NLWF Presents:
The Federation that promises to blow your mind as we lead the golden age of Pro Wrestling into the future! The No Limit Wrestling Federation is like no other, where you will be given limitless opportunities to excel fast as you compete in the Land of No Limits, fighting in the best Blood Sport on Earth!

NLWF accepts anyone brave enough to take the Walk of Fame, the first steps on the path to Immortality, but warns: Enter at Your Own Risk!

No restrictions, no boundaries, no limits, just the sport the way it should be!

Welcome and allow me to introduce you to four letters that will change your life, NLWF!


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NLWF Presents:
The Federation that promises to blow your mind as we lead the golden age of Pro Wrestling into the future! The No Limit Wrestling Federation is like no other, where you will be given limitless opportunities to excel fast as you compete in the Land of No Limits, fighting in the best Blood Sport on Earth!

NLWF accepts anyone brave enough to take the Walk of Fame, the first steps on the path to Immortality, but warns: Enter at Your Own Risk!

No restrictions, no boundaries, no limits, just the sport the way it should be!

Welcome and allow me to introduce you to four letters that will change your life, NLWF!

NLWF Presents:
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Darkness lives

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Post by Death-Angel July 1st 2009, 11:41 am

The Camera opens up to the lake of Salvation as the Police start to drag the Van that had Death Angel Chained to but the only thing the Police finds is the Chain on the van and they Search the lake and find no body in the Lake.

Police Officer1: There is no one in the Lake.

Police Officer2: We looked every where in the Lake for Death Angel and could not find him we do not know what happen to his body.

The Camera then goes black and comes back up with only eyes of Death Angel.

DA: For weeks I have gotten into the mind of the World Heavyweight Champion Brenton Cyrus I may not have beatten him at the PPV but I did leave him a bloody mess.

Death Angel Laughs

DA: אח שלי היקר Brenton Cyrus.

The eye's do not even move as they keep staring into the Camera.

DA: You cant hide the past for ever Cyrus the Truth will come out.

Death Angel laughs more as another voice is heared.

Unknown Voice: what must i do to prove my self to you Master.

Death Angel's Eyes never leave the Camera.

DA: This week at Legacy you will Prove your self.

Death Angel Laughs more as does the other voice.

DA: This week at Legacy im in a 5 on 5 Tag Team Steel Cage match with an unknown partner.

Death Angel's eyes stay the same as he looks into the Camera.

DA: Brenton Cyrus try to kill me by Setting me on fire then he when on to try Drown me in the Lake.

Death Angel cracks up laughing

DA: Cyrus I have told you onces just like i'v told every one else you cant kill what has no heart you think giving your heart away will stop me but you are dead wrong i will still come for you untell you see that we are one in the same unstopable.

Unknown Voice: why will you not stop attacking Cyrus.

DA: Because we have a past and i'v done things for him and he left me for dead.

Unknown Voice: but why must you Destroy him then.

Death Angel's eyes closes for a moment then reopen.

DA: Because Brenton Cyrus is not letting his true self come out.

Death Angel keeps staring

DA: dont worrie I have not for gotten about you Mexican Samurai, Demetrius Randall, Shadow Demon and Tiffany Starr.

Death Angel and the Unknown Voice laughs

DA: Mexican Samurai, Demetrius Randall, Shadow Demon and Tiffany Starr dont think any of you will get off easy in this match.

Death Angel laughs more.

Unknown Voice: Why not?

DA: Why not Because they all have to Pay the REAPER.

Death Angel laughs evilly

Unknown Voice: so you will make them pay for there sins just like Brenton Cyrus will.

DA: Yes they Will pay for there sins but most of all Brenton Cyrus has to look on the one day his life changed that one day I saved his Life and Changed his history.

Death Angels eyes never move they dont even blink.

DA: Brenton Cyrus you know of that Day the Day every thing Changed I have never stoped thinking about that day and what i did for you.

Death Angel eyes keep looking into the camera as the Camera see's a Field behind Death Angel and the Unknown Person.

DA: Brenton Cyrus do you remember this Place because I do if you have any guts you will meet me here so we can just talk I will not attack you as long as you come alone my apprentice will leave as soon as you show up.

Death Angel stands in the middle of the Field as the Camera fads to black as the last words come from Death Angels mouth.

DA: בוא אחי מאפשר לדבר על היום הלכתי לבית הכלא בשבילך

Zodiac : Taurus
Location Location : In your Nightmares
Number of posts : 424

No Limit Wrestling Federation Info
NLWF Record: 27-28-04
No Limit Wrestling Federation Net Worth: $7,500,000
No Limit Wrestling Federation Popularity:
Darkness lives I_vote_lcap100/100Darkness lives Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

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