren’t really priorities at

They were just hopes.


Things that I’d lost my grip on. And wouldn’t you know, what gets me back in
the right frame of mind is me losing anything that I’ve ever cared

The man’s eyes are colored with
fear, but he still has a look of confusion about him.

Skull: I lost my first wife to the business. I lost my second wife to the business. What business you ask? Professional Wrestling.

Go ahead, laugh….most do.

You see, what took my wife away was my
love for that business. I became
enamored with it, couldn’t keep from joining as many federations as I could, I
was obsessed with having the fame and having all these people look up to me and
respect me.

Eventually she started being
unfaithful. To beat it all, with people that
I considered my friends.

That’s all in the past though, that
axe has been grinded and buried in someone’s back.

But my second wife? She’s been dead for a few months now. I can honestly say I didn’t love my first
wife, it was more of a convenience than it was a marriage…but my god how I did
love my second wife, Amber so.

She was everything to me. And you know what happened?

The business took her from me.


We were on our way to an event that I
was featured in. A rival from many years
back sent one of his lackeys to stall me getting there to this event.

An unforeseen turn of events caused
this lackey to crash into our car.
Taking both the lives of this peon of my rival and my dear, beautiful

Was his sacrifice necessary?

Probably not, but that’s what he
deserved. My rival’s plan worked though,
he put me out of commission for many months, yet here I stand. A broken, bitter, old man.

Who is this rival? None other than “God himself”, Brenton
Cyrus. You’re right, who?

The man has begun to now sob very
heavily. The tears flowing freely from
his eyes.

Skull: You’re wondering what all this has to do with
you, aren’t you?

Well, I will tell you.

You’re the first.

The first back on my path to
“enlightenment” if you will. You see,
I’ve had this dark haze hanging over me for years now.

I’m a shell of what I once used to be,
and that is partly to be on the blame of Brenton Cyrus, but he has his coming
to him.

But mostly, I have myself to
blame. You see, I let go of one of my
core beliefs. I let them get to me.

But you, you’re going to help me with

You see, you don’t even deserve the
breath that you draw in. That’s why I’m
going to rip your intestines out and shove them down your throat.

You like to reward yourself after
beating and abusing both your wife and stepchild by gorging your gluttonous
gut, so now, I’m going to help you by rewarding you with your own

Skull pulls his fist back and rams
it into the stomach of this man. A sick
ripping sound is heard as the man lets out a bloodcurdling scream that is
muffled by Skull’s hand still holding his cheeks together.

Skull pulls his hand out of this man’s
stomach and has a bit of his intestines in his hands. He examines them in his hand for a moment
before shoving them into the mouth of the man.
The man gags and chokes for a few seconds before losing

Skull continues to remove any integral
organ inside this man’s midsection and shoves it down his throat while the man’s
body lies there lifeless and bloody.

Skull stands up once his work is done
and an applause is heard from behind him.

Lucifer: Nice work kid! Not bad for having a few years of rust on
you, but hey, it works. I mean, I could
paint pictures of this it just seems so poetic.
But, if I know you like I think I do, then I’m sure there’s going to be
some pretty good surprises.

Skull: This….feeling…I’ve not….felt so alive…In, so

Lucifer: See, I told you. This is what you needed. Something to get all that nostalgia
back. Now before you run home and jerk
off to all these “good” feelings, I think you’ve got more work that you want to

Skull just stares blankly at Lucifer
with a grim smirk upon his face. Lucifer
begins speaking again, but Skull just turns and walks away from him.

The camera watches Lucifer’s face
twist into an expression of confusion, then he seems amused. He dissipates as the camera follows Skull.

Skull keeps walking until he comes to
the steps to a catholic church.

The camera fades as Skull takes a step
towards the church.

Last edited by Crimson Skull on February 14th 2013, 6:08 am; edited 2 times in total
Crimson Skull
Crimson Skull

Birthday : 1988-09-01
Age : 36
Zodiac : Virgo
Chinese Zodiac : Dragon
Location Location : Home
Number of posts : 13

No Limit Wrestling Federation Info
NLWF Record: 00-00-00
No Limit Wrestling Federation Net Worth: $0
No Limit Wrestling Federation Popularity:
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Descent into Darkness Part 1 Empty Re: Descent into Darkness Part 1

Post by Crimson Skull February 14th 2013, 6:15 am


The camera fades in on Crimson
Skull standing before a sink. The water
is running slowly, and he is apparently washing his hands in it. The bottom of the sink is stained red.

Skull: So here I find myself in the place that
almost ended it all.

Let’s see how it turns out this

Where do I start? Brenton Cyrus….my dear friend.

Skull laughs for a few seconds.

Skull: What is there to say about you, my friend.

You don’t have to state the
obvious. Everyone already knows that I
lost to Megan O’Day in my debut match in NLWF.
But thank you for reminding everyone about it. Because it gave me a reason to show what
really happened.

Everyone knows that I never
would have lost if had not been for you three ingrates getting yourselves
involved. That’s the thing about you
though, Brenton. You like everyone to
believe as you do, when that hardly ever happens anymore.

You see, you made it out to be
some sort of embarrassing loss on my own, when really you had to resort to
cheap shots to get me taken out. You ate
me up to my face, had planned this big elaborate return for me, then all of a
sudden, poof. You undermined everything
that we had planned.

But that’s ok. I’m far over that now.

The things that you’ve done in
the past have shown what happens when you make mistakes. You like to think of yourself as a God, but
in reality you’re a weak man with a frail grasp on reality.

I could go on for days about the
things that I’ve done in my past and in my career, but I’ve come to learn that
none of that matters now. The only time
that it would be relevant would be whenever it applies to the task at

But yet again, thank you for
bringing up that I had a successful career in the past, I appreciate that as

There are two types of men in
this world, Brenton. Those that accept
change, and those that fear it. Which
are you?

There was a time in which I was
one of these men who feared change. Yes,
the great Crimson Skull, the one who touts “Fear the Reaper” at every chance
had something that he feared. But change
wasn’t all that I feared, oh no….I also feared Brenton Cyrus.

I can admit it.

But you’ll be ignorant to deny
fearing me as well. That’s why you
pulled the cheap tricks that you did 4 years ago. You feared what I was capable of, and you had
to incapacitate me before I even got started.

You might be wondering how it is
that I feared you…I’ll tell you, it is simply that I let you control me.

I let you end my career. I let you win.

For years I stayed in the
shadows wondering why my illustrious career came to such an abrupt and
embarrassing end. For years, I couldn’t
find the answer. For years, I lost my
passion for this business….for life…for everything.

Then one day, out of nowhere it
was as if a new life had found its breath deep inside me, a new fire burned a
beacon of hope.

My passion had found its way
back home to my heart of blackest hearts.

It took me a few months to
recuperate and realize what it was that I needed.

I needed a place where I could
heal my wounds, but get back into the “game” as they say.

It was then that I found the
IWF. But unbeknownst to me, there sat
more people that had felt the wrath of the great Brenton Cyrus.

It was then that I realized how
weak that I had been.

It was then I realized how weak
that you really were as well Brenton.

It was then that I realized that
you’re just a man.

When I realized that you’re just
a man, the fear started to go away. The
fear slowly turned into confusion. Then
the confusion turned to pity.

I pity you because this is all
that you have. You are nothing without
your NLWF. When you ran the NLWF into
the ground on your own, where did you go?
Nowhere. You were under the radar
for all that time. As all your protégés
and friends and rivals and enemies parted ways and signed up for other
companies, what did you do?

Absolutely nothing.

Go ahead, try and dispute that,
saying you sat waiting and contemplating on how to come back with a bigger and
better company, but you know it’s a lie.
You wallowed in your own self pity and shame until you caught a second

Then you got the bright idea to
reopen the gates to NLWF, bigger and better, right? This time you should have learned from your
mistakes, but yet the man I see is the same old Brenton Cyrus. Still making the same old empty threats, and
still using the same old sophomoric insults.

Maybe you’re still living inside
this fantasy world where everyone still hangs off of your every word. There is only one person in this federation
who is ready to move at your every say so, and that is only because she is too
foolish to think for herself.

No one cares about how good you
think you are, and no one cares about your sexual encounters with women in this
federation or the next.

And no one cares about your
friendships with unimportant peons like Aaron O’Shea. What importance does he have to any of
this? Sure, after the initial match
between Megan O’Day he led the after match beatdown on me after you and your
friend had already assaulted me.

You stated that if he had been
hit with the lightning bolt, his ashes would be green because he is a true
Irishman. That matters not to anything
at hand besides the fact that it just more words spewing from your mouth. More filth that is just a waste of good

You see, most people hold back
when they speak to you. They hold back
for fear of the retaliation. They hold
back for the fear of keeping their jobs.

But I on the other hand, I do
not fear anything that you can do to me.
Worst possible outcome in this match is that I might lose. And if I do?
Oh well.

You see, I’m at the point in my
career where every match I take part in, I don’t have to win just to appease
some ego problem that you might have. I
know that my record on my career isn’t spotless, but there are still far more
wins that there are losses. But there’s
one thing that’s for certain in each of my matches, I intend to place harm upon
my opponents.

Name the last time I’ve had a
chance to take part in a match in which my opponent actually walked out

Before you even bring it up with
Megan, I didn’t even have a chance to step inside the ring.

The only thing that keeps you
motivated, that keeps you going in life Brenton is when you hold that fear over
your opponent.

You like to believe that
everyone believes this hype that you’re a legend far before your time and that
you’re an immortal…that you’re a “God.”

You also would like to believe
that Stylez as well as myself are here to “teach you a lesson”. When that is further from the truth on my
part at least.

You see, back in a previous time
that would have been all that I was obsessed with was teaching you a lesson and
humbling you.

But you taught yourself your own
lesson. You saw that your actions would
eventually lead to the self-implosion of something your worked so hard to
build. Something that took you years to
build…when in reality it only took a few men a couple of hours to destroy.

And if you haven’t learned from
that, then there is no teaching you anything.
There is one reason as to why I am here, no lessons are going to be
taught…if there is any success in my career then so be it…there is only one
thing on my mind and that is revenge.

Skull stops scrubbing his hands
for a minute while he centers his emotions.

Skull: Moving on…

You can try and convince people
that nothing I’ve done outside of your hero Joe Santiago’s shadow has
mattered. But the truth of the matter
is, once I left Santiago in the dust, my career blossomed. But that thing really doesn’t matter here,
does it?

What does matter is how I plan
on making you feel the pain that I’ve felt.

You try to go on and act like
you had nothing to do with my wife’s death, but yet I know you did. Deny it all you want to, there’s no proof
that you can bring to the table that can tell us otherwise. The seed of doubt has been planted inside
everyone’s heads, all I have to do is sit by and watch as everyone close to you
starts to give you that look.

That look of doubt.

Even your new wife will be
doubting everything that you do.

Before I take her form

Skull shakes his hands to dry
them off. He walks away from the camera
and into another room. The camera
follows Skull into a room that has dozens of pictures hung upon a wall. The camera zooms in and we see the pictures
are of Alison Williams.

Skull: You can throw it up to be some obsession with
her, because it is something belongs to you, but everyone knows what the truth
behind it is.

They know that you have nothing
that I truly want.

They also know that I do not
have some odd obsession with you.

The only thing that I have
planned for you, is killing your wife.

One thing that I’ve noticed
about you Brenton, and I’m sure there have been others that have noticed it

You’re nothing without your
possessions in this world.

You’re nothing without the
NLWF. You’re nothing without the
title. You’re nothing without having a
beautiful girl attached to your arm just for the public eye.

You want people to loathe
you. You want people to hate you. You want them to be jealous of you.

Is it because you hate yourself
so bad, that you feel the only way you can accomplish anything is by overcoming
the doubters and the naysayers? Is it
because you feel you have to prove everything to the world. That you’re not just some flash in the pan?

I’m asking Brenton, because I’m
sure the world wants to know.

You claim that you’ve done more
in a few years than I have in a 27 year career.
I would like to see what exactly that it is that you have done in your
short career.

I’m sure that you’ve done quite
a bit inside this promotion of NLWF. But
of course you would. It’s amazing to see
how often you will win whenever you’re the boss and when you’re calling the
shots. But that was the problem that we
had years ago wasn’t it?

You expected me to come in and
work my way from the bottom, but I refused.
My ego got the best of me. I
expected to come straight in and challenge for the World Title. Then, I got….humbled.

I got set in my place. But it took 4 of you to do so.

I thank you for that Brenton.

You showed me the error in my
ways. You showed me that I was becoming
too much like the men I’ve fought against my entire career trying to set them
back in their place. I had reached a
level of arrogance where it took my career almost ending for me to realize that
it all can change in an instance.

Just ask Johnny Stylez how
quickly it can change. He remembers in
clear detail the day that I broke his neck.

How poetic would it be if that
were to happen to a “God”?

You can chalk this match up to
whatever you want it to be. Stylez and
myself have been rivals our entire careers.
We had our swan song in another promotion and we set aside the
grudge. This alliance that we have here
is only out of convenience. He has his
own agenda against you, as I do my own.

Whatever his plan may be, I do
not know. But mine, is quite simple.

I plan on breaking you
Brenton. I plan on pushing you to your
sanity’s breaking point. I plan on
driving you over the edge. And just when
you thought it couldn’t get any worse, I’m going to take the one thing away
from you that you claim to love so much.

I will test that love.

There is no twisted perversion
or obsession with Alison Williams, oh no.
She is just a pawn on the playing field.

I wonder if she knows what you
did, Brenton?

Would she still love you
unconditionally after knowing that you intentionally wanted my vehicle to crash
that day so that I couldn’t make the IWF show?

But in your defense, you didn’t
want anyone to die, right?

Skull reaches up and rips down a
photo from this collage. His shoulders
are heaving as his breathing is heavy with rage. The camera zooms in over his shoulder and we
see that this picture is of Alison Williams undressing.

Skull: Does this anger you, Brenton? To know that I’ve already came this close to
taking your wife from you?

I could have taken her months
ago, I could have made you feel that pain…that emptiness inside that I feel
right now. But I didn’t, it wasn’t part
of my plan.

You see, I want to give you the
chance to prove yourself. I wanted to
see how far you would be willing to go to prove that you might be innocent.

Maybe it will take the flames to
purge away your sins. Will your wife be
accompanying you to the ring for our little match?

If so, I’d hate to see all those
beautiful blonde locks of hair be consumed in flame by some unfortunate

I mean, what does Alison have if
she does not have her beauty?

Would you still love her?


It seems as though to me, that
you have to have the best for yourself, and nothing less. You have to be the champion, you have to be
the most talked about, you have to be in charge, have the hottest wife, have
the most wonderful marriage.

It is all a façade.

I see straight through you,
Brenton. You have to pretend that you’re
a man who has it all together, but really you’re just some egotistical
narcissist who’s really on the frayed ends of his own sanity as well.

You’re just as insane as I am,
and you know it.

I know you have a hard time
coming to terms with it, but I mean just look at your track record. Just look at your everyday actions. There must be some major inferiority complex
issues at hand here.

I mean, you have to be the best
for everything, and everything five seconds you’re reminding the world that you
believe yourself to be a “God”.

If that’s what it takes to get
yourself through a day, then go right ahead.

I can barely count the times
that you have stated that the NLWF is the big leagues of professional
wrestling. You’d be surprised how many
times I’ve heard that in my long career.

I’ll see it when I believe it.

It’s usually just a statement
made by the person running it, or the person who believes himself to be the top
competitor. That way this person who is
the top competitor has to have overcome all the ridiculously tough obstacles to
be in that top spot. He would have had
to have beaten the toughest competitors in this industry to get to that top
spot and made so many sacrifices.

Oh wait, that would be you,
wouldn’t it?

You haven’t made the first
sacrifice in your life. Oh sure, you’ve
had to go through these hard break ups or divorces with Alison and Megan and
all the other 5 cent harlots that have built you up even higher on your own pedestal.

You were a fool for having anything
to do with those women in the first place.
They’re just as damaged as you are if they feed into your narcissistic

What other sacrifices have you
made? None. Go on talk about some bad childhood trauma or
growing up poor. The truth is, you’ve
had everything you ever wanted handed to you.
If not that, you’ve came into the position of power and given everything
to yourself.

There is no sacrifice with

You can keep your comments about
the big leagues and this being the best in the industry. All you’re doing is trying to convince
yourself that so that you still think you’re the best in the world.

I can’t tell you how many
companies that I’ve wrestled for, and I can’t tell you a total on how many
people that I have wrestled in that ring.

But I can certainly tell you
that I have faced far better wrestlers than Brenton Cyrus.

It would be interesting to see
you perform outside the confines of your own control. To see you work outside of your element. It would be interesting to see just how
successful you would be then.

But then, they would be cheaters
and liars wouldn’t they?

I’ve already went through that
point in my career. That point where I
thought I was the greatest in the world and I deserved anything I ever wanted. I was sat back down in place pretty quickly,
but not by you.

I realized that there’s no real
point in trying to be the best in the world, there’s always going to be that
person that’s just a little bit stronger, faster, etc.

I realized that the only thing
that matters is the opponent standing in front of you in that ring.

Your past accolades, you can
throw them away. They don’t matter.

Your worldly possessions, even
though they define you Brenton; you can throw those away as well. They’re nothing here.

The only thing that truly has
anything to do with the task at hand at all is Brenton Cyrus and Johnny Stylez,
and Crimson Skull.

You find yourself facing two men
that have had some of the most illustrious careers in this industry. But of course, that’s the only reason you
agreed to face us isn’t it? Just
something else to boost that little ego of yours.

Pretty soon, you’ll have to
start reserving two arenas for NLWF events.
One for the actual event, and the other to park your ego in.

I don’t care if John and myself
lose this match, I don’t care if you lose this match. All I care about is getting my hands on you
and seeing how far you are willing to go to prove that you are innocent. That you don’t have the blood of my dead wife
on your hands.

I’m sure you’re quite the liar,
I mean after all you did get Alison to marry you.

I’m sure that you can be pretty
convincing to anyone else. But it’s hard
to reason with Death.

I’ve saw the fear in your eyes,
Brenton. It may not necessarily be a
fear of Johnny Stylez or myself….but there is fear inside those eyes. And that’s all I need.

I just need that starting point
to bring forth your downfall.

You may pride yourself on being
an intelligent man, you may be pretty sharp.
But you’ll never be a step ahead of me.

The path to your breaking point
has already started, and you’re already taking the steps that I want you to.

You’re like my own little
marionette just dancing away under the control of my hands. Pretty soon, you’ll walk your entire family right
into my grasp. Then we will see just
which it is that you love the most.

The power, or you family.

You don’t wait anything out,
Brenton. You have no patience. That’s a
good thing for me. It tells me that you
don’t sit back and think anything over, before making your first move.

It was a hasty action that you
sneak attacked me four years ago. It was
a hasty action to plan this match. I’m
sure that once I’ve sank my claws deep into the back of your mind that you’ll
just make hasty actions left and right, until you finally make the fatal

You think that you’re clever.

I’ve stood in the fire my entire
life. All you’re doing is surrounding a
ring with fire.

My entire life has been a walk
through the darkest, deepest pits of hell.
I’ve stood in HELL fire, Brenton.

Do you think this scares me?

There is nothing in this world
that you can possibly threaten me with or put me up against that would but any
ounce of fear into me!

I find myself laughing at your
desperatism more than I do anything.

Let’s see how long you can last
inside those flames.

You deny your doubts and your
fears all that you want.

But even God cannot deny the

That’s what makes this so much
more poetic. You’ve always claimed
yourself to be a God.

Skull rips the photo in half and
tosses it aside.

Skull: For 27 years, I’ve proven time in and time
out that I am the living, breathing, Evil incarnate. I’ve proven that I am the Devil in the Flesh
countless times.

All you have is a self-claim to
being God.

You would have a line waiting
just to tell you how much of a Devil I really am.

I’ve broken men with my words,
and I’ve severed their spines with my hands.

I’ve ended careers by the dozen,
and I’ve humbled men by the hundreds.

Do you think that you’re the
first that I’ve set my sights on to break?
No, and you certainly won’t be the last either, boy.

The Crimson Skull you thought
you know was just a pathetic excuse of a man.
But you owe it to yourself for waking the beast.

For years, I had been down in
the darkest pits of my career just barely making it by, skimming through the
bottoms of the matches living on my name to get my fame.

But now, you’re witnessing the

You’re seeing a man without
conviction, a man without reason….A fucking monster being released from the
lowest level of Hell!

I have no desires for
championships or victories. Those are
all just material wealth. Things that I
do not have the time to care for or need.

The only thing that I want is
you begging for mercy….you begging for me to spare the lives of your pathetic

I want you to be a sniveling
sack of shit lying at my feet, crying
for all that you’ve done in your pathetic life!

Today, I kill God.

Today, I show the world yet
again what Fear truly is!

I give people a reason to lock
their doors at night, to pray the Lord their souls to keep!

I am the one, true Evil. There is no denying it.

And you think that you even

Boy, the only reason you’re even
in my path is because it is you who will be answering for their sins.

Even God must face the Reaper
one day.

Are you going to be this
arrogant whenever you can smell your flesh burning?

Are you still going to have this
foolish pride whenever I rip your arms from their sockets and impale you with


All you are to me is just
another victim.

Just like your wife.

And when I do get my hands on
her, you’ll be forced to watch.

All you will be able to do is
sit and cry and hate yourself for letting happen.

Because you’ll watch as the
blood pours from her body. You’ll watch
as I carve that beautiful face up until she can barely be recognized. I’ll keep you a memento however whenever I
cut out her deceitful harlot tongue, I’ll even place it in a keepsake box for
you to keep the rest of your life.

This way, her last words can’t
even be that she loves you. When you
truly know it’s only your power that she loves.

And then, when the life has
faded from her and she begins to become a cold, lifeless corpse….that’s when
I’ll burn her body and you’ll watch as everything you’ve fought to keep for the
past year will be sent up in flames.

And then I’ll be here to remind
you where I sent her…

Will she still have her
beautiful soul once every denizen of Hell has had their turn fucking her?

Of course, what makes that any
different than the life she led on Earth?

But you two do make the perfect
couple, she had to find someone to match her level of self-esteem issues.

Are you scared, yet
Brenton? I know you are. I can already see you holding your family
just a little bit closer each night because you know all too well just what you
have done.

You’ve witnessed this side of me

The entire world has.

When you were just a child, this
is the Crimson Skull that made you change the channel because he got too scary
to even look at. This is the Crimson
Skull that gave the entire world’s population nightmares.

You might want to say a prayer
or two, and count your blessings.

Whatever it is that you feel you
need to do to make peace with your Maker.

Because come Inferno, you’re
going to be face to face with Death himself.
It is then that the truth may set you free, but the entire world knows
that you’re guilty.

Take each opportunity that you
can to tell your wife that you love her and how much she means to you, because
you never know when Death’s cold grasp might take hold of her.

I’ve already proven what I said I
would do initially. I proved exactly
that you and your good friend O’Shea aren’t the Immortals that you think you

You see how easily it was for me
to put him out of commission and how quickly it happened.

That’s the thing about Karma, O’Shea.

This is more than just
retribution for four years ago Brenton, even though you trying to disguise it
as just another attempt at making a return….you know exactly what this is

There comes a time whenever your
sins become to great to just sweep under a rug, Brenton.

That time has come for you.

It is time for you to face your
Final Judgment.

And you know exactly what your
punishment will be.

Shark, Psycho, whoever else you
want to mention. These men may have
stood in the fire.

But were they born in it?

I was raised in Hell!

I am the manifestation of Hell
on Earth. There is Hellfire running
through my veins, and brimstone in my bones!

You don’t need to even mention
to me about what it is to prove yourself.
There’s nothing that I have left to prove.

All that I have got to do is
just carry through with my promises.

My flame might have burned out
years ago as you say….but all it takes is for that slightest little spark to
get that flame burning bigger and brighter than ever.

This will be the day that God
has fallen. This will be the day that
this God faces the Reaper.

Even Gods die someday.

And Brenton Cyrus, the time is
now for you to die inside.

When I’m done with you, the only
sliver of your sanity that will be left will be what you use to beg me for

Skull rips the entire bulletin
board off of the wall in his rage. He
pulls a book of matches from his pocket and lights a single match before holding it against the
book of matches.

He tosses the flame onto the
board full of pictures of Alison Williams, sending it up into flames.

Skull holds his hand into the
flame for a few seconds and pulls it back unscathed and unscarred.

He looks to the camera and

Skull: I’ll see you soon, Alison.

The camera focuses on the
collage of Alison Williams contorting and twisting in the flames as the
maniacal laughter of Skull echoes throughout.
The camera fades just as a family portrait of Brenton, Alison, and their
child chars to ash.
Crimson Skull
Crimson Skull

Birthday : 1988-09-01
Age : 36
Zodiac : Virgo
Chinese Zodiac : Dragon
Location Location : Home
Number of posts : 13

No Limit Wrestling Federation Info
NLWF Record: 00-00-00
No Limit Wrestling Federation Net Worth: $0
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