NLWF Presents:
The Federation that promises to blow your mind as we lead the golden age of Pro Wrestling into the future! The No Limit Wrestling Federation is like no other, where you will be given limitless opportunities to excel fast as you compete in the Land of No Limits, fighting in the best Blood Sport on Earth!

NLWF accepts anyone brave enough to take the Walk of Fame, the first steps on the path to Immortality, but warns: Enter at Your Own Risk!

No restrictions, no boundaries, no limits, just the sport the way it should be!

Welcome and allow me to introduce you to four letters that will change your life, NLWF!


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NLWF Presents:
The Federation that promises to blow your mind as we lead the golden age of Pro Wrestling into the future! The No Limit Wrestling Federation is like no other, where you will be given limitless opportunities to excel fast as you compete in the Land of No Limits, fighting in the best Blood Sport on Earth!

NLWF accepts anyone brave enough to take the Walk of Fame, the first steps on the path to Immortality, but warns: Enter at Your Own Risk!

No restrictions, no boundaries, no limits, just the sport the way it should be!

Welcome and allow me to introduce you to four letters that will change your life, NLWF!

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The Prison of Iowa (Part 2)

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The Prison of Iowa (Part 2) Empty The Prison of Iowa (Part 2)

Post by Shadow Demon September 27th 2009, 7:03 am

-July, 2004, 10:10 AM, Iowa State Prison: Workout Yard, Iowa-

Rob sat on a long bench, lifting up a set of weights. It was a hot, muggy day in Iowa, but still the prisoners were out lifting weights, and playing basketball.

Rob Langdon

Rob lifted the weight back onto the holding rack, and got up, ready for the next person to lift. This was when he heard a voice from behind him.

Hey, Rob!

Rob turned around, and smiled at what he saw. It was his only friend he’d made in prison. His name was Mark Jones. He had met Mark during one of the various workout sessions. He was a good natured, friendly guy. Mark loved basketball, and had just began to play for Los Angeles Lakers (his and Rob’s favourite team) when had been sentenced to 8 months in prison for killing someone in a drunk driving accident. There was a hard chance that, even after he got out of prison, that he’d ever get to play in the NBA again. He would certainly have to prove that he wouldn’t get drunk again. It had been a very big mistake, and Mark was ashamed of it. He and his mates had gone out for drinks after he had been selected in the national NBA draft for the Lakers, and Mark had had a bit too many. But Mark had said that he would be OK, and began to drive home anyway. As he was driving, he had come to a civilian crossing, but hadn’t seen it and had run over a woman. Mark hated himself after that, but he was getting better now. Even lively enough to play basketball again!

Rob Langdon
Hey Mark! What’s up?

Said Rob, as he walked toward Mark, who was standing near a basketball court, where a group of big, strong, mean looking men stood.

Mark Jones
These chumps think that they can take us in a game. I obviously think differently. What do you think?

Rob Langdon
I think I’m not scared of big chumps with monobrows.

Mark Jones
Alright! Let’s do this.

They walked over to the group of big strong guys.

Mark Jones
Game’s on, pretty boys!

One of the men stepped forward, and chucked a basketball to Mark.

Big Guy
You start.

Mark began to bounce the ball, when Rob spoke up.

Rob Langdon
You sure two onto five isn’t a bit unfair?

Mark bounced the ball between his legs.

Mark Jones
Nah, we’ve got way more skill than them, so they’re allowed to have three more people, understand Robbo?

Rob Langdon

Mark casually began to bounce the ball to the three point line, bouncing it between his legs at separate intervals. One of the big men walked up to guard him. Mark took him on easily, faking left and running right. Rob cut into the key, and Mark passed it to him. Rob put through an easy layup, and the score was one-nil. The rest of the match went in mainly the same fashion, with the highlights being an awesome through the legs slam dunk that Mark managed to pull off, and a three-pointer that Rob put through. Mark also managed to nail a three-pointer with one hand, throwing it underarm style. Mark went through a celebration after he pulled it off, managing to do a front flip, and then crawl around in a handstand. When the game ended, the score was 20-6 (it was first to twenty). Mark and Rob were chased away by the angry men after the game, but they easily outran them. Mark and Rob each took a drink from a drink tap, and after that, it was lockdown time.

Police Guard on Speakers
Lockdown! Everyone into their cells!

Mark Jones
Catcha tomorrow, Rob!

Rob Langdon
See ya Jonesy!

Rob smiled. It was good to have one friend in this place. Rob was led to his cell by a guard. Rob walked in, and the guard shut the door behind him. Rob took a piss in the toilet, before sitting down on the bunk. He ran his hand through his hair, and his hand touched the stitches in his head. He grimaced, feeling a sensation of pain travel through him. Why did they all have to be such assholes to him? What had he ever done to them?! He had done nothing to them! Calm down, he told himself. All of these guys were criminals-evil, dysfunctional criminals. He wasn’t at all a criminal. He was just taking the blame for the good. And with that comforting thought, Rob settled down for an early afternoon doze.

Rob slowly opened his eyes. He wasn’t sure what time it was, maybe around 4ish. He slowly got up from the bunk, and immediately realised that something wasn’t right. He could hear a loud commotion down at the end of the hallway, at one of the bottom cells. That’s where Mark’s cell was. Rob yelled out between the bars.

Rob Langdon
Hey! Hey! What’s going on?

A prison guard came up to his cell.

Prison Guard
Nothing for you to be worried about, lad.

Rob felt anger surge through him again.

Rob Langdon
Please! Let me see what’s happening! I have a friend down there!

The prison guard sighed, before reluctantly opening the cell with his key.

Prison guard
Five minutes. I’ll be watching.

Rob Langdon
Yeah, whatever.

Rob quickly ran down to the end of the hall. A crowd of people were looking inside a cell. Rob pushed in to get a look. What he saw horrified him. Mark Jones was on the floor, his back up against the bunk, and a knife sticking out of his stomach. Blood covered a good part of the floor, leaking out of his wound. Rob turned away. He couldn’t bear to look anymore. One of the only friend he had ever had, killed. Rob wondered. Had he killed himself? Or had someone murdered him?! He just couldn’t bear it. He turned away, and began to head back to his cell.


Shadow Demon
The end is near. The championship awaits. This is probably one of my last chances to win a world title. Will I finally quench my thirst for a world title? The lust which I have had for many, many months, ever since I entered the main event scene, I have waited, and waited for a world championship-and this looks to be one of my last chances. I have to give it to you KID, you’ve been one of the best new superstars I have seen. But it’s high time you took a fall. Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll get back up after I knock you down, but I’ll still have your championship! That’s right, I’ll make sure I’ll beat you KID. I know you’re good, but I’m better. I’m going to take my final chance, and use it the best I can. With Rouge by my side, I believe I can finally do it. Nothing you can do is going to stop me KID. Your time as champion is up.

:The Shadow Demon era begins:
Shadow Demon
Shadow Demon

Birthday : 1992-02-10
Age : 32
Zodiac : Aquarius
Chinese Zodiac : Monkey
Location Location : South Australia, Australia
Number of posts : 341

No Limit Wrestling Federation Info
NLWF Record: (W-D-L) 25-3-20
No Limit Wrestling Federation Net Worth: $10,000
No Limit Wrestling Federation Popularity:
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