NLWF Presents:
The Federation that promises to blow your mind as we lead the golden age of Pro Wrestling into the future! The No Limit Wrestling Federation is like no other, where you will be given limitless opportunities to excel fast as you compete in the Land of No Limits, fighting in the best Blood Sport on Earth!

NLWF accepts anyone brave enough to take the Walk of Fame, the first steps on the path to Immortality, but warns: Enter at Your Own Risk!

No restrictions, no boundaries, no limits, just the sport the way it should be!

Welcome and allow me to introduce you to four letters that will change your life, NLWF!


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NLWF Presents:
The Federation that promises to blow your mind as we lead the golden age of Pro Wrestling into the future! The No Limit Wrestling Federation is like no other, where you will be given limitless opportunities to excel fast as you compete in the Land of No Limits, fighting in the best Blood Sport on Earth!

NLWF accepts anyone brave enough to take the Walk of Fame, the first steps on the path to Immortality, but warns: Enter at Your Own Risk!

No restrictions, no boundaries, no limits, just the sport the way it should be!

Welcome and allow me to introduce you to four letters that will change your life, NLWF!

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Coming Home, I’m coming home

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Coming Home, I’m coming home Empty Coming Home, I’m coming home

Post by Carver Ocean March 28th 2010, 6:58 pm

Coming Home, I’m coming home
Ξ Wheeling, West Virginia Ξ
Ξ Sunday, March 28th 2010 Ξ

Carver Ocean looks in front of him at his childhood home, the home of his parents. He is in Wheeling just to get their blessing for the upcoming brother versus brother match at War Games. It means a lot to Carver that both his parents, but especially his father, give them their permission to go forth with it. He walks up the pathway, then onto the front porch of the house. Carver Ocean looks over to the right where the porch swing is and he smiles remember how many girls he had made out with in that very spot. He clears his throat and adjusts his tie, then knocks on the front door and waits.

He can hear the voices of his parents inside, getting closer to the front door. He feels his heart beat increase as they make it to the door and he hears his mother say, it’s Carver, excitement filling her tone. The door swings open and his parents grab him pulling him in for a group hug.

Carver Ocean

I’m going to guess that you guys missed me.


We sure have Son, it’s great to see you again!

It had been over a year at least since Carver had seen his parents. He stayed so focused on trying to make it, that he put everything else on the backburner, including family events. This was the first time he had been back home though since turning eighteen.


Yes we missed you, but that’s no excuse for what you’ve done!

Carver looks at his Dad who sort of shrugs his shoulders. He looks back at his mom, a confused expression on his face.

Carver Ocean
What I’ve done? I made it, finally! You know this has been my dream..

His Mom interrupts him. She thought Carver was only doing this to make his brother look bad, to make his brother look like a loser, but it was so far from that.

No Carver, being a professional wrestler was Bobby’s dream, and now look what you’ve done!

Carver Ocean
Outshined? I’m not here to apologize Mom, I’m here to get your approval to do the match at War Games. I don’t want things to go sour between us again, just because I beat Bobby at something else!

Carver’s Mom sighed, frustrated that should couldn’t explain to Carver why he shouldn’t do this match.


It’s not about that Carver!

Carver Ocean
But it is about that! He’s been part of the NLWF for over a year, and never once tried to get me a contract with the company. At one poin the was great friends with one of the General Manager in the company, and I still never got a call. Bobby knows that I’ll outshine him if I’m part of the NLWF and…

His Mom walks away into the house, tears filling her eyes.

Carver Ocean
Dad, you understand right?

His Dad smiles.

Why don’t you come inside.

Carver enters the house and they go into the living room. His dad sits down in his recliner, putting the legs up while Carver sits down on the couch. Carver looks around the room. Almost not a single thing had changed in the house, even after all that time. Besides a larger TV, wood floors instead of carpet, Carver was right at home.

Carver Ocean
So? Do you understand why I did what I did?

Carver’s dad pulls out his pipe, stuffing tobacco into it.

I do.

He pulls out a book of matches, and he pulls one out. He lights the match, using the book, then begins puffing from his pipe.

Carver Ocean
You know I don’t want to hurt Bobby, he’s my brother, and I love him. But I want to outperform him and make a name for myself in the company the way he’s had the chance to do for over a year!

His Dad is non reactive, instead he continues to puff away from his pipe, not breaking his calm.

I know Carver, it’s alright.

Carver smiles, then stands up.

Carver Ocean
So I have your approval.

He puts his pipe down and looks into the eyes of his son. He returns Carver’s smiles, with a smile of his own, and it’s clear where Carver gets his from.

You two are both adults, but just remember, you’re brothers. You will always be brothers.

Carver Ocean
This isn’t personal, it’s only business. Maybe Bobby and I can even team up after this, and take a shot at the Tag Team Titles.

You have my approval for this match. I hope my sons steal the entire show. Good luck.

He holds out his hand and Carver shakes it.


Convincing your mother is going to be a much different story though. You know how she feels about you guys competing.

Carver Ocean
In all honesty, I was going though with the match no matter what you two said. But I’m glad to have your approval, even if I can’t get Mom’s.

His Dad laughs, but it’s a feint one, under his breath.

Do you want my help?

Carver Ocean
Sorry Pops, I’m going to handle this on my own. I promise I’ll make you proud.


You always have.

Carver stands up and walks out of the living room and into the kitchen, looking for his Mom. He opens the back door and sticks his head out, still looking for her.

Carver Ocean

Carver shuts the door and walks upstairs, then knocks on his parents bedroom door.

Carver Ocean
Mom, I want to talk this out with you. Can I come in?

She doesn’t answer and he opens the door slowly. Carver looks inside the room and realizes she’s not there.

Carver Ocean

I’m in here Carver!

He leaves the room and walks down the hall into his and Bobby’s room. Originally they had separate rooms, but during high school their parents knocked down the wall that divided the two rooms, making it one big room that they could share, in hopes that the two would become friends and have a less competitive and more brotherly relationship.

Carver Ocean
Wow, I haven’t been inside this room in ages.

I rarely ever come in here because it gets me all choked up, I miss you boy so much, and I just wish you would stop fighting each other, so we can be a good family!

Carver walks over to his mom and considers sitting next to her on Bobby’s bed, but decides against it and sits on his own.

Carver Ocean
I understand Mom, and one day I’m sure that’ll be the case, but not now, not yet. We have one more encounter, winner takes all, and I’m going to win.


So you’ve decided to take the match? Did your father give you an approval?

Carver tries to think of a way out of the questions.

Carver Ocean
What Dad said to me is between him and I, I’m not going to throw him under the bus. I’m here, one on one, with you, trying to get your approval. I need you to tell me it’s ok to do this match. I need to know that when I beat him, I wont be disowned!

His Mom wipes tears out of her eyes and shakes her head.

You want my approval.. FINE! You do that match. But Carver, I wont respect you as a person if you go through with this!

Carver Ocean
Well, if that’s the way it’s going to be, then that’s the way it’s going to be. I’m going to fight Bobby at War Games Mom, and I’m going to defeat him. Remember on my eighteenth birthday, when I told everyone I was going to become a professional wrestler.

I remember Carver!

Carver Ocean
This feels exactly like that moment.

That’s because you’re doing the same exact thing, you’re only doing this to outshine your big brother!

Carver Ocean
You’re wrong mom. I’m doing this regain our family honor. Do you know how many people make fun of us, because he tainted our last name?

How dare you talk that way…

Carver Ocean
I know Bobby is your first born, he’s your favorite, the same way I’m Dad’s favorite. Bobby will either rise to this occasion, or he’ll fail and prove he doesn’t belong. But one thing he needs from you, is to cut the umbilical cord, and let him be a man. Deep down I hope Bobby defeats me. I hope he outshines me for the first time in his life. If he does I’ll shake his hand, I’ll hug him. But I don’t even think he’ll give me a run.

You’re wrong Carver, karma is going to catch up with you! You wont win any matches at War Games, and you’ll make a fool of yourself trying!

Carver stands up, infuriated by her words, by her doubt in him. He reaches into his pocket pulling out a pair of sunglasses and he puts them on.

Carver Ocean
I don’t believe in karma.

Carver walks out of the room and down the hall. He hurries down the stairs, stopping to stand in the doorway of the living room.

Carver Ocean

His dad turns in his recliner, looking at him.


Carver Ocean
I’ll see you soon.

Be safe.

Carver walks out of his childhood home, not knowing what was in store for him one day away, at War Games 2 or if he would ever return to that home.

Show Open:

Bobby, we are starting off the biggest show in the history of this company, and already you’ve shown that you’re going to bring you’re very best going into this war of brothers. I’ve never thought you were talented at all, but this week you showed potential, and you showed that you wont be satisfied with that #20 position anymore!

Following this loss to me at War Games, I truly hope you try your best every week from this week on, because than I’ll actually be able to admit to people that you’re my brother, without being embarrassed. Bobby, don’t you think it’s time you worked for something more?

Don’t you want to be great Bobby? I mean it’s clearly in our DNA, win, lose or draw we put on a great match that’s entertaining right? Of course, or else NLWF would have fired you a long time ago!

Let’s see what you do at War Games Bobby, let’s see if Big bro, can outshine little bro!

I hope you find a way to beat me, that would be inspiring to me, but I doubt you have it in you.

Desperation Chuck?:

Well, I’ve shit all over him nonstop this week, with no kind of response because he’s waiting for the very last second like a coward. This could mean one of two things. He’s realized defeat, and has given up. Or he’s realized I’ve scouted him so well, that he’ll do something unbelievably desperate, like have his daughter help him out.


All I can do is wait now, War Games Is around the corner, and I’ve already outshined them all!

Carver Ocean
Carver Ocean
Proving Ground
Proving Ground

Birthday : 1988-10-16
Age : 35
Zodiac : Libra
Chinese Zodiac : Dragon
Location Location : Van Following NLWF
Number of posts : 19

No Limit Wrestling Federation Info
NLWF Record: 01-02-00
No Limit Wrestling Federation Net Worth: $26,000
No Limit Wrestling Federation Popularity:
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