NLWF Presents:
The Federation that promises to blow your mind as we lead the golden age of Pro Wrestling into the future! The No Limit Wrestling Federation is like no other, where you will be given limitless opportunities to excel fast as you compete in the Land of No Limits, fighting in the best Blood Sport on Earth!

NLWF accepts anyone brave enough to take the Walk of Fame, the first steps on the path to Immortality, but warns: Enter at Your Own Risk!

No restrictions, no boundaries, no limits, just the sport the way it should be!

Welcome and allow me to introduce you to four letters that will change your life, NLWF!


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NLWF Presents:
The Federation that promises to blow your mind as we lead the golden age of Pro Wrestling into the future! The No Limit Wrestling Federation is like no other, where you will be given limitless opportunities to excel fast as you compete in the Land of No Limits, fighting in the best Blood Sport on Earth!

NLWF accepts anyone brave enough to take the Walk of Fame, the first steps on the path to Immortality, but warns: Enter at Your Own Risk!

No restrictions, no boundaries, no limits, just the sport the way it should be!

Welcome and allow me to introduce you to four letters that will change your life, NLWF!

NLWF Presents:
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Knife To Know You story Part one

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Knife To Know You story Part one Empty Knife To Know You story Part one

Post by Guest March 12th 2009, 11:41 pm

At age 10 I was an outcast. No friends or pets. I would sit in my room juggling knives all day long. By the age of twelve my parents abanded me. I didn't know where to go. Finally it hit me the circus came to town. Juggling knives at the circus for me would be a dream. I would be appreciated for the one thing I love to do. When I finally got the courage to go and apply for an act, they told me that they needed a clown. I knew the only way to get into the circus was to become a clown. It wasn't what I wanted but at least it was a start. Every act they would laugh. Every night I would cry. Depression hit me like a ton of bricks. Anger boiled. I always new I was different but I didn't quite understand untill I was 14. At age 14 A lion escaped the cage. It came right for me. Luckily I had my knives around my waist like I usualy do. As the lion came towards me I threw one of the knives right between the lions eyes. Blood dripped from the lion like a river running into a creek. The lion died instantly. I walked over to him and starred. Finally I started to disect the lion like a frog in science class. I pulled it's guts out, Emptied the blood into containers, made blankets from the fur, and used the eyes as marbles. IT eventually became an addiction to fill the anger and depression in my life. When I killed and toruted everything went away. Not even a laugh or a simple name could hurt me at that point. It was like getting high but without drugs. A different kind of high. A high that a normal person wouldn't want. At age 16 they finally gave me the act I want. I was juggling 3 kniives on a ball with one foot. But it still didn't matter. The crowd still laughed. This time they started to throw there drinks and popcorn at me. I lost my balanced. The knives landed point down on the ball causing it to explode to pieces. I fell staight on my ass. The crowd continued to laugh. My anger boiled. I couldn't take it. The laughter had to stop. Thats when I picked up a knife and threw it. Guess what? It hit the bitch in the front seat. Everyone stoped laughing. They started to panic and shout. IT only fueled m me more. The more they'd scream the more I'd want to kill. i don't know why, but when they screamed I seemed to enjoy it a lot more. Security ran towards me. Thats when I slit there throat. But that wasn't it I dragged them out to my tent. I brought them in and closed my tent. I hung them upside down from my tent and let the blood drip from there neck into 2 white pales. I cut there eyes out and taped it to my fist. I drew a mouth on my fist. I went to my managers door and knocked. He answerd. Thats when I put my fist to his face and said " Nice to see you " I then took my knife and forced into his gut. Thats when I said " Knife To Know You" Nick FU

To Be Continued....


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