NLWF Presents:
The Federation that promises to blow your mind as we lead the golden age of Pro Wrestling into the future! The No Limit Wrestling Federation is like no other, where you will be given limitless opportunities to excel fast as you compete in the Land of No Limits, fighting in the best Blood Sport on Earth!

NLWF accepts anyone brave enough to take the Walk of Fame, the first steps on the path to Immortality, but warns: Enter at Your Own Risk!

No restrictions, no boundaries, no limits, just the sport the way it should be!

Welcome and allow me to introduce you to four letters that will change your life, NLWF!


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NLWF Presents:
The Federation that promises to blow your mind as we lead the golden age of Pro Wrestling into the future! The No Limit Wrestling Federation is like no other, where you will be given limitless opportunities to excel fast as you compete in the Land of No Limits, fighting in the best Blood Sport on Earth!

NLWF accepts anyone brave enough to take the Walk of Fame, the first steps on the path to Immortality, but warns: Enter at Your Own Risk!

No restrictions, no boundaries, no limits, just the sport the way it should be!

Welcome and allow me to introduce you to four letters that will change your life, NLWF!

NLWF Presents:
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Post by Psycho December 23rd 2012, 10:55 pm

Here I am again. It's been a while. What has happened since I've been in silence? Arrested at the press conference. Whatever.

The scene comes in, Psycho is sitting on a bench in a park. Looking out over all of the people.

Look at all of these mindless drones.

Psycho thinks to himself. He looks on, watching the people laugh and play in the snow. People on the little pond ice skating. Walking hand in hand with their winter cloths on, women complaining to their men that they are cold. Men laughing it off. Throwing snow balls at each other. But one snow ball flies astray, hitting Psycho in the face. He sits there. He wipes the snow from his face, a look of anger flashes. A man comes running up to him.

"Oh dude, I am so sorry! That wasn't supp..."

Before the man can finish, Psycho was up from his seat. His hand around the mans throat. A look of fear washes over the mans face as he starts to panic. Psycho lifts the man up from the ground, not by much. Just a couple inches. Then tosses him to the snow covered ground. A woman rushes to the mans side. He is holding his neck and panting for air. The woman crying and don't know what to do. She lashes out verbally towards Psycho.

"Are you fucking crazy?!?" She explains with rage and with sadness. "You could have killed him. It was just a snow ball. It was just an accident!"

The woman helps the man to his feet and they start to wonder off. Psycho looks at all the people. They are now staring at him. Some looking in disbelief. Others shaking their heads as if they knew him and were some how, disappointed. A smile flashes on his face. He likes the way these people are looking at him. Some in fear. Fear. That is right motherfuckers. Fear. Fear me. I am not fucking around anymore. Psycho turns around and walks away from the scene. Fade to black.

and into the light

I sit here, day in and day out. Darkness over takes my thoughts. These very thoughts. These fucks in the NLWF, they don't fucking understand. They don't realize.

The scene comes back in. Psycho is sitting at a table in a dark room, the only light that is on is a light hanging above the table. Psychos hands rest on the table, the light shining down. There is fresh blood shining in the light on his hands. He leans forward, blood dripping from his forehead. Then you notice, a spot on the table where it appears that he has been banging his head. It is time to come from the darkness and speak once more. Psycho thinks to himself for a moment. Then he breaks the silence.

"I've been quite too long. Simply because I just have nothing to say. I have said what I needed to in my previous promo, and yet no one has bothered to step up again and speak. Well, except for Steven and Dave....the one and same. You think I don't understand what you mean when you say you don't feel each others pain? Oh believe me, I do. You see, I have taken over this mind and this body from Jayson. When you see me, it is Psycho. I don't think his thoughts. I don't feel his pain. I don't feel his feelings. I jus..."

Psychos head slams into the table. He brings it up and smiles.

"You felt that didn't you Psycho?"

"Wh...what the fuck? GET OUT OF HERE MOTHER FUCKER!"

"Oh, what is wrong buddy? Can't stand the fact that I am back?"

"How many times Jayson? How many times do I have to fucking kill you to get you out of my head?!?"


"No Jayson, you are wrong! This is my body! My mind!"

Psycho stands up and runs head first into the wall. He falls over, laughing a sinister laugh ever to be heard. He rolls over from his back to his stomach and starts to push himself up. Blood dripping onto the floor from his head. Psycho leans back on his knees, arms spread out he is looking at the ceiling laughing.


He stand up and staggers to the table. Leaning on the table he looks into the camera sitting there. The camera is shaking a little as it appears the camera man is a little frightened at what he had just witnessed. Psycho lets some blood drip into his hands and then smears it on the camera lens. The blood adds a dark red tint to the shot that it is filming. Psycho looks at it and smiles. He know what he just did.

"Listen to me, mother fucker. I am talking to you Steven Dave. That is what I will address you as now. Steven Dave. You think I don't understand multiple personalities? You better think again motherfuckers." Psycho shakes his head, blood splatters against the camera and table. He brushes his wet hair back from his face. "I am coming to Ultimate Glory. I will be making an impact. I will be bringing a trail of chaos. I hope that on January 4th, the day before Ultimate Glory, that you take that precious title of yours and you shine it up and you hold it close to you through the night. I hope you cherish the last 24 hours with that title, because on January 5th at Ultimate Glory, I am taking that fucking title from you. I am taking it and I am going to bash your fucking face in with it. I will stain it with your blood. And I wont wash it off afterwards. No. That blood will remain on that title as a reminder of how fucking pain it was for you to lose it."

you think you are the better man?

"You aren't shit motherfucker. The better man? You aren't nothing but a little bitch porno actor trying to wrestle and cut crappy ass promos. Always falling back on the 'your gay' blah blah blah bullshit. Grow up motherfucker. Mark my words, James, at Ultimate Glory I will show you just why you aren't the better man in this federation. I am not playing games with you or any douche in this fucking match. I am real and I am as serious as they fucking come. You want a monster? You want terror? Chaos? Savagery? YOU FUCKING GOT IT! I will show you just how monstrous I can fucking be. Carver, Adamson, and Young....fuck all three of you. Young had the balls to cut one promo. Haven't seen him since. Carver and Adamson has just been too much of fucking cowards to even show their punk ass faces and say just one word. You motherfuckers aren't cut out for this match. If you decide to show up at Ultimate Glory, I fear for your sake that this will be the last match of your fucking careers! Don't be so humble, you're not that great! I'm the Hardcore Psychopath..."

memento mori.

Psycho laughs as he stands up straight and backs up into the shadows. Fade to black.

OOC: Sorry it has been so long since I last role played. Been going through some personal things. Also sorry for this crappy short RP, I wish I could make it longer but I just don't know what else to do or say at this point.

Birthday : 1985-12-12
Age : 38
Zodiac : Sagittarius
Chinese Zodiac : Buffalo
Location Location : Salina, KS
Number of posts : 95

No Limit Wrestling Federation Info
NLWF Record: 05-03-00
No Limit Wrestling Federation Net Worth: $0
No Limit Wrestling Federation Popularity:
OUT OF THE DARKNESS I_vote_lcap55/100OUT OF THE DARKNESS Empty_bar_bleue  (55/100)

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