NLWF Presents:
The Federation that promises to blow your mind as we lead the golden age of Pro Wrestling into the future! The No Limit Wrestling Federation is like no other, where you will be given limitless opportunities to excel fast as you compete in the Land of No Limits, fighting in the best Blood Sport on Earth!

NLWF accepts anyone brave enough to take the Walk of Fame, the first steps on the path to Immortality, but warns: Enter at Your Own Risk!

No restrictions, no boundaries, no limits, just the sport the way it should be!

Welcome and allow me to introduce you to four letters that will change your life, NLWF!


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NLWF Presents:
The Federation that promises to blow your mind as we lead the golden age of Pro Wrestling into the future! The No Limit Wrestling Federation is like no other, where you will be given limitless opportunities to excel fast as you compete in the Land of No Limits, fighting in the best Blood Sport on Earth!

NLWF accepts anyone brave enough to take the Walk of Fame, the first steps on the path to Immortality, but warns: Enter at Your Own Risk!

No restrictions, no boundaries, no limits, just the sport the way it should be!

Welcome and allow me to introduce you to four letters that will change your life, NLWF!

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Eurotrip France 2

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Eurotrip France 2 Empty Eurotrip France 2

Post by Aaron O'Shea March 30th 2013, 10:26 pm

We were in Paris, France at a bar waiting for the GM to contact us about bringing his boyfriend to the Eiffel tower so he could propose. I had never been involved in something so romantic before, I wasn't exactly romantic with the ladies myself. Clueless yes, romantic no. was waiting for the text from the GM for almost an hour since his boyfriend Michael had arrived, we had gotten through a few cocktails at this stage and were feeling a bit buzzed. Drink by drink Mark was getting more and more comfortable with Michael touching him. That was worrying but who am I to judge. We were having the banter until finally I felt the vibration against my leg and heard the buzzing from my pocket. I took the phone out and read the text message.

All systems are a go. Bring the plane to the airport.

I had no idea why he was speaking in code. I guess he wanted to make it more exciting? I put my phone back in my pocket and stood up, everyone turned and looked at me.

So Michael you ready to go see your boyfriend?

Oh yay!

Why are you so excited?

Yeah Mark you idiot, shut up.

Oh eh sorry.

He must be just all excited about seeing the tower? Eh right Mark?

Yeah, yeah that's it.

I stared Mark down while we all got ready. He knew he should shut up now just in case he ruined any surprise that was in store for Michael. We left and hopped into a cab outside and got to the bottom of the tower within five minutes. When we got there the rain had begun again, it was a light rain and the sun above was bursting through the clouds, trying to make it a nice day. We walked inside and entered the elevator, while it rose to the top we all had a huge smile on our face, Michael just looked at us like we were a bunch of lunatics. That all changed when the doors opened to the top balcony and he saw what was going on.

The sound of a piano was heard coming from the speakers, rose petals sprinkled all along the floor. We all walked out slowly behind Michael who was very confused at this point, when we turned a corner, the GM was standing there in a nice suit, and the biggest smile on his face as Michael walked towards him.

Whats going on?

Well I think we need a talk.

Eh yeah.

Well I know this was always a dream for you to propose to me here, and I know I said I didn't want to get married.


Well I thought if we didn't get engaged at least we could make this the most romantic experience possible.

Well I think you've just about done that.

Wait there's more.

A man in a white suit jacket walked up behind the couple and handed them both a glass of champagne.

That's better.

But is it enough?

This is wonderful, really.

But I cant help but think that it needs just a little bit more.

What do you have in mind?


GM let go of his boyfriends hand, stepped backwards and winked at the three of us who were standing over to the side. Gm put his hand in his pocket and dropped down to one knee. When he removed the a red box from his pocket, Michael's jaw dropped and he brought his hands up towards his mouth.

Oh my god!

Michael, we have known each other for over five years now. I have never in my life met anyone who is more suited for me. I couldn't think of any reason why our relationship isn't going to stand the test of time. There is no one on earth I'd rather wake up to in the morning and kiss before I fall asleep at night. When I look at you I see me, you a dog, a litter of children and happiness. So I guess there's nothing more I have to say except will you do me the honor of being my husband. Please, before I start crying.

Michael who already was in floods of tears, shook his head up and down because he couldn't get the words to come out at first.

Yes, yes. Of course I will. I love you.

I love you more.


I turned to my side, Mark had a tear coming from his eyes.


It's so beautiful.

I turned to my other side and Jake was even worse, his face was stained from the tears.

I miss my girlfriend.

Shit, someone needs to get laid again.

I'm so horny.

Jesus. You need to get laid like soon.

Guys, congratulations!

Thanks Mark, don't be too jealous.

Oh shut up. Yo GM, let's go celebrate.

Where to boys?

Oh, Moulin Rouge?


All of us went down the elevator after a few photo opportunities and hopped in a cab so we could go to Moulin Rouge. We got there and luckily there was a table free. It helped that we had a freshly engaged couple with us.

Okay Jake you turned into a woman back there so we have got to get you some pussy right away.

Shut up, it was beautiful.

Yeah dick our tears were justified you weren't crying because you're a heartless asshole.

I only cry when I'm alone watching romantic movies, something inside me wont let me cry on front of anyone. I may not have much humility but tears is where I draw the line.

Unless you're watching Marley & Me.

Well that's understandable, that dog dies at the end and anyones in the room with me, I don't give a fuck who you are, you're about to see a very emotional mess crying into his own lap.

I'm the same way with the notebook.

Oh deary me. When they pass away holding each other I just melt.

You guys really are a bunch of fucking homos, aren't you?

You're all hanging out with us too much. Our gay cooties must be rubbing off on you.

Must be, I can settle for you homos giving us cooties, just keep the aids and HIV to yourselves.

Okay too far.

Sorry boss.


It happens but once a year, all roads lead to this one destination. Everything that we have done this year all comes to an end at the biggest show of the year. The big one, where the elite of the elite come to lock horns and finally show who are the better men and women of this fine sport we call wrestling. There is no greater stage than this, there is no grander occasion in the world of wrestling, there is nothing compared to it and there is nothing that can prepare you for the spectacle that is Warrior Games.

I have been with this company on and off now for almost four years of my short career. There haven't been many shows that stay in my memory over others. That's different when it comes to Warrior Games. You can ask me or you can ask anyone else in that locker room and whoever has walked into that locker room, what are the moments that stand out in your career? Easy answer for you, our Warrior Games moments, well War Games from my memories of past.

My War Games past was a memory filled with opportunity. My recent record may not suggest it but I was once a big time player when it came to the title hunt. The Undisputed title was my poison. I wanted that gold, I needed it and it was in my grasp. An epic battle between four great competitors. Myself, Jason Hawk, Shadow Demon and Cored Casey. You'd think this was a tough contest to call, and you'd be right. At one stage they tried taking me out of there on a fucking stretcher after being put through the bands stage. You think I just gave up, fuck that this is War Games, I don't stop until I physically cannot move. I came back from that and got a pinfall on Jason Hawk and eliminated him. You hear that Crimson, I got a pinfall, I needed three to win that night I only need one against you and looky here I'm capable of it obviously, despite your predictions that I will fall at your feet.

That was my War Games moment, looks positive from what I've said but no, that one pinfall was not enough, it may be this Warrior Games but then it wasn't. I have worked long and hard in this company to make a name for myself,a and despite my name always being thrown in with “Brenton's coattails” I worked my fucking ass off. You can bring that up all you want Skull, I have heard it all before. In fact I still hear it every week off my opponents, it's actually funny that all of you to try and get on my nerves you recycle the same old garbage that has been proven wrong in the past. I feel bad for every ones intelligence that you all cant think of something new to say.

I look at this Warrior Games, and then I think back to the previous War Games and I have an unbelievable hunger for this victory man, I cant even express my full desire for this in words. I need to do it with actions. I have accomplished everything is this place, I've won all levels of titles from World Title to developmental titles, I have competed and been victorious in every single match imaginable. There is one thing that is escaping my grasp, that is my Warrior Games moment, my Warrior Games victory. That moment, that victory would cement my own views on my Immortals status.

I have said this before and I'll say it again, although others may consider me an Immortal, there has always been a doubt in my own mind. I see immortals as people who have accomplished everything. I haven't done that. I haven't got my Warrior Games moment, and until I get that moment I will never consider myself even worthy of being mentioned as a possible Immortal never mind being given the title already. This is the notch I need Skull this is all I need to feel that I may be worthy. Even then I don't know, but fuck me Skull there is no way you are getting in the way of me taking this from you and earning my right to be named alongside such greats that are in the Hall of Immortals already, many of which I have battled in the past.

Now you see where I am coming from Crimson, you know why this match is important to me, it has nothing to do with who I am facing. It has everything to do with the stage I am competing on. Which now brings me to you. You speak of how you may want a little bit of revenge on little old me because early in your NLWF career I jumped you. Suck it up you fucking bitch. I have been jumped by every fucker in that locker room at different stages in my career. You hear me bitching about it? James Shark for one has caught me off guard a couple of times with knockout punches. You know what I did, I didn't bitch like you, I sucked it up and I congratulated him on his fantastic punching ability. That fucker can hit. Maybe some time I might get my chance at redemption, much like you're seeking now on myself. One of Brenton's lackies as you call me. First of all let's get rid of that name there. One of his lackies? NO! Head lackie at very least.

Back when I jumped you, you think I did it so I could prove myself as a greenhorn? You arrogant asshole. How dare you say that I would jump you to prove myself. You weren't even a blip on my radar, you weren't just another fly that was swatted. That was it. You were in your prime? Who gives a shit, stop talking as if rookies seek you out. Even if they do that's not why I came after you, I followed orders, it wasn't about your status, I just followed an order and kicked your ass and didn't think twice of who you were, or what you had achieved. Putting yourself in the same category of James Shark and Brenton on how rookies seek them out? Please they are both champions, so the category there is successful wrestlers, therefore your not in their category your in mine, underachievers. That is our category, but look consider this match a promotion chance, a promotion out of that category. Let's see who can win that promotion and go on to achieve some success, maybe in the form of gold. Something that I'll admit has slipped my grasp for quite a while. But I am fucking done being that guy.

That must have been some time off for you, after I laid the smackdown on you. Really? That depressed you for years and that's why you were gone? Come on dude don't make excuses, when I left I didn't make excuses. I was gone because I was done I felt I had done everything I could and had nothing left to offer. You had nothing left to offer it wasn't that you were depressed, get over yourself don't use me as an excuse to say you lost it.

I pray to god almighty that you have indeed found it again, because I want nothing more than the biggest fight of my life in this match. I want you to channel all your anger, all your depression from those years off and I want you to blame me. Just me, no one else. I want all of your sickest thoughts placed on me in this match Skull. Use it all so you can give me the biggest battle that has ever been seen in this business. The worse you do to me, the greater my victory will be when I pin you down and earn what will truly be the greatest moment in my career and earn a rightful place in the highlight reel of Warrior Games of past.

Look, lets face facts, you have a lot of anger in you with the passing of your wife, I'm sorry about that, no one deserves that in their life. No one. Fuel to the fire in your soul Skull. Use it all. I want my victory to be so glorious, that you threw everything at me and I came out victorious after it all.

You have something to prove here Skull, this time try doing it without the lightning or any other weather based attacks. Use your fists. What was it you saw apart from the ceiling when it all fell apart for you here? My face. My face staring down at your broken body,a and your smashed spirit. Remember that sugarplum.

So i got to ask, this big plan you have in place, me being stage one in your big master plan. What's plan B because I feel fucking fantastic so all signs point to plan A failing miserably when I hit you with a Buzaiku Knee kick straight to your fugly face. So you can take your Karma and shove it straight up your brown starfish.

You want to rule the kingdom that is NLWF, and that is understandable. What guy who steps through those doors doesn't want to rule. The thing about ruling a kingdom, let's say the animal kingdom. You have to got to prepared to face off any opposition at any time, you never know when that could happen. Well I think the proof is in the pudding that you cant do that, can you? Consider the last time that happened it was me and then you left for years. Some king right? You're trying your hardest to get through me to get to the real king at the moment BC. Well if he's king then I suppose I'm the head knight. Yeah Alison may have got through me to BC, like you said on her back? Really any idiot can see it's much more than that with those two, even I can see that and she left me for him. But how do you reckon you're going to get to him by not being on your back? That's going to be pretty hard when I lay you the fuck out on your back isn't it.

Fear, although a small and simple word, is very complicated when it comes to myself. You see there isn't much I'm afraid of, but I can say for certain I am afraid of no man. You say you can make me fear you? I fear for any fucking children you produce, I fear for their faces really.
I fear nothing, I don't fear your words, I don't fear your predictions and I don't fear your threats that I will end up in a pool of my own blood. I've been passed out in a pool of my own bodily fluids before, it's called being a heavy drinker I don't need to fight you for that experience. In fact it may happen that night. After my victory party.

Era of respect. You have a problem with this. Okay fair enough. I have a little problem with that too. I have a problem with it because you're exactly right, there is no respect. There is no respect between me and you. That's right I said “and”. So you can get off your high horse saying that no on respects you and that's the problem. You have no respect for anyone else either. You spend half of your time talking about Alison having sex? How is that respectful? Not only towards her, but for women in general. You were married twice, surely you have learned a little about respect for women now? Obviously not.

But enough about the beautiful piece of ass, let's talk about your respect for me. How about the fact you don't respect me and my Immortal status. Look if it makes you feel better here you go, if I lose I will recommend that my Immortal status be taken myself. Is that what you want? Will that make you sleep at night? If I wasn't considered an Immortal? Then fine. I don't see myself as one anyway.

Enough of the status though, I would like to bring something up about your little interview about this upcoming match. You gave me the option of “Fight or Flight”.
Please for the love of fucking god leave the jokes to, well anyone else. That choice was supposed to be a funny way of saying fight or fuck off. Unfortunately you gave me two options that I plan on using every single step of the way in our match. I'm going to fight, yes sir I am. I'm going to fight until I'm in so much physical pain I wont be able to fight no more.

Now flight? Do you even know who I am? You retard, you give me the option to fly and you just made the biggest mistake of your life. I am the innovator of high-flying in this company, I will jump from every possible height to finish the job on you Skull. I will fly so high, I'll touch the sky. Yeah I rhyme sometimes, I'm a gifted rapper so what.

Hey remember the last match we competed in, unreal that I didn't get the pin. I was a bit disappointed but sure when someone tags you without knowing what can you do? It was probably best that I wasn't left in the ring because lets face it if I did get the pin over you in that match, that really would have put a downer on our match, considering we already would have known who's capable of pinning who.

Let's break down my plan then Skull. It's starts off with this, The entrances. You do your best to walk out there with the most intimidating demeanor possible, and it wont faze me. Then I'll make my entrance with I don't know, maybe a new entrance song? Who knows, tis the season and all being the biggest show of the year and I need a change. I'll walk out and I will catch one glance of that crowd. From the time I see that first kid in the crowd with the Aaron O'Shea t-shirt on and I know I have someone I have to make this night worth while for. I'll slap hand with my adoring fans because even though I have dipped in recent times, they still backed me up 100% of the way and they deserve nothing more than a payback for that. I'll climb those steps and take a deep breath before entering the thunderdome. Mad Max reference if anyone is wondering. I'll stretch out pulling the ropes like I usually do, because no one wants a pulled hammy. Fail to prepare, prepare to fail and all that. I'll circle the ring a little, get my baring on where would be the best place for the photo ops of me pinning you for all the fans. Then I'll walk back to my corner look you in those eyes of yours, and I want you to look deep in my eyes and see that I really truly, have no fear like you think I do. When that bell rings, I'm running my fucking ass off to get at you as soon as I can. I will hit you with everything I have got, sure you might get a few shots in but my onslaught will be never ending. You go left I'll swing with my right, you right I'll swing with my left. You leave the ring I'll dive out without any regard for my well being just so I can get at you. Bring chair, bring tables, bring sledge hammers and I'll bring my passion and my desire. The match will go on for, the fans sake, hopefully a good solid hour if they're lucky. An hour of me kicking seven shades of shit out of your pathetic ass before I drop down with two immaculate somersaults and landing straight on your chest with an Aaron O'MyGod and killing you stone dead. When that bell rings, I will leave that ring, I will walk to that kid in the crowd wearing my t-shirt and before any other celebration I will look into his eyes and I will tell him, that everything that happened here, everything that will happen was for him and any other person that has supported me in the past, present and future. I'll take on last look at your broken down carcus before walking away and leaving you in my dust and in my past so I can look forward to bigger and better things. I'll go backstage, I'll dust off the coat tails of Brenton Cyrus, shake his hand and I will have proven to him that he was right to back me up when even I doubted myself.

So that's the plan Skull, now you know it you can try and prepare for it. So that grave you're probably digging for me right now, you might want to leave the headstone out because I have a feeling that instead of me going in that grave it's going to be your hopes and dreams of redemption and ruling this company that will take it's final resting place. In the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit. God rest your soul and may I have mercy on your soul come Warrior Games.

Later Princess.




Aaron O'Shea
Aaron O'Shea

Number of posts : 464

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No Limit Wrestling Federation Net Worth: $10,000
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